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Everything posted by genoandkiddo

  1. Agree, it cost our dinky town alot of money just to print a weekly paper for our town, I couldn't even begin to imagine what it would cost for a major company. Also they can't do a fake ad for that would be false advertisement and the company could be fined alot of money. It wouldn't be worth it.
  2. genoandkiddo


    Oh my goodness, those are the ones that my sil got hit in the head with:fryingpan . I think I bought four of them. I might even still have one of them somewhere. The ad did not come in the Thanksgiving paper Last year. I had to go on line to look at it. It was the worse ad they have ever had. I went to menard's for one thing last year and that was it. Usually I have a long list.
  3. It all depends on whether they give me the cash. I did last year for my mom, but it was really little stuff.
  4. I think the sales aren't as good as BF, plus you don't really get great deals. If you wait a few weeks you can get rolls of wrapping paper for .25.
  5. Same here, it's like having chocolate for the very first time. Even though we know what is going to be in the ad, you still get a sense of WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! IT'S TOMORROW!!!
  6. I have been known to go. But for me it all depends on what they got. I live 70 miles away from anything and this year it will take alot to get me to go out, especially with the gas prices. Plus hubby has the entire weekend off. That has never happened before.
  7. Usually the ad scans are "what you see, that's what you get". But I do remember Target putting out a fake ad several years ago. Alot of people were very upset.
  8. I can't remember which store it was, but they handed out coffee, HC or Hot Cider. I think it might have been Target. Can't remember.
  9. I have a few sites bookmarked as well. But this is THE ONLY site that comes out with the ads first and THE ONLY site that gives you the most information. Infact I was on one of the other sites last night and they have posted gottadeals Walmart ad. I think it is funny.
  10. Cabbage Patch babies for 10.00
  11. I think that is probably the best price you are going to get, even with the shipping (Don't forget gas prices) might be worth it. My middle daughter was a big tt fan and when they first came out we bought her one without VHS or DVD and they were 24.00. So I would go ahead and get it.
  12. A few BF's ago my Target opened at 5am along with Kmart. I was so mad because they had a student desk for 13.00 and I wanted to get one well I went to kmart first and missed out on that good price. (Didn't know Target would ever open that early)
  13. It sounds like I might be the only one who thought the ads were great. There are several things that I would like to get at walmart, just based on their BF ads. Just remember we still have kmart, target and Toys R us to come out yet.
  14. At ten dollars, I could have bought 9 for the price I paid for three last year. I think I will buy 3 or four this year. Just because they are so cheap. Heck I might even buy five and hold one for somebody's birthday.
  15. Well they weren't on sale last year, but I would think they would be this year. Well I hope so, cause I want one. My girls all got one last year from santa, I have mine from the 80's but I want a newer one.
  16. Ross I have told you before take some of my snow. PLEAAAASSEEE. I already got some. And that was the first of Oct, it was so bad that we were without Power for five hours. What get's me in the mood for chirstmas is buying gifts that are totally awesome and then teasing whomever about them.
  17. I have regifted a few times. I don't think it is wrong. Especially if you had a sil like mine. She tries really she tries, but sometimes, I think she is off her rocker.
  18. I have been known to. But last year they did something that I hope they don't do this year and that was starting in October they have one day only sales. Now don't get me wrong some of them I will go for but I live 70 miles away from anything and with the gas prices I just don't think I can. For sure on BF though.
  19. Which one's were they elena? I got the Christmas ones. Yes they are very good quality.
  20. Have you ever found a really good deal and debated whether or not to get one or two? (Store permitting, I am not talking the Limit ones) I did last year when Kmart had there Bratz for 6.00. I only bought one but am kicking myself in the butt now for not getting four or five. Those would have made great b-day gift for girls in my childrens classes. I did buy some shirts for Family members like that. The flannel shirts at Walmart.
  21. Target would be the place if you are looking for crockpot or cooking appliances, also they have had nice dinnerware sets at really cheap prices. But if you are talking like a coffee pot or can opener, then That would be walmart. Really those are the ony two, Sears has a few things but I not like Target. One year at Target on BF I bought an entire Chirstmas Dinnerware set for 30.00. Service for 12. I hope this year they will have there gold plates so I can get some.
  22. Did Somebody Say Clearance?
  23. I voted Tuesday no tv shows that Day. Course Saturday will work as well.
  24. I bought one of mine for 149.99 and the other (DVD recorder) 229.99. That is a really good deal.
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