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Posts posted by Sarasuzymama

  1. And FYI...you should have been able to return the items. They have to throw them out, so they don't want to do it, but you absolutely have a right to return them if you choose (and have the receipt...which you obviously did).


    I never try to price match anymore...I had trouble getting it done in the beginning and it's not worth it to me on a regular basis. However, I have heard the same story about "loyalty cards" and how those deals aren't price match-able. Which pretty much negates the entire grocery store ad for many stores.

  2. Went today and there was ZERO Kitchen clearance. And I do mean ZERO...not an endcap with anything, not a single clearance tag in the section. Weird because there is usually SOMETHING on clearance in that part of the store but there wasn't a single thing.


    I didn't need to spend the money anyway, but I thought it was weird.


    And you know what else I think is weird? Remember the baseball canvas prints and how the little ones went on clearance? The big prints are STILL full price. They are hanging right there with all of the other art and sticking out like a sore thumb. I wonder why they separated those from the rest.

  3. Does anyone think the My Generation dolls will make it to 75%? I have a friend that really wants one for her daughter. I told her I would keep an eye out for her. I tend not to pay too much attention to the girls toys because I only have boys, so I don't know if this is something that will go all the way down or just sit where it is.

    Oh, I'm sure they WOULD make it to 75% off if they didn't all get bought before then. Considering the fact that 4 of the 5 at my store were purchased yesterday at 30% off, I'm pretty sure the one left won't make it. I haven't checked my other store to see if there are more left over there, but yeah...if I see them at 50% off I will probably buy.

  4. This sale is so weird this time. I went back today to get my $$ back from the massive errors they made when checking me out and swung by the toys. I had more of a chance to really look up and down the aisles (though they had completely reset since yesterday). There was a whole aisle of things still 30-50% off...mostly the "seasonal" things like water guns and that kind of thing. But also some Elmo/Sesame Street stuff and a few other odds and ends. All of the Circo baby dolls are 30% off still. And yep...the My Generation stuff is also only 30% off and all of the dolls are gone except one. :(


    I found those Rapunzel hair-braiding dolls that someone posted here (or maybe it was on my blog's Facebook page...can't remember) and thought, WOO! They weren't marked but I was sure that I would scan them and see that they were 75% off but no...they rang up full price (which was like $35...whoa!). Oh, well.


    There was hardly anything left at 75% off. I didn't mind b/c I didn't really want to spend any more, but wow, was it cleared out!

  5. Not any one store specifically...just a bunch of comments that people left on my blog about their experiences. Though I did hear that the Olathe stores were NUTSO today.


    My store had 3-4 of us shopping at 8:00 and gradually more as time went on. But no shelf clearers, thankfully.


    And as for the employees...you can tell that different stores have different cultures. At the store on Metcalf and Shawnee Mission Parkway they are ALWAYS friendly. Year round. The cashiers are nice, the managers are nice, and the markdown team is great. They are more than happy to scan things and seem to have fun being a part of it. Every time I go to that store without fail I get great service from everyone.


    The other store I go to is the opposite. Enough said.

  6. mombbsmj...that sucks. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I have heard a LOT of reports today from people who encountered folks who came in like a flock of locusts, cleared the shelves of the big ticket/popular items like Legos, etc. and loaded $800 worth into trailers in the parking lot. It's disappointing. I'm not going to get jaded quite yet, but it's getting harder and harder to "score" during this sale because of that kind of thing. I mean, even with 10 moms/dads shopping and filling carts you can still grab a lot of good stuff. But when you have a couple of people grabbing EVERYTHING they can without any regard to everyone else it just sucks.


    Thankfully I didn't see any resellers/hoarders today or yesterday, but there was one in January that grabbed every single Star Wars figurine set off the shelf when he walked in and boldly stated that he planned to go to as many stores as he could looking for them. Thankfully I had mine already, but I felt bad for anyone who showed up 5 minutes later hoping for one (knowing that there were 15 on the shelf the day before). Obviously he wasn't buying them for his 15 kids at home.


    I agree that it would be nice for them to limit the quantity of like items (even to something like 5 items per person to let anyone with lots of kids/grandkids have a shot). But as someone pointed out here last time we talked about this, Target doesn't care who they sell the stuff to, just that they sell it.


    Eh...overall I'm still loving this sale and had a great time today shopping and reading about other people's awesome scores. It sucks that there are some bad apples out there, but for the most part I love the "secret club" of Target Clearance addicts that I'm a part of!!! :)

  7. This year was CRAZY. It seems like no stores (or very few) had it all consolodated and I think that made it a hot mess. Not only for shoppers for for the markdown teams, too. They had to go up and down every aisle and it seemed like they were missing things left and right. It was hard for me with my two kids to get around and look for everything I wanted. (Though I got plenty and am happy with my finds...it was just a lot more work than normal and I know I missed things b/c I was wandering other aisles).


    Here is the rest of what I got:


    Tangled Rapunzel doll...hair changes color: $5.48 (my BEST find...it was marked at 30% off and scanned at 75% off)

    Stickadoodle small set: $1.24

    Disney Princess Glitter Ball: $1.38

    Camp Light Set: $2.48

    Stretchy Lizards: $.84 each

    Glamour Rings (giant jewel rings...got them for birthday party goodie bags): $.74 each

    Moon Sand two-pack: $1.67

    Moon Dough Big set: $2.62

    Disney Dress up Necklace Set: $1.24

    Tranantulas (they move, but not remote control): $2.48

    Road Ripper Set: $3.24

    Othello game: $3.94

    Square Up game: $5.34

    Disney Princess tub of games/puzzles: $3.74

    Toy Story Legos: $10.37

    Big Dragon thing: $4.98


    Oh, and a reminder to CHECK YOUR RECEIPTS! Just now looking through I saw that one item rang up full price (A strawberry shortcake item) and another item also rang up full price and I had her correct it, but instead of correcting it she charged me twice for it. I *knew* my total seemed really high.

  8. Yes...the Barbie Fairies were full size Barbies...they had a blondish one, one with purple hair, and one with brown hair. The main "Barbie" from that line (blonde hair) was not clearanced. I have a picture on my blog where you can see it (not a great shot, but you can get an idea). It's Sara the Savvy Shopper...not sure I can link to it but you can search for it if you want to see the photo. I'll try to load up photos tomorrow if I can here.


    Oh, and as for the time to get there...I've always said get there a little after opening, but I don't know. I am going to go at 8:00 I think because in January my store had them all marked down when the store opened. I don't want to risk it with the huge crowds that have been flocking to this sale. Worst case scenario is that I'll go over to the new Trader Joes to kill some time before the markdown team gets there. :)

  9. Got a shock today! My friend went to the Shawnee Target (at SH. Mission Pkwy and Metcalf in Kansas City) at 9:00ish and they were not marking down. There was one guy kind of re-setting the area and she asked him and he said that they would not be marking down today.


    I was driving by that store later in the day (around 12:30 or so) and decided to pop in just in case and to scope for tomorrow. Imagine my surprise when I saw three markdown people in the aisles marking things down!!!! I grabbed a cart and started scoping thigns out. Sadly, there wasn't a lot left, but this store never had a great selection.


    I did find two fireboat Lego sets at 75% off!! (around $12.48) That made me happy. :)


    Here are the other things I got...mostly for gifts to give out at friends' birthday parties. All of the things that I wanted for my own kids were either gone or still marked at 30-50% off (all of the My Generation dolls were still 30% off).


    Polly Pocket Cake Shop Set: $5.74

    Barbie Fairies: $3.74 (there were TONS of these left)

    Star Wars Characters: $1.74

    BMX Bike Sets: $4.98 (both come with 4 bikes and two dudes)

    Single BMX Bike: $2.48

    Kite: $3.08 (just realized this wasn't 75% off...whoops! That will be going back!)

    Stretchy Snakes: $.84 each

    Dragon thing that attaches to the hose: $2.48

    Art Desk: $5.74

    Hungry Caterpillar Matching Game: $3.08


    I saw a step-two picnic table and a sand/water table that someone snatched up after I looked at them (I wasn't in the market, but in case you are looking for those...they DID get marked down). Lots of baby dolls. Some of the artsy stuff (Moon Sand) didn't get marked down and I don't think they had gotten to the board games yet. They went on break with an aisle or two left to do, but I didn't see anything I wanted so I didn't stick around.


    I'm going to my "real" store tomorrow morning and hoping for better luck as far as selection goes! But I was happy to get the things that I did and super happy with the Legos!


    I take this as pretty much a guarantee that it will be tomorrow at most stores!

  10. I specifically remember last year thinking, "UGH! It's not going to happen! There is no way they are going to get all of this stuff marked down." And sure enough...it all went just as suspected during the last week of July. Even the stuff that was still 30% off (most of it anyway) a few days before. So, I'm holding on to THIS week being the week. I'll be checking tomorrow at my store that sometimes marks down on Wednesdays.


    Checked today at another store and they had a TON of things marked down (30-50%) that weren't marked down last time I looked. I'm seeing mostly girl stuff that I like this time. Last time it was the opposite.

  11. Sometimes when the big markdown is nearing they will take things into the back room to mark them down and bring them to the floor on the day of the markdown. It makes it easier for them to "re-set" the area, especially when it is a BIG box taking up a lot of space. I have had that moment of panic thinking that ALL of the good clearance toys sold out only to go on the day of the markdown and see the aisles totally restocked.


    So, definitely keep checking b/c you may end up finding that tool bench on Thursday at 75% off!

  12. Def. call the manuf. about the crib. I have a friend who owns a business that supplies Target and she said that if Target gets too many returns of a brands' products they will quit carrying it, so manufacturers will typically do anything to keep a customer from returning their products. I'm guessing they will send you the parts with no problems!


    I was gone for the last week and was dying missing out on all the clearance! Thank goodness the toys didn't go, at least!!

  13. They have to scan each individual item, so it depends on your store. I go to two different stores. One always has the markdown team there first thing, so they are usually DONE by 9:30 or so. The other store doesn't seem to START until 9:30 or so. My advice is if you don't know when your markdown team typically starts in the morning, stop by as early as you can and if they are not marking down yet or are just starting, you can either wait around (strategically place the items that you want at the front of their path) or come back mid-morning.


    I think that the summer clearance is not as heavily shopped as the January clearance, so it may not make as much of a difference if you are there as soon as they mark down. (The January clearance gets noticed more b/c it's bigger and it's right after the holidays, when people EXPECT things to be clearanced). But, of course, it's always best to be the first one shopping! :)

  14. does anyone know when the uniforms go on sale and if so, where I could get a coupon to use in addition. TIA

    At my store, the uniform pants pretty much NEVER went on clearance. I watched them like a hawk all year long b/c I need them for my son and would have bought a few pair at 30% off even. But the only time I saw any marked down was at the end of the school year (around May) and then it was only one style and by time I saw them there was only size 4 and size 14 left. But my stores don't keep them in stock very well to begin with, so they probably only had those two sizes left to clearance.


    At my stores they most definitely did not get marked down with the school supplies...full price year 'round!


    Sorry!! But...that said...in closer to the fall last year Target put out a couple of $5 off a $25 or $30 kids clothing coupons that helped make a dent. Watch the Target website for new coupons...they usually put new ones up on Sundays.

  15. Update on the Toys:

    Almost everything was at 50% off (with a few exceptions...notably most of the "summer" toy section was still 30% off). BUT...I saw a few things at 75% off already! These were some of the ones that have been on the endcaps the longest. I only had 30 minutes in the store while my son was in a class so I didn't have time to scour everything, but here is what I saw at 75%:


    ###Boba Fett helmet $8.74

    ###Star Wars Mighty Beanz lightsaber $2.74ish

    ###Circo vaccum cleaner $5.74

    ###K'Nex brand "Lego" set...Nascar theme $5.74ish


    None of the Legos at this store got marked down to 50% off...all still 30% off. But everything else for the most part was down to 50%. I have found maybe 5-6 things that I REALLY want and the rest I am going to try to leave on the shelves this year. Let's see if my willpower holds out. :)


    Oh, and the summer seasonal was marked down to 50% off. I begrudgingly picked up a few things that I really wanted b/c I am going to be out of town next week and will likely miss it hitting 75% off.

  16. King zhu went 75% today.

    Not at my store! Bummer!


    The MLB canvas prints (small ones) were 75% off...slim pickin's though! The large ones are STILL full price, though. Bummer!


    MLB clothing/accessories was getting marked down while I was there. Some was marked down to 75% off, some stayed 50% off, some was still full price. Frustrating b/c of course the things I wanted stayed 50% off (I had her scan to be sure).

  17. Went to another store and back to the original store today and the BIG baseball canvas' are not marked down. All of the little ones are...some 50% off and some 30% off. I was happy b/c I found a small stadium one for a team that my son loves but is no where near us (Tampa Bay)...score! I'm watching those big ones, though...hoping they get marked, too!


    Saw patio umbrellas marked down to 50% off today.

    Toys have begun being marked down for the big clearance, but not a ton yet...I sure hope there is more b/c I didn't see a thing that I wanted.

    No movement on the plastic/melamine dishes yet. Watching those!

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