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Everything posted by lindabacker

  1. Good luck! I just sent my hubby out into the cold. Good thing he loves me! LOL
  2. turkey ham chicken and dumplings pineapple cheese rolls sausage balls chicken salad finger sandwiches dressing mashed potatoes and gravy macaroni and cheese zuchinni casserole collards peas and butterbeans candied yams crescent rolls pumpkin pies boston cream pie carrot cake 13 people total and I have to turn around and cook it all over again for Christmas.
  3. Ok got a second paper delivered and I still didnt get the ads I wanted. This time the lady at the newspaper office said those stores did not distribute to my area. What kind of crap is that?
  4. Ok i called the newspaper and they are bringing me a new paper. I told the guy on the phone that I didnt blame him because he didnt pack them but whoever did was asking for trouble today! Hopefully the redelivery paper will have all my ads in it.
  5. I didnt get half the ads I should have so I called them and they are going to send me another paper. Of all the nerve not delivering all the ads for Black friday! I was so mad!
  6. Up cooking at 5 am so went outside to grab my ads, er I mean paper. I didnt not get the ads for Kmart, Office Depot, Kohls, Kmart or Toys R Us!!!! I am going to call them and complain! I am so mad. Luckily I had this site and already knew all the sales, but it's the principal of the thing!
  7. mine is open on thanksgiving. they only close on Christmas day.
  8. I plan on taking my son's stroller so I will have a place to sit while waiting in line for the store to open, then I will use it to cart around my stuff.
  9. the only thing I see it the KB ad i want is the Thomas the train set. really good deal at 24 considering reg price if 59.
  10. Ok I really want to do CC instead of BB for the laptop, however if they are not doing tickets like BB is, I will go to BB, since I do not want to deal with a free for all after standing in line for 5 hours.
  11. Ours in Virginia is a 24 hour store and they are always open on Thanksgiving, but alas - no major sale that day.
  12. I'll admit it..... I WILL BE BUYING AND WEARING DEPENDS! I'm not giving up my place in line for nothing. Remember - trust no one! LOL
  13. just called one of the local best buy's and was told they would be using the ticket system for "certain" doorbusters. looks like I will be camping out.
  14. I cant say that I am thrilled with this ad this year. I guess I was just expecting more based on non military store sales this year. Oh well, it is a good price on the IPOD. Thanks Brad for all the effort and hard work you put into this site!
  15. Now I need to go buy a chair or just take one of the plastic patio ones I have and if someone takes it, who cares? LOL My husband just came up with a great idea. Since we have a 3 year old that we will have with us, he said he would take the first shift from midnight to 4 and I could show up with sleeping son and we could switch places and he could come home and sleep while I finish out that last hour. Sounds like a plan to me.
  16. old navy jeans! I just lost 118 pounds and my clothes are falling off me!!! :yay:
  17. It was on here in Virginia last night on the 11 oclock news.
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