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Everything posted by ClosedAcct

  1. Anyone know of any good deals on "Absolutely Irresistible Givenchy" perfume? Or any coupons for Sephora or Ulta that CAN be used on perfume? Thanks!!
  2. Thanks! I hope he does too, we shall see....and I love the sweaters with the hoods, I need some more but I'm trying to wait for what I think is a gift card from my mom! And I hate when I leave stuff in the basket and when I get back to it it's gone...that irks me.
  3. I ordered some flannel pjs a few weeks back when you got matching slippers for free (which I love by the way) but today I ordered this dress for my upcoming birthday! http://www2.victoriassecret.com/images/prodpri2/V269256_093.jpg With free shipping, discount, and my reward, it was $37.13 when all is said and done!
  4. Oh am I so about some Whataburger. Thank you for this!!
  5. Ah....I did not realize that! The only non-cardholder code I knew of expired yesterday. I will keep my eyes open for one though.
  6. As I clearly do not want to work today, I have searched, tested, and complied a list of codes that work as of within the last hour. They do not all work together but I'm 80% sure you can get a discount and a shipping code to work together, I've just tried so many variations I can't remember what works with what. Here is what I've found to work (included those listed in my previous post): FA919801 – Free shipping $50+ FA919549 – Free shipping $100+ 100FREE – Free shipping $100+ FA919981 – Free Shipping $100+ and 2nd Day Express Delivery FA919289 – 25% off single item 30OFF175 - $30 off purchase of $175+ FA919369 - 4-Tier Coupon $15 Off $100, $30 Off $150, $75 Off $250, $150 Off $500 FA919825 – 15% off $100+ for Canada Happy Shopping!!!
  7. Okay I just tried my $10 reward, with this 25% of single item code (FA918289), and with this free ship code for $50+ (FA919801) and they all worked together. I also went back added another item to make it over $100 and the reward, and 25% off code both worked with this free ship code for $100+ (FA919549). Hope that helps everyone out!
  8. I bought what I needed a code for from another place so I don't need a code any more but thanks!
  9. Anyone have a $ or % off purchase of $50 coupon/code or know where I can find one? Thanks!
  10. I know you said 84 inches but these are 82....I thought I'd at least share in case 2 inches isn't a huge ordeal: http://www.touchofclass.com/product/w682-001.do?code=CMF08 However, I just found these that are 84 inches: http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?catnum=TD732-2154Q&action=Edit&ItemSeq=0&EditRefPage=http%3a%2f%2fwww4.jcpenney.com%2fjcp%2fbag.aspx&cmBagLookup=True&ts=129047783020510336&CmCatId=bag And there is a $10 off discount at JCP right now (NICE4U) -- (I have a 15% off code that expires tomorrow which makes it $12 off) -- or they have free shipping over $25 right now. Neither gets you under $80 with shipping and tax but they get you under $80 for the product itself.
  11. Wow, how I missed that I have no idea! I must've been moving too fast because I know I've been on their site at least twice. Thanks!
  12. Thanks, I have been searching like crazy every thing I can think of and I've got nothing at this point. He may just have to settle for something else :)
  13. Any chance portable dvd players will go on sale next week? My father waits until the Saturday after Black Friday to say he wants one and now I'm having a heck of a time finding one under $50, which is all I can afford at the moment. I have searched high and low for the last week and a half and have found nothing that I can get below $50 with coupons etc. So, what are the odds I'll have some luck next week or should I start trying to come up with another idea. Thanks!
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