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Posts posted by Sarasuzymama

  1. No activity at all in toys, but also found 90% off summer. Got a few plates/cups for less than $.20 each, saw ice cream makers and snow cone makers (didn't get those since I got them LAST year at 90% off!). Also got a bunch of the clear striped Up&Up disposable cups for $.29/package. The Shawnee Mission Parkway/Metcalf store still had 5-6 packs of them in the regular aisle when I was there. Cake mixes for $.14, homemade ice cream mixes for $.29. I'd like to try another store this afternoon to see if they had any of those picnic blankets left!
  2. Two questions...first, has anyone seen 90% off the summer stuff? Second, is anyone checking the toys today at Wednesday-marking stores? I only have time to go to one store this morning and I'm trying to pick between the store that had a ton of summer stuff still left at 70% off and the other store that usually marks down toys on Wednesdays. Leaning toward the "toy" store because although I really think it will be next week, I would hate to miss the markdown!!
  3. I didn't get to check out the 70% summer clearance until yesterday, so maybe I just missed it...but did anyone's store include all of the coolers in the summer clearance? I was hoping since they had a variety of small coolers in that section that they would be included. But the store that I went to yesterday didn't have any left (or perhaps they had been moved) and the store I went to today had a TON of small coolers but they were not included in the markdown (all full price).


    Toys were mostly 50% off at my stores...only a few things I'm interested in but I'm hoping to score them next week!

  4. I have found recently that I am getting ALL kinds of push back if they have items marked wrong or on a 70% off shelf but they aren't marked down. Case in point...last week they had an endcap with a variety of things on it and included were about 10 canvas baseball prints. They weren't marked at all, but the sign said 70% off and everything else sitting there was 70% off. The would NOT give me the 70% off price saying, "someone must have put them there accidentally." I pointed out that there was a stack of 10 of them there, so it wasn't like a customer just moved one over there and they still wouldn't do it. Wasn't worth throwing a fit over, but they used to just honor the price without saying much at all if it was clearly mis-shelved.
  5. Does anyone think it will go 70% before July 26th? Two stores in the KC area have almost all toys at 30 or 50% right now. Seems to me that perhaps 19th is more viable? what is everyone's opinion?

    I just posted but I think that it will be the 25/26th. Last year I remember that they had marked a lot of things to 50% off "early" and I kept thinking it would all go to 70% off the week before and it didn't. But I will for sure be checking just in case!!

  6. July 25 or 26...that is when I think the toy clearance 70% markdown will happen. The last 3 years it has been the last week of July, so I'm guessing this year will be no different. Though you'd better believe I'll be checking the week before, too!


    While I didn't see a TON this year, I was very happy to see some kids' digital cameras, Leap Frog products, and iXL tablets marked down. My kids have moved past a lot of toys but these they would actually like. So, I guess I'll be happily stalking this sale once again!! :)

  7. Did a happy dance yesterday when I found a huge (96 load) box of Tide with Bleach marked down to $6.44...tag said 75% off. I'm always boggled when I find something like that...first of all, why 75% off when everything else is 70%? Second...I didn't see this item at 30% off or 50% off...just showed up one day. Not marked "as-is" not a return...just a regular old clearance sticker. It was a great find, but just proves how unpredictable clearance is these days.


    Other than that, I have seen kids clothes at 70% off in some stores, still 50% off in others.


    I'll agree with everyone else...clearance has been sad lately. Makes me wonder if the toy clearance will be a total dud. My kids are getting too old for most toys anyway, so I'm not all that geared up for it, but I'm sure the excitement of finding deals will suck me in eventually!!

  8. THANK YOU for mentioning the Mario Sets! I got 10 for future party favors (there were still at least 10 left). I also found what may be my favorite Easter Clearance find randomly in the little bins on a toy endcap...A Hex Bug in an egg (it has little bunny ears). I almost didn't pick it out of the bin b/c it looked like a random plastic egg but glad I did...it was $.49. Also found some Hello Kitty hairbows for $.49.



  9. 70% off on both Black Dot dollar spot and easter here in KC (tons left at the Ward Pkwy store). Candy was 50% off.


    Some things I found:


    Dollar Spot: Pencils (pastel and sports themed), little coloring books, Twizzlers lip balm


    Easter: Little Disney Princess figures, Disney Princess lip balm, little flower hair clip (on a cardboard egg shaped backing), lots of girls tights (pink with flowers, polkadot, striped) and socks that were still in the big girls accessory section (green labels), ponytail holders for girls.


    The Legos, bunny Angry Bird figures, Easter books, and Easter movies were all ringing full price (even though they were in the Easter section). None were worth fighting for to me.

  10. Thought I hit the jackpot finding the easter toothpaste and hand soap at one store, no go! Still full price and even ringing up as Easter. :( Seems like my stores have been doing that the past few times they marked down holiday stuff. Bummer! Still 50 and 30 on everything else.

    Me too! I was so excited b/c there was a ton of it there...but all rang up full price. I was also excited to find an Angry Birds plush with bunny ears and sadly that, too, rang up full price.


    Were there any paper towels/napkins/tissues this year? I didn't see any obvious ones and the scanners were broken at my store so I couldn't really check.

  11. A happy happy joy Target clearance moment for me...I had been watching the sporting goods at one store because they randomly had a cool microscope that was part of that section. (It was 30% off on toy markdown day and I asked the markdown person and she said it was part of sporting goods...which is weird, but whatever...she scanned it and it didn't move). I checked and checked and checked that store and sporting goods wouldn't budge. I finally just missed the markdown...looked around the section where the microscope was and it was gone (along with all of the other sporting goods).


    Then last weekend I was perusing and what to my wondering eyes should appear but that single microscope on the electronics endcap! It was marked 70% off. I did a happy dance and skipped out of the store with it. (I also found a kids digital camera at 50% off that day...and a Star Wars helmet...the Target Clearance gods have been kind to me lately).

  12. I went to the Sandusky Target yesterday and bought several items that had clearance stickers on them( Air wick- 3 pack- Hawaiian Breeze-Lysol 3 pack toilet bowl cleaner) and was told at the check-out that no coupons allowed on any items that were located in the bodega area. Huh??? I had both Target coupons and Mfg. Coupons--- They would not allow any.They said it was a new policy??? Anyone heard of this? How did you get the diapers and use the coupons? I took 1/2 of my stuff back.

    This is hilarious (in a sad way) considering on their OWN website they are advertising coupons for some of the Bodega items. I agree that in the future you should talk with Customer Service or the manager if you get a questionable "new rule."

  13. About half of the Bodega items were marked 50% off at my store, the rest were all full price. Got Cascade, Finish, and some Kashi items at 50% off (used some coupons, too). Also saw Pantene, some pasta, and a few other items at 50% off.


    If anyone sees the snow items (sleds, etc) go 70% off, please post! They are 50% off and TONS left at my stores (prob. because of the lack of snow) but there are a few things I would get and save when they to 70% off!

  14. I have realized the drawback of having stores that are remodeling. Yes, it was great when they marked a bunch of stuff down early, but now the markdown teams have been MIA for the last two weeks. I haven't seen a single thing of note that has been marked down. Sporting goods didn't get marked down (and the one thing I wanted is gone), snow pants and most kid clothes are still 30% off, and everything else is at a standstill. I shouldn't complain after getting toys early (and sporting goods at one store), but it's driving me nuts that nothing is moving!!


    Some of the sleds are marked down 50% off here. Funny since we haven't even had a 1/2 inch of snow this year...it's looking like we may not have any!!

  15. I've forgotten if Legos eventually did go to 70% (75%) in previous years if they stay on the shelf that long. If so, would it occur in 2 weeks? Just wondering if I should get them now as they might be salvaged after 50%. Thanks.

    They might be salvaged. More likely purchased. My store had at least 20 Lego sets of varying size yesterday and they were all gone except ONE today. And they were all only 50% off (marked and scanning).

  16. Pretty much every single women's glove, winter hat, scarf, and half of the purses and other accessories are marked to 70% off at the Mission Target. They had at least 500+ sets of those stretchy gloves for $.60/2. Bought a bunch to donate and a few nice scarf/glove sets for gifts. Umbrellas marked down, wallets, TONS.


    BOTH of my stores are getting remodeled which I have realized is going to be annoying. It was a nice benefit when I caught some early clearances but now things are just mixed up and crazy. The deal hunting is going to involve actual hunting now.


    No markdown in sporting goods there...I'm waiting b/c there are a couple of items there that I really want. Are sporting goods markdowns still on Thursdays usually?

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