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Everything posted by genoandkiddo

  1. Did anyone see those prelit trees for 30. Wow just in time to buy a new one. I was going to wait until the day after but mmmmm me likes.
  2. I really hate to tell Wally world this but none of that stuff is what little girls or little boys want. Raise your hands if you have a DD who wants those HSM dolls. Yeah, mine too and believe me when I tell you they are selling out. Especially the ones at Target. Good thing I bought mine from Ebay. I am pretty sure santa going to be bringing alot of HSM stuff and oh yes some Chetahlious stuff too.
  3. genoandkiddo


    I too love Menard's but I hate the lines to check out. Last year we went to Denny's to have coffee and wait for Menard's to open. When it open we still sat there and drank our coffee. We waited about 20 mins to go in and went around the entire store. Our plan back fired when we had to wait in line for well over an hour just to check out. I doubt they will have good deals this year. They seem to go every other year. But alas I need more candles. So I think Menard's, this year will be my last stop.
  4. You know it is funny you bring that up. In light of the "legal action", I myself was pondering the semi-same question. Last year Wal-mart's ad was posted early, almost three weeks early. They had some awesome deals. But the year before they only had a few good things and they threatened legal action. It does make you wonder if hmmmmm is it going to be the same this year or are they going to have super deals and don't want anyone to see them.
  5. My fav part of BF 2006 was when we went to Walmart. We did not have to stand in line and it was warm (I live in North Dakota and usually it is 5 degrees or lower). The safety patrol was directing people to where the sales were. It was great. I really can't wait for this year. Plus with Walmart we could walk around and really check out the sales and we were out of there quicker than Menard's.
  6. How warm is it in Bismarck? It is pretty warm up here 55. It will be awesome this year not freezinyg my behind off standing in line at Menard's
  7. Scan it please!!!!! Some of us don't get the ad early and the only one on line is not the BF ad it is for the week.
  8. I will be shopping in Minot, but I don't know, I hope Menard's ad is worth while, cuz these ads so far are not very appealing. I hope for snow on Thanksgiving, but the way the weather was last year, I think we had our winter. MENARD's WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!
  9. Oh My goodness wasn't it just. I do too, those were great. I went later to Menard's last year because I had other places, but when I got there they still had stuff. I will probably be going to Walmart first, then maybe Menard's, it really depends. I will then head to the mall. HURRY UP MENARD's!!!!
  10. OK Where is Menard's Ad? That's what I want to know. If it doesn't come out here pretty soon I will go nuts!!!
  11. Here's what not to bring a PURSE!!!! Bring fanny pack or something like that to hold all of your stuff. I carry a back pack.
  12. My favorite moment of 2005 was my MIL almost getting in a fight with some rude lady. That was alright.
  13. I think this thread is becoming my tradition. I am wearing my santa hat of course. My christmas sox, one of my christmas sweat shirts and a pair of jeans. I wore my pj bottoms last year, it was really cold. Not doing that again.
  14. YEAH for you. That is along time. Hope you have twenty four more years of BF. I have been going for 13.
  15. It depends on what they have. If they have some more of the blankets for $2.98 or the Lava lamps for $3.99 or the lamps for $4.99 I might go. I didn't go last year because nothing really jumped out at me from the ads.
  16. .79 mcmuffins of course. Doesn't everybody?
  17. Where are you located in North Dakota. Last year wasn't too bad, still cold. In 2004 it was 30 below, I had to jump up and down just to keep my heart beating. This year I am really prepared, have a hat that covers my ears and face.
  18. I didn't go to menards last year because It looked like more candles and stuff like. They have been really good in the past. I hope they will have some great deals this year.
  19. Kroger's is also owned by Smith's!! It really doesn't matter, you can go to any SMITH owned store and and get the card. I was only trying to help.
  20. It is a small gas station in the Midwest, It is owned by Smith's.
  21. Sleep, then go to our parade of lights.
  22. If you have one in your area or a Smith's you can get a gas card for free. Use the card at the pump and get up to .05 off per gallon.
  23. I went yesterday here and I only spent twenty dollars and all three girls have brand new clothes for next year. Ended up getting 4 outfits for each girl, swimsuit for oldest, some shirts for hubby and a few things for me, including flipflops for .49 a pair. It was great.
  24. I was there yesterday and oh my goodness I am so poor now. No We bought alot of school clothes. Did anyone get an in store coupon. I didn't but I heard about an asked but they didn't have them here.
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