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Everything posted by lindabacker

  1. Ok I got 3 pf the photokins this morning - cow, frog and dog. They had the penguin but I didnt like him cause of the color of his beak - looked greenish. Forgot my coupons at home after just printing out 20 of them this morning, UGH! Oh well they were the last ones and didnt want to risk leaving them there. Got a couple of thermos brand SS coffee mugs for 2.98, bead craft kit for DD for 2.98. Not a bad day
  2. Good finds - I grabbed 2 of the Transformers Tattoo kits this morning but they had no projectors and the sketch kits were not clearanced out at all - I even scanned it.
  3. Can someone please give me more info on the Dirt Devil broom vac people are finding on clearance.
  4. I finally found my first Minute Maid! LOL It only took me 2 years of looking and then traveling 2 states away on a weekend trip and going to 2 different Targets and I only found one but let me tell you I was so happy! My daughter was like what are you smiling about? I told her I would explain after we got out of the store, LOL very hush hush, hahaha
  5. Ok it is a sickness. Leaving to go to Charlestn SC in the morning and what do i do???? I go to target.com and map out all the targets along my route. Maybe I need a therapy other than retail therapy??? LOL Everyone have a great weekend!
  6. Ok - it is official - I am a complete clutz! I got the best deal today and blew it! I was scanning the store for more markdowns and came across on an endcap two of the global bazzar lamps that I had not seen before - two of the same one and our store was salvaged a week ago so I guess they were a return. They were marked 59.99 each so I did the math and knew that 75% off would be 14.99. So off I go to check out with my cart full of all the 75% off stuff I found in there today I wanted and waited till last to put the lamps up there to check out. Of course they ring up not on file so I tell her they were clearanced ot at 75% off so she says how does 12 sound? I said sounds great so she rings them up and I pay and start putting all the bags in my cart. Well i knocked one of the lamps off onto the floor! Smashed in a million pieces. I wanted to cry. One of the mark down team guys was there ( the one who asks me every day when he sees me if I am leaving anything for anyone else to purchase) he says lets go to Customer service and get you a refund on that. I was so upset I said maybe I can glue it back together! LOL, He said Sweetie, I heard it smash, there is no chance at all of that. He was really sweet an sympathetic and helpfull bt I just felt so horrible about breaking my good find. Oh well at least I got one lamp for the guest room.
  7. 284.00 - sorry here is the link and pic http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item=351692&pCatg=4418 http://graphics.samsclub.com/images/products/0007825756967_LG.jpg
  8. Honestly the best deal I have seen is at Sams Club. I think it was 269 or around that for the 16' by 48" deep round pool I think by intex but not the blow up one. This is the one with the PVC pipe frame. I like that better than the blow up top ring type we have had before.
  9. The sponge bob ones are adorable - we got them and the Disney Cars ones for DS's room and I love the SB ones. He has a mixture of Spongebob, Disney Cars and Sports for his room theme.
  10. LOL I got the last 3 sets my target had but since my daughter isnt into disney princesses anymore we put horse face stickers over all the princesses so now they are pink heart lights with horse faces - too cute.
  11. Sorry, I dont know of any good deals now, I caught the dvd/lcd under cabinet one on clearance at Target in January for 50% off. I would scan Sunday's sales adds though, this is usually the time of year - after superbowl that tv's go on clearance in most stores.
  12. Thanks for the clarification, I didnt notice the girl one was different colors cause my store never had any of the old girl style ones on clearance, only the boy ones. Thanks!
  13. Unfortunately you are probably seeing the new ones they have. They look exactly like the ones clearanced out but the box size is slightly different and they are full price, 59.99. Apparently the packaging changed and they clearanced out the old ones. My store had both last night and although they looked to be the same thing, the UPC and DCPI numbers are totally different. My store actually reshopped the area the clearance ones were in at 50% off, put the new ones where the old ones were, at full price of course, then 2 days later brought out the older clearanced ones and put them on an endcap in the center aisle directly across from the aisle the new ones were stocked in.
  14. Well they put the storage bins back out on the floor this evening so I scored two of those since they finally marked them down to 75% off. Only boy ones available and since I already bought the Cars ones for DS's room these are going in DD's room. Oh well she is ok with primary colors. I have now managed to buy over 3 carts overfilled with stuff in the last two days at Target - all 75% off and all stuff I needed since I am redecorating. Did get the large GB clock this morning that was 99.99 for 24.98 but it was broke. I went to a craft store and bought a new clockworks for it so still a good deal for less than 30
  15. Well I didnt get the storage bins but did score 2 of the lightning McQueen Cars toy storage bins for 9.98 each. Also got the pink Camo bed in a bag set for 12.98(twin) matching lamp for 6, some throw pillows for 75% off and some pillow cases for 2.98. Not a bad day. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51TZW9DZH8L._SS260_.jpg
  16. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/412qRENaZTL._SS260_.jpgGRRRR went this morning . They are reshopping the area with the cube storage bin things but they were still only at50% so I passed. Maybe I will check back later - they had about 10 left, and the employees didnt think it was going 75% today they tried the scanner thing and searching price but it was only 50. Oh well. Did find 2 of the 3 wall cube sets with the heart cutout on back. MArked 14.98 scanned 5.14 so I got the 2 they had. Weird, they had another set without the heart cutout that I would have got for DS room but it was scanning 14.98 edited to add pic of wall shelf cubes
  17. Dollar spot red dot was 75% off here today All valentine's day stuff was 75% off here today as well. GB was 50% as per the ad
  18. this morning they were marking all the clearance photo frames 75% off including those wall ledge shelf things I wanted so i got those for 4.98. Travel alarm clocks 1.98, silver wall clock 4.98, sponge bob alarm clock 2.98, poster frames large size 3.98, also the floor lamps and lamp shades went to 75% off also.
  19. only find today was a 4 pack of chocolate oranges for 2.24, red tagged - as is
  20. anyone know if those wood wall shelves they have on clearance would be housewares or domestics catagory?????
  21. Too funny - first time I ever saw Suffolk on here. I lived there for 10 years until I moved to FL a year ago.
  22. Congrats - that was the only pack and play i found at 5 diff targets today and it was still full price! GRRRRRR
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