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Posts posted by Sarasuzymama

  1. I went back to check the outdoor cushions/chairs yesterday and some were marked down. Those slingback chairs (the brightly colored ones...reg $29 each) seemed to all be marked to 50% off, but upon closer inspection only the pink, striped, and I think the grey ones were marked. I found this out after I had loaded a blue, green, pink, and orange one in my cart and checked out. Strangely, one of the non-clearance ones rang up as $16 as a sale price, so they gave them all to me for $16 other than the one that was clearanced.


    The cushions were also 50% for certain colors (striped bright colors and the more muted colors). The solid bright colors (pink, orange) were not marked down at all. It was very odd in that section...seemingly no rhyme or reason about what was or wasn't marked.


    We are redoing our patio so I went ahead and got some stuff at 50% off...may get more at 70% off if things ever get marked!


    Ziploc was 50% off for me.

  2. Patio furniture 50% off including umbrellas. Yard decor at 30%. Some yard chemicals at 30% off too.

    Most summer tableware (cups, plates, bowls) are red tagged at 30%. Last year I think they went with seasonal all the way down to 90% because I scored a lot of items that way. Gonna be slim pick-in's in my area.

    Were the cushions, etc. marked down to 50% or 30%? My store has about 100 of those bright chairs which I love but when I looked on Monday they weren't marked down...but I think they were only halfway through marking the section, so there is a chance they have marked them since then.

  3. Stopped in this morning for Easter deals and found...not much. Everything was 50% off except candy. (And most of the non-bagged candy I found like Fun Dip, Gummy Bears, etc were still 30% off).


    Sadly the Rice Krispie Treats and Oreos back there were not part of clearance. :(


    I did find a few Nordicware things...a nice cookie sheet (nothing "Easter" about it other than the label) for $4.99, Spatulas, and other speciality cookware were 50% off, too. Also picked up a cake stand (off-white with polka dots) and an egg tray ($9.99 and $4.99 respectively). they were the only ones left so I grabbed them.


    Didn't see any paper goods (papertowels, etc)...did I just miss them or did they not have EAster themed ones?

  4. Anyone think the toys that are still 50% will be marked 70% this week or next? I've been stalking some Barbie dresses for dress up. My store has probably 20 of them.

    I'm guessing NEXT week b/c they seem to have a 2 week cycle (meaning they hit each department every two weeks). However, they have been so wacky this year that I wouldn't doubt that they may do it tomorrow. I haven't looked to see if any of the Barbie stuff is even left at my store, but it would be nice to get a couple of things at 70% off! I'm also waiting for our sporting goods to get marked down!

  5. Went to the Mission store this morning (KC) and it was also 70% off. At both Mission and Ward Pkwy, none of the Barbie stuff was 70% off...all of it was stuck at 50% off (scanned, of course).


    Here is a list of what I picked up:


    Erector Set: $14.98 (this one is awesome...huge set)

    Hexbug race set: $7.76

    Hexbug Larvae: $3.88

    Lalaloopsy big circus set: $14.12

    Barbie Princess & the Popstar set: $9.98 (50% off...my daughter's favorite movie, so I got it in case they were gone)

    I Spy game: $4.78

    Small lego set (mummy or something): $3.58

    Let's Play barbie sized car: $3.44

    Our Generation shoes/socks: $2.08/$1.xx

    Plain Guitar: $8.98 (LOVED this..favorite purchase)

    Schleich Cat Set: $8.xx

  6. I can see it both ways...when shopping with a 20 month old, the one aisle approach is so much easier...in the interest of ACTUALLY being able to get something that i wanted the spread out approach works better

    Yeah...that is me, only instead of a 20 month old I am stuck having to shop really fast over my lunch hour or quickly before I go to work in the morning. If it's consolodated I can run to that one aisle (or 2/3 aisles) and grab what I want and go. But yes...when it's spread out it is usually better in general b/c all of the random shoppers don't see it there and you can kind of stalk the 2-3 things that you really want and grab them before the masses descend upon the aisle. The years where they didn't consolodate I usually ended up with way more of what I wanted...but this year I just only have 30 minutes or so to shop so I'm happy they put it all together for me. :)

  7. Well, my store (Ward Pkwy) had consolodated everything, which was nice. (In the last few years they just left everything where it was, which makes it harder). Most everything was 50% off, some 30% and the only things I saw at 70% off were Winx dolls.


    I was pleasantly surprised to find a few things that I will go back for, though...I really hadn't seen anything I wanted up until this point.

  8. So I'm guessing not today on the toys simply based on the fact that nobody reported seeing it yesterday... There always seem to be a few stores that go a day early. If they wait until next week that is better for me since I made a commitment for the morning without thinking. Happy hunting if today is the day!

    I know...that is my feeling, too. I have one store that has always gone down on Wednesday and it did not get marked down yesterday.

  9. I'm beginning to wonder if toys will be marked down this week, too...it just seems so early (though I know it's typically this week). But if I were shopping for clearance toys, I would definitely be there tomorrow to check first thing in the morning!


    I don't think I'm going this year (never thought I would say that). I probably will stop by after work or over lunch hour or something but honestly I didn't see a single thing that I thought my kids would HAVE to have. And I donated so many things that I bought last year b/c my kids were no longer "into" them. So I think my days of the toy clearance are just about over. Kids are getting too old and picky!! I loved the days of the toy clearance when the kids were 2 and 4 and loved anything and everything. :)


    Good luck to all of you toy seekers!! Can't wait to see people's hauls!

  10. If anyone is near the KC Ward Parkway target and has girls to shop for...there are a TON of 90% off accessories in both the big girl and toddler girl sections. Lots and lots of headbands (the sparkly kind and the ones with the pretty rosettes), tights, socks, etc. And in the women's accessories section there are a lot of coin purses, wristlets, and those shiny slippers that come with the bags. I honestly can't believe that more people haven't found that stuff! I got a few things but there is a ton left.


    Couldn't find any pajamas marked down there, though.

  11. Did fairly well here and dying to go to another store but my kids are less than enthused. :)


    I think it's been mentioned here, but the Dunkin Donuts Gingerbread coffee was 90% off and still in the regular aisle for me. ($.77). Also got the Chinet clear cups (with the strawberry on the package). One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the Market Pantry candy cane granola bars (they are chocolaty with peppermint pieces)...they must have had a stash of them in the back b/c I picked up 6 boxes for $.19 each and there were 10-15 left on the shelf. Also...the Market Pantry holiday fruit snacks were also $.19.


    Picked up a Rachel Ray set for $4.99 and returned the one I got a few days ago (to the Ward Parkway store in KC). Also found lots of girls tights and socks still in the regular section all 90% off.


    I have scanned all kinds of tape and scissors and haven't found any marked down. Ugh!


    Everything else I got was just decor/wrapping paper. My store had quite a bit and there were quite a few people there taking advantage! One lady hit the mother load and found some cool candle holders 90% off.


    Another fun Christmas clearance!! Now...how to convince my kids to go to another store with me????

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