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Everything posted by ClosedAcct

  1. THANK YOU! I thought I was losing my mind :)
  2. Does anyone know what this kind of jar is called and where I can find one? I'd like to get one or two for my kitchen. Thanks for any direction!
  3. That's what I told her. She's just very particular about where she buys from and she is not an onliner no matter how hard we try. She just decided to go get one from Best Buy but thanks for your help.
  4. Anyone seen a good price on a iPod classic? Target has them on sale for $228.99 and my mother is wanting one and is too uncomfortable to use eBay. She wants black or silver. Thanks.
  5. I buy phones on ebay quite regularly and have pretty much always had good luck. Other than there, I have no other ideas.
  6. The coats were picked over at my JCP which bites because I could use one. I did however score a $55 pair of American Living loafers for $.13.76, 2 $50 Izod sweaters for $12.74 each, and a $46 purse for $11.21...with the extra 40% off clearance and my 15% off coupon, I paid just $54.49 and my receipt says I saved $150.55! I guess I didn't need a coat that badly after all! :)
  7. The bundle adds a wall charger to your package which I have and find to be handy on vacation, at work, etc.
  8. Best Buy has a bundle deal available online only today and tomorrow http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat200300050000&type=category
  9. Best Buy has a bundle deal available online only today and tomorrow: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat200300050001&type=category
  10. Also, Wal-Mart has the 8gb touch on sale for $183.99 http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=12510109 And the 8gb nano on sale (other colors are also on sale) for $133.99 http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=12510093
  11. I just got the new 5th generation nano 8gb for my birthday (last week) which was an upgrade from the 2nd generation nano 4gb and I have to say I absolutely love it!! I bought my bf the 8gb touch for Christmas because he likes all the apps and the wifi on it and all that but if your DH doesn't need that, the nano is perfect, like I said, I absolutely love it and I've had it 5 days.
  12. Mine wasn't from Amazon, it was Victoria's Secret. It was delivered yesterday to my office but I was already out of town so no new dress for birthday dinner...oh well. Hope everyone's stuff arrives, mine was just for me so I can wait!
  13. Good to know I'm not alone. And thanks for the birthday wishes.
  14. The package was shipped to my office, I even put the business name on the address so as to indicate it is a business. I never ship packages to my apartment because they seem to be "misplaced" by my office on a regular basis so I always ship anything that won't fit in a tiny mail box to my office. Oh well, at this point as long as it shows up I'll be happy, I'm just aggravated by this whole process AND by the fact that each shipment from the same merchant comes a different method. I like consistency and standardization. Oh well. Merry Christmas!!!
  15. Does anyone understand the purpose of UPS Mail Innovations? If someone ships an item via that method, UPS ships it to the postal service and the postal service delivers the package. That doesn't even seem logical, smart, efficient, etc.... I am so frustrated with this process....the place I ordered from shipped my first order USPS, my second order UPS, and my third order UPS Mail Innovations. The first 2 orders arrived in 3-5 days and the 3rd order shows as shipped on the 13th via UPS, accepted by USPS on the 15th and it's the 21st and I have yet to see my package. Ordinarily I wouldn't care but my birthday is Thursday and I ordered a very sexy dress to wear to dinner and we leave in the morning and my package didn't come today. STUPID UPS MAIL INNOVATIONS. ERG!!! Happy Birthday to me. Oh well. Watch it come tomorrow.
  16. Okay i didn't post the link directly to the socks but search for them as there are some that are $7.96 a pair.
  17. I don't know how quick you can get them but I found these: http://www.sierratradingpost.com/Product.aspx?baseno=11584&plp=SmartWool_Merino_Cushioned_Travel_Socks_-_For_Men&utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=PaidShopping&utm_term=SmartWool_Merino_Cushioned_Travel_Socks_-_For_Men&utm_campaign=PCGOOGLEBASE9&codesProcessed=true
  18. NO no you're fine, trust me, I nearly broke the phone in my office over something much less significant than that. You have every right to be frustrated and please vent here!!! :)
  19. Gotcha, I didn't know they route through CA also. And I know what you mean about letting off steam, was just trying to help ease your pain! :)
  20. I understand your frustration with it being on the truck for delivery but was not delivered because it wasn't due, this has happened to me twice with UPS. As far as your package headed to Memphis,almost all FedEx packages are routed through Memphis as that is their main sort facility. Even the postal service does this. To mail a letter to my neighbor next door, the letter has to go from my mailbox to the town post office to the sort facility in downtown Dallas back to the town post office and back to my neighbor, a 70 mile round trip. Perhaps your delivery person was new or something but I have never once had a problem with FedEx, I swear by them. Just my opinion. And like I said, I do understand your frustration with the item being on the truck and taken back. I hope your day gets better!
  21. At the post office, in the new movers pack there is a 10% off Lowe's coupon.
  22. Thank you, that's exactly what I was trying to figure out besides dumping everything into the bag and trying to sort!
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