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Everything posted by momof3luvs1

  1. im also hoping for the bogo....It was great last year!!!!!!
  2. http://connect.walmart.com/holidaysavings/ they are calling it the blackberry event...
  3. Im pretty sure its the cell phones...and u get a 100 gc with it. It is on their website. There a few other toys as well including the zhu zhu pets.
  4. My jaw hasnt dropped but overall Im happy with the deals at Target and Kmart..will def be hitting up those stores for quite a few things =)
  5. Office max has snuggies doorbusters for 4.99...
  6. Im really interested in that dual screen portable dvd player. Anyone have anything like this? Or know where I can read some reviews????
  7. yes!!!!!! yes!!!! YES!!!!!! I can't help myself lol....
  8. This is hilarious! Thanks for the great laugh :)
  9. I have to say that this is something that I am really struggling with this year. I would say it all depends on your dd6. Your 12 month old will not realize either way. When my oldest had to have her 1st christmas with my other dd who was about 4 months at the time she was 4 and a half and she counted every single gift. Now we have 3 in total. My oldest is now 7 almost eight, other dd is 3 and ds is 18 months. Every year though my oldest counts the gifts. ( my other 2 dont care) So I have always had equal amount of gifts. However this year my dd7 wants very expensive things ( hannah montana concert tickets, karaoke machine, ipod , digital camera etc) so this adds up in $ way more then my other 2's gifts..so I explained to her that this year she might get a few less gifts then her siblings but hers are worth alot more. She says she is ok with it..but I must admit I am a bit worried... So to answer your question,,You know your dd's personality..if she wouldnt care about amounts dont sweat it. If she will then try to make it equal...hope that helped!
  10. Yay=)I joined the contest !! Good luck every1:)
  11. Just got two pairs of minnie pjs! My daughter will love em =)....Thanks!
  12. Target, Toys r us, Macys =)......... I cant wait =)
  13. Sweet!! I can't wait to shop there!
  14. I go every year. I have gone to the ny long island outlets, the nj outlets, and now I go to the ellenton Fl outlets. They are packed from like 10pm-2am..but after that it is actually pretty calm and have GREAT deals! I usually shop there first then hit the other stores after!
  15. I ordered harry potter and Julie and Julia..sweet deal =)
  16. momof3luvs1

    2 day sale

    I hope it works for u. I just tried it and the cars were the sale of 17.99 =(
  17. someone posted this on one of the other boards.... if u bring in the big book where tru has it for 129.99 target will price match it. Plus the target holiday coupon book has a 20 off coupon so u will be able to get drex for 109.99...i dont think youll get a better deal then that..hope this helps :)
  18. My aunt gave my brother who at the time was 5 - the game of life!! This same aunt gave my mom one year- pete the talking parrot!!
  19. Any rsion of a christmas carol... I just love that story! So excited for the new one in theatres this weekend!
  20. I would LOVE to put everything up now, but dh would never go for it. We have a tradition of doing everything the weekend of black friday as well...and it is a really nice tradition..So, that just means bf needs to get here ALREADY!!
  21. I donusually shop kmart but I actually found a lot of good things in this ad. I definatley agree that it looks better than the sears ad( for the things I'm looking for anyway)...So excited to see the ads rolling in!! i can't wait for the big ones like target
  22. I just wanted to let every1 know that the rewards program has changed ...AGAIN. I am due 15.00 in rewards checks that i spoke with them on Friday and was told I would recieve it by 11/14/09. Now, they have changed the program to 8-12 weeks ( instead of 6-8 i think)... so somehow my checks are not coming now until 1/20/10. I called and asked why my checks that were eligible ( some from sept) would be recieved so late and she was not nice at all and basically said the rules have changed and thats all I CAN TELL YOU. I am annoyed cause who needs $15.00 in rewards 3 weeks AFTER christmas!! I bet this is why they are doing this....so just check your rewards if you are expecting any!
  23. i usually never shop kmart but there are actually quite a few things in here i am gonna pick up! Nothing major but great fillers =)
  24. btb was in my paper 10 gc when u spend 75. I already went shopping. They let me buy in 75 dollar increments so I got 30 in gc's! So excited =)
  25. I tell my daughter santa mails gifts to our house because it would be to hard for him to deliver so many toys to every1's house.( I dont have the room in my house so we put them under the tree ahead of time) I also tell her he sends me them unwrapped because I offer to help him out. ( one year she saw I had wrapping paper) The only thing is she knows santa comes on christmas for his cookies and then he fills our stockings. She TOTALLY believes me and has never questioned it and she is almost 8...you could try that =)...hth!!
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