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Everything posted by ClosedAcct

  1. Me too! Only I was going to take off on my birthday (Christmas Eve) but since I had it shipped to the office and since it's on its way, guess I'm coming to work! LOL Totally worth it though if it makes it ;D
  2. Supposedly this just shipped. I have a UPS tracking number now but since it just shipped it's not tracking yet. I would be super stoked if it arrives in time. I think I might've panicked for nothing. We shall see.
  3. I tried that and she said she would speak with her supervisor but had no authority to make that change herself. They did however email me a 20% code but of course it can't be used until 12/23 so that doesn't work for getting a replacement Christmas gift. Oh well. This is the only major issue I've had with buying online so I guess lesson learned
  4. Thanks! I called again and got a really nice person who checked on it and said they do have it down as Celtics, they usually send a generic email when something is delayed and since the NBA store is based out of NYC the Knicks are usually the generic insert. So I wonder how many calls they get from people freaking out the team is wrong :) Anyway, she said that 3-5 business days to leave the warehouse is roughly accurate for non-peak times of the year like June and she does agree that there should be information on the page stating that customization takes longer during the holidays. She says I'm not the only one to call and complain about this. She can't say when it will ship but that they are working as fast as they can. So I'm going to let it ride. I'm really excited about it and I know he'll love it so I'll just try and wait. I think I'm most aggravated that it took 12 days and me making contact to learn it was delayed. And I'm further aggravated because he knows about 2 of his gifts and so the plan was to start with the 2 he knows and of the 3 he doesn't build to this one as "the big finish" but now that's just not going to happen, that's why I feel so deflated. HA! And hopefully it gets here in time for him to wear during one of six cold days a year in Fort Worth hahaha....first day of winter today and the high is supposed to hit 80 :) Anyway, thanks for letting me rant. Now I've just gotta wait and see how long it takes. Oh - and for the record, according to the lady this morning - the sweatshirt is made in Pakistan and shipped to China for customization before being shipped to me....so moral of the story, go buy something at the mall and take it to a local shop to have the custom stuff added LOL
  5. I ordered my boyfriend a "Boston Celtics Mens Custom Hooded Fleece Sweatshirt" on Thursday, December 9th. The product page said (and still says) "In stock, leaves warehouse in 3 - 5 full bus. days." I said to myself, great, that's plenty of time. I design it (front, back, both sleeves) and place the order. The order confirmation comes within minutes and says (as does "Track My Order" on the store website) "You can expect to receive your item(s) between 12/17/10 and 12/22/10." I checked it a couple of times between the 9th and 17th. When on the 17th, the first day I could expect to receive it, it still wasn't showing as shipped, I sent an email and was told I would receive a response in 24 hours (not 24 business hours mind you). Yesterday, when I had still not received a reply to the email, I called. I was told "Your expected arrival is the 17th - 22nd. It's only the 20th, no need to panic yet." I told her "I understand that. And I further understand once it's in the shippers hands, it's no longer your responsibility. However, I am trying to find out if "Track My Order" is accurate and that my item hasn't shipped. Can you tell if it has even been put in the shippers hands yet??" She checks and says no it hasn't, she'll send an email to the warehouse and if there is a problem, they'll contact me.....Okay great, my mind is relieved a little bit. Late last night I finally received a response to my email inquiry that stated in part: "We are very sorry that the Boston Celtics Men's Hooded Fleece Sweatshirt you ordered has yet to ship. Unfortunately, at this late date we cannot guarantee arrival before Christmas. It also appears that there may have been some miscommunication regarding the estimated delivery date at the time your order was confirmed. Customized items such as yours do require special handling and therefore additional time before they ship. Had you chosen to "Leave it Blank", you could have expected that the item would ship within 3 - 5 full business days." I am furious at this point!!! 1) Note she does not have the word "Custom" in her product title; 2) If I had chosen "Leave it Blank" I would've been ordering a BLANK HOODIE!!! I could've gone to Target for that!!!; and 3) the product page says "CUSTOM," therefore it should state on the page 3-5 business days IF YOU ORDER BLANK and X-X business days IF YOU ORDER CUSTOM. There is nothing stating it will take longer if you customize it. Am I crazy to assume that on a page for a CUSTOM item that the estimated ship time is for the CUSTOM item? No I am not crazy. I did not "miscommunicate." I have a Masters in Communication. I do not miscommunicate. Your page is in accurate and misleading. That is not miscommunication. That is AN ERROR. So needless to say I go to bed FURIOUS with the intent to respond to "Anna S." this morning and tell her that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Then I wake up this morning to find an email stating in part: "Thank you for placing your recent order with us. We wanted to inform you that there is a delay in fulfilling the item listed below in your order. Please accept our apologies for this delay. At this time we do not have a ship date for the item. If you choose to wait for the item to ship, you do not need to contact us, and we will continue to process and ship your order as soon as we can. Please note, your credit card will not be charged for the item until the order is shipped. If you would like us to cancel your order, please call our Customer Service department at (1-866-SHO-PNBA), and we will be happy to promptly provide you with a full refund...................If the item(s) is not shipped by 01/21/2011 the item will be automatically cancelled and your credit card will not be charged, and/or your money will be refunded." WHAT THE HECK???? It took you 12 days to tell me my order has a problem?? And now it might not ship until 1/21/2011?? Not to mention, the item listed in this email as being delayed says "NEW YORK KNICKS Mens Custom Hooded Fleece Sweatshirt." I am a very patient person and I know some of you are going to say "it's the holidays, these things happen" but I would argue that the holidays come ever year and the retailer should prepare IN ADVANCE by stocking up on items and staff. This was the big gift he doesn't know about and I was really excited about this....but now....let's just say George Bailey has left me and Scrooge has just arrived. I feel totally deflated over this. So this is the question: call/email and argue (especially since the email has the wrong team listed)? Wait it out? Cancel it and order something else and cross my fingers? Go to the mall and "see what I can find"?
  6. Erg! It's out of stock on Amazon as well. I found these on ebay, the first one is close to the Kryptonite one and they're brand new: http://cgi.ebay.com/2-Miami-Dolphins-16oz-Thermo-Car-Mug-/290351213485?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item439a47ebad http://cgi.ebay.com/NFL-20-oz-Travel-Mug-Miami-Dolphins-NEW-/310179832495?pt=US_Football_Fan_Shop&hash=item483828a2af
  7. What about these? :) http://www.walmart.com/ip/Miami-Dolphins-Travel-Mug/15581239?sourceid=1500000000000003260410&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=15581239 http://www.fansedge.com/Miami-Dolphins-Travel-Mug-_-947420947_PD.html?froogle=47-14011 http://www.sportsauthority.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4207254&cp=716624.2237624.4251006&view=all&parentPage=family http://www.carrollscove.com/30891082.html http://kryptonitekollectibles.net/Plastic-Travel-Mug-Miami-Dolphins/M/B000G6276I.htm?traffic_src=froogle&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=froogle
  8. All of these say they are dishwasher and microwave safe. Good luck! http://www.fanzz.com/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Black_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Primary_Logo/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Black_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Primary_Logo__shop-24308_DOLPHINS.html http://www.fanzz.com/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Black_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Primary_and_Helmet_Logo/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Black_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Primary_and_Helmet_Logo__shop-24378_DOLPHINS.html http://www.fanzz.com/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Gameball_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Primary_Logo/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Gameball_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Primary_Logo__shop-24213_DOLPHINS.html http://www.fanzz.com/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Gameball_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Helmet_Logo/Miami_Dolphins_2pc_Gameball_Ceramic_Mug_Set_Helmet_Logo__shop-24226_DOLPHINS.html
  9. Oh - and my favorite thing is the hoodie which of course isn't here
  10. I got my mom an iPod dock with radio/alarm clock. She always misses my calls because she has her headphones in :) AND during baseball playoffs I was astounded to learn she didn't have a radio and didn't know how to listen live over the internet so, 2 problems solved with one gift. I got a really good deal before BF on this. My brother and sister-in-law are stationed overseas and I don't like to send expensive gifts that far (we've had trouble) so they each got one of those funky winter hats with the fur on the font and the long things that hang down on each side (don't know what on earth those hats are called) a few BF $2 DVDs, some instant apple cider (SIL LOVES this) and a ton of cookies that I'm baking right now, yes their package will be late haha :) I got my best friend a new make up bag she wanted and I blew up one of my nature photographs that she loves (amateur photobug here) and framed it for her. For my grandparents, aunts/uncles, and married cousins I made Scrabble boards with all our names on them intersecting, like a real Scrabble game. I glued all the letters on and bought easels for display. The grandparents ones are bigger with the last name in red blocks with all their kids/grand-kids/spouses names on in regular wood. The aunts/uncles/married cousins boards are smaller with just their immediate family first names on them. For my 17 y/o cousin I got fingertip-less gloves and a Half Priced Books gift card. And finally, the BF, the one I spend the most on LOL -- he's getting (his big gift) an iPod classic (he needs/wants tons of space), the same iPod dock I bought mom, a set of 4 Bob Marley pint glasses, a rolling duffel bag, and a custom designed Celtics hoodie (if it will ever ship from the NBA store)! And of course some family traditions in the stockings. And my neighbors are about to get homemade cookies when this last batch kicks out of the oven! I don't think I nagged anything good as far as deals go this year except maybe the iPod docks. Nothing I needed was on sale HA!
  11. Not sure if there is a Tom Thumb near you but last night in Arlington, TX they had a 4 pack of $10 gift cards for $34.
  12. You are awesome!!!! I just printed mine from my reward zone account. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. A hangover!!! Hahaha just kidding....but it has happened before (my birthday is Christmas Eve). Hashbrown Casserole, bacon, and eggs over medium with coffee or chocolate milk or both!!
  14. Dang! I think I deleted it without reading it.
  15. This is not what you asked for but (i'm still searching) it's what I could find at the moment.... http://www.etsy.com/listing/55827398/girls-personalized-fire-truck-birthday http://www.babybeddingtown.com/american-retro-1929-pink-jalopy.html?cpid=GDF100&prod=AR-1929PJAL&utm_source=google&utm_medium=datafeed&utm_campaign=GoogleBase&utm_content=AR-1929PJAL
  16. Have you tried looking on one of those "as seen on tv" websites if you can only order it online or by phone?
  17. I went with the 7pc from JC Penney. I know everyone says get just one piece but he really does use all of them. He likes to have smaller ones for 1 & 2 day trips and bigger ones for longer trips. And he needs a new duffle for his referee stuff so a multi-piece set covers more bases for him. Thanks for all the advice!!!
  18. I don't know which forum is appropriate to post this so I'm going with holiday discussion :) I am desperately looking for a checklist of all the "It's a Wonderful Life" Christmas Village Target distributed in the mid-90s. We collected these growing up and after my parents divorce earlier this year, I begged for the set and they let me have it. So I have a lot of the pieces (a lot a lot) but I wanted to complete the set and I just can't find a darn check list anywhere! I'm hoping someone knows where i can find one. I'm not trying to complete it this year or anything, I just want to know where I stand, 40% 65% or whatever. Thank you VERY much for any help!!!!!! (And if I'm in the wrong place, please move me Admin )
  19. I need help decided on a new luggage set for my boyfriend. I've read what reviews were available on these product links but I prefer the opinions of the good people of GD :) My boyfriend is a semi-frequent business traveler and he has only ever had hand-me-down luggage (right now he's on purple from his sister). I don't really know luggage brands and I don't travel that much so I don't really know. Any input on the following is greatly appreciated!! http://www.walmart.com/ip/American-Tourister-4pc-Luggage-Set-Navy/14957032 http://www.walmart.com/ip/American-Tourister-5pc-Luggage-Set-Black/14957033 http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=15fd255&CF=Black&submit%20search.y=0&Ntt=luggage&SearchString=luggage&Ne=840+4+877+878+5+961+6+29+3+598+11+15+12+506+10+23+585+596+1031+8+18+904+903+969+949+833&hdnOnGo=true&SO=1&submit%20search.x=0&Nao=0&N=4294959029+4294967087+4294965111+4294949520&SelDim=4~+5~+1031~&PSO=1&CmCatId=searchresults http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/luggagebackpacks/luggagesets/PRD~487246/Prodigy+Hudson+5pc+Luggage+Set.jsp http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/luggagebackpacks/luggagesets/PRD~481493/Stanton+Madison+3pc+Luggage+Set.jsp
  20. I can't find them online but last night when I was at Walmart they had this little Treasure Chests with all kinds of dress up clothes....they had a Disney Princesses one, a Disney Fairies one, and I even think a Toy Story one for boys....there were several but I just glanced at them since I had no need....I want to say they were $35 but they were so cute in these little chests. After googling, I found a reference to them having existed at Big Lots for $25.... http://fireflyblog.org/big-lots-deals/
  21. 1- Christmas Vacation 2- Christmas Story 3- Elf 4- It's a Wonderful Life
  22. Thank you. They don't have it in store and it's out of stock online but last night I stopped by another Walmart to see if I could find one and of course the shelf space for it was empty but I decided to wander around and check the whole toy section AND the price scanner near the toy section and low and behold, someone must not have liked the price because there one sat! I was so excited I started jumping up and down :) So it has been purchased and dropped off at my complex's office for the little girl in my neighborhood who only wanted that for Christmas! :)
  23. Hopefully I can find one because the deadline to turn stuff in is Saturday (they didn't do a very good job advertising this in my complex so I'm behind on this). I don't wanna chance shipping so here's to seeing if I can find one before weeks end!
  24. Oh maybe so! Thanks, I can work with that :)
  25. Anyone know what a "Mickey Mouse Alive" is? Another kid in my complex angel tree has that listed as the toy he wants. I googled but can't figure out what it is. He is a 3 year old if that helps anyone tell me what he/his mom may be talking about?? Thanks!
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