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Everything posted by momof3luvs1

  1. I have sooooo many! But, I make it a tradition to watch the Polar Express with my kids every Christmas eve and I still get teary eyed every time. It reminds me so much of the magic and spirit of Christmas in my kids eyes and it makes me the happiest I am all year =)
  2. There is a difference between a job that you know you will be working those types of hours. My dh used to be a chef but changed careers due to hours on weekends/holidays. You know what you are signing up for. Working retail was never assumed that you would be working holidays. A nurse is a necessity to have 24/7 and I thank you for doing that career but a retail store being open 24/7 is not something that is needed..just something that our greed is asking for....
  3. I've said it a million times on here, I hate it! I feel terrible for the employees that do not have a choice. Just because we CAN do something, does not mean we SHOULD do something. I can't think of one thing in this world that is more important than spending time with my family. I know a lot of people don't mind it because it fits their schedule but my issue is that it is a national holiday and just because someone might not celebrate in the same way as others then it does not make it right to make employees have no choice. Online shopping can be for those who have free time during that day. Allow everyone to enjoy their holiday , then let the sale shopping begin. Whether it starts at 8pm or 5am Friday , it is the SAME sale! Each year it gets earlier, first it was midnight, then 10 pm, now 8pm, next year it will be 6pm, then the following year 4pm, before you know it they will be opening Thanksgiving day at noon. It is a VERY slippery slope and everyone keeps buying into it....Very sad.... I will be going out at my normal time and Im sure I will still get almost everything I wanted. Last year I shopped online and didnt go out until 5 am Friday morning and I still got everything I wanted accept for a few small things...
  4. Stockings are a big deal in this house. We never did them as a kid but my dh's family always did so we started doing it here as well and now it is the most awaited thing in the house..lol. It is always full of different things...but some things I usually put in there are - gift cards - wallets - jewelry - toy cars -candy -perfume -bbw stuff -lottery scratch offs - and other odds n ends
  5. I usually dont go to macys until much later in the day but saw a few things I would like for Christmas for me...lol! Some of their doorbusters are really good deals...
  6. Lol, a ride on fire truck children's toy =) The toys that toddlers can ride on before they are big enough for bikes...
  7. I have gotten so many through the years...some of my faves have been A ride on fire truck usually 50 bf price was 10.00 A dual dvd player for 88.00 ( which is standard deal now) but 5 years ago was a killer deal Kota the dinosaur was 300, bf price 99.00 down comforter at kmart for 20.00 And believe it or not the 3.00 chopper at walmart. I have two of them and they work better then my ninja!
  8. I liked JCP sales last year and it was the first year I shopped there specifically because they were one of the few companies opening on Black Friday....What I just dont get about these early openings is the numbers come out each year...are any of them actually doing better because of them? When I worked kb toys it was insane from 5 am opening until about 2pm after that it was only stragglers.....nowadays from what Ive seen and heard is that it is crazy from opening and after a few hours and then there are stragglers..so its the same amount of shoppers, just an earlier time. Am I wrong about this? Just interested in others input.....
  9. When I was a kid my favorites were -paper dolls -colorforms -barbie -anything to do with Jem -my little pony, rainbow brite, care bears -cabbage patch dolls
  10. That was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!
  11. A million things as always =) but my most important are : - an ipod with gift card deal - my oldest has a crazy long list of dvds so good deals on those ( like 10 dvds at 20 .00 a piece just isnt happening) - Just about the entire Justice store between my two girls (lol) - Good deal on a few toys for my lil man ( Disney cars and Planes)
  12. I first started by working at kbtoys Black Friday weekend when my brother was manager. They always needed extra staff that weekend so he could hire a few people just for that weekend. My friends and I would always do it and it was so much fun back then. After I worked a crazy long day a bunch of us would then shop at the mall for the next few hours. I dd that for about 8 years. Then for the past 8 years I have been bf shopping with my bff's. It really turned into a tradition that I look forward to all year. So I guess I have been at it for about 16 years. So exactly half my life =) As soon as my oldest is old enough to handle it I will bring her with me but that is probably still a few years away...
  13. I feel behind already. At this point I am usually way farther with mostly all of it wrapped..this year not so much!
  14. I think it depends on how involved they are in your child's life. For the classes my kids only see once a week like music, art, computer etc I will usually buy something small from bbw or a holiday tin with cheryls cookies ( something of that nature) However my daughter and son had a WONDERFUL speech teacher that went above and beyond for them over the years and I would spend more on her then their main teacher and buy her a coach bag from the coach outlets. It really shouls just be what you feel comfortable giving. Any token with thought is always appreciated!
  15. I haven't heard any Christmas music last year. I cant wait!!
  16. It usually leaks a week or two before it starts so we should be seeing it very soon!!
  17. I HATE the stores opening early. Last year I just got up at 5am and shopped during the day, between that and online shopping I got almost everything I wanted. This year the bff will not be going away on vacation so I have my bf shopper buddy with me so we plan on sticking our normal shopping times and if we miss the doorbusters we will live! I cannot justify leaving my family super early on Thanksgiving to get in line for hours or support stores opening so early that the workers are stuck losing their time with their families and they get no choice about it...
  18. Everyone thinks Im crazy but as it gets closer they do ask about good deals. I dont mind though =)
  19. I usually put it up the day after Black Friday, however since it is SO late this year and the kids have vacation week of Thanksgiving I will probably put it up a few days before. I cant wait!!!!
  20. I wanted that tree so badly but decided against it for this year. I think I can get one more good year out of the tree I have but next year I will be on the look out for a tree like that! I dvr and watch all the Christmas QVC shows, gets me in the holiday spirits!
  21. My ds5 is still OBSESSED with is die cast Disney cars. He gets more each year and its the only thing he consistently still plays with. My dds still use their ds's alot. My middle daughter really still loves her princess stuff and my oldest really loves her craft stuff.
  22. Riverview/Brandon/Ellenton FL......cant wait =-)
  23. I am about 50% done. I pick up some things at the taget clearances and on the deals I catch throughout the year. I also buy anything I feel will be harder to find later on.
  24. On my list is my : dh, mom, mother and father in law, and grandmother dd11,dd7,ds5. nieces- 6, twin 6 months old nephews- 5,4,3 sons godmother and godfather daughters godfather dd11's dance teachers (3), teacher, bus driver dd7's teacher, speech teacher, gymnastic coach ds5's teacher, speech teacher, soccer coach dh's workers (9 of them) This usually is tins of homemade cookies and then some gourmet chocolates I buy Angel tree and toys for tots gottadeal ss Lawncare workers This is my list as of now. I dont think Im forgetting anyone but a few extra always end up popping up on my list!
  25. I expect it to be a good year for electronics. Deals on tablets 99ish price, probably some sort of deal with the kindle fires. Giftcards with ipod purchases.Tvs should be lower then last year, as well as digital cameras. Same for gaming systems since new ones are coming out!
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