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Everything posted by momof3luvs1

  1. I am still waiting for my mil to recievethe snuggie from woman within that I ordered dec 11th! I also am still waiting for my personalized cat collars..but not to worried about that cause the cats wont mind =p
  2. I have been "done" for quite sometime now but still keep shopping..lol! But, I am SERIOUSLY at this point done and am going to try to stay away from stores the next 3 days
  3. Not counting pre christmas week baking or cooking ( we already made a ton of cookies and a gingerbread house). I am hoping to keep the bill for christmas eve and christmas at 100 dollars. I am going shopping today so we shall see =p
  4. Christmas eve mass in the morning.( They do this for the ones who have small kids cause at night it's very late and a long service. Then we will prepare for our christmas eve dinner. The seven fish feast along with some greek specialities I make. ( hubby is Italian and Im greek) Then we have a nice big family dinner, kids open 1 gift from santa( pjs) They get their new christmas jammies on and we watch POlar express and have goodies and Hot chocolate. We put out cookies( that we baked the day b4) and milk for santa, then its bedtime for them to wait for santa and showtime for us. Assembling any big toys and putting all the gifts under the tree and stuffing the stockings. Lastly I prepare anything that needs to be prepared the night b4 for christmas dinner!
  5. Im WAY over budget.....I just keep hoping Christmas comes soon so I can stop buying stuff....lol!!
  6. Did anyone get their rebate checks yet? I did it last month when they were on sale at Toys rus so about 4 weeks ago maybe? Does any1 know how long it takes? I should of read the fine print..lol! THANKS =)
  7. I agree! Im SO glad I didnt spend the 60.00 and waited it out =)
  8. I just got the Dora links doll that sells for 50-60 for 19.99 on a lightning deal!!!!!!! They are still available!
  9. which state are u in? there are no new ones anywhere in fl that i have seen =(
  10. Can u link the pdf file if you figure it out. I could really use it =) Thanks!
  11. It is probably just a sale on things they couldnt sell. I was excited cause I spent 50 bucks on the hannah montana scooter and it is on sale for 25 bucks. So I got the price adjustment..pretty sweet =)
  12. I think that you should just be happy and move on =) If nothing was charged then it was money you actually had to spend. If you think money might be a bit tight from all the spending put away some of those gifts for bdays or holidays ( vday, easter, etc) I already bought enough for 2 out of my 3 kids bdays I got such good deals..lol! I spent around 300 per kid for my two youngest and about 500 on my oldest ( but that is only because she got hannah montana concert tickets as part of her christmas gift but I got such good deals on stuff she wanted I decided not to count the tickets for that....hehe So I say just enjoy the fact that you had it and that your kids christmas is going to be amazing =)
  13. I am in the sae boat. I have been done for quite sometime now. However, I have found such great deals that I keep I keep buying so I have been putting away for bdays! I cant help myself....I hate to pass up a good deal!
  14. Thanks. Im glad you said that because my dd 7 is REALLY tall for her age so she probably wont even fit in it! So I will probably pass, unless I get it for dd3..hehe:)
  15. I am debating on getting the rose petal cottage and accesories for my dd...she is 7. Does any1 know if that is good for her age. The shipping is 30.00 which is crazy, but with the paypal 20 off it will only be ten dollars more then if i get it in the store and thats what id spend on gas going to tru anyway...so good reviews or bad??????????THANKS!!!!!!
  16. I am debating on getting the rose petal cottage and accesories for my dd...she is 7. Does any1 know if that is good for her age. The shipping is 30.00 which is crazy, but with the paypal 20 off it will only be ten dollars more then if i get it in the store and thats what id spend on gas going to tru anyway...so good reviews or bad??????????THANKS!!!!!!
  17. I hear ya...I just spent over 100 3 days ago!!
  18. Just to let every1 know I called and they said their systems are down and they cant place orders right now but will take your info and call back and honor any codes and the free shipping. hth
  19. Keep an eye on your card, the other day when they were doing the $5.00 bears my sister did it but got an error page. Later that day I got through and placed the order. A few days later I got two boxes delivered..one from my sisters order and one from mine and my sister was charged even though she never got anything but an error page! I just kept the bears to give to toys for tots cause it was only 10 bucks ( for 2 bears) but if it was a lot of money i would of been really mad!
  20. Great..this is the same thing that happened the other day..I applied my cc info and all and now i got an error page and i dont know if it went through...
  21. this is a great deal..if i can get it to actually go through!
  22. Just fyi... I just ordered the disney scene it edition for 7.99 on Amazon...and I then saw the flyer for toys r us 2 day sale. They have it for 7.49. It probably comes out as the same cause in toysrus you need to pay tax..but in case you wanted topick it up at the store and not wait for it to be shipped wanted to let every1 know...
  23. i ordered this luggage set for my daughter last week (she is only 7 and we travel alot) but I havent recieved it yet! Has anyone gotten any of their shipments yet?
  24. Thanks! I bought both of them..Cant beat that price!!
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