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Posts posted by Sarasuzymama

  1. Scooters were 50% at my store.


    Also found the Tangled noise-making book for $3.24 (a whole stack of them there...all marked $9.08) I saw and didn't buy a couple of oversized "Goodnight Moon" board books that were 75% off.


    And the little travel activity kits were $2.49...Disney Princess, Toy Story, Cars


    The bath sets have been marked to 50% off...$2.48. I picked up a couple b/c I think that's a good price, but will watch them for the big 75% off markdown.


    Also found a girls Christmas Dress at 75% off ($4.98) and a sequined cardigan for around $5 that was 75% off. Kids snow boots were 50% off at my store.


    Clorox Bleach Pens 2-packs were $1.02 (75% off) and Clorox 2 small bottles were also $1.02.

  2. So I stopped in Target yesterday and popped through the toys just to see if anything was lying around that I might want and what to my wondering eyes did appear but a LEGO TABLE, unmarked and sitting on an endcap with some big non-sale Lego sets. I nabbed it, scanned it, and sure enough...$19.98 (75% off)!!! I wanted to skip around the store! But, I couldn't, because those things are HEAVY!


    There were more than a few things at this store that looked like returns...things that weren't there when I went last week. I only grabbed one little "Shark Attack" game other than the Lego table, but there was a pop-up Our Generation play house, a train set, a Star Wars set (not the figures, but star fighter set), and lots of other little things. (This was at the Mission store in KC).


    There is still hope...keep checking for hidden treasures!!


    (Baby was still 50% off at my store...and most kids clothing was 50% off other than some odds and ends).

  3. Anyone else hit Old Navy today? I did (using a $10/$50 coupon from their Facebook page) and got some great deals! Yes, 50% off clearance is nicer, but I'll take 40%! Here is what I got:


    Girls long sleeved t-shirts: $1.50-$3.01

    Boys long sleeved t-shirts: $2.51-$3.59

    Floral reusable bags (like Chicco bags): $.99 each

    Women's pinstriped dress pants: $5.29 (Regularly over $30!!)

    Girls denim trousers: $3.01

    Women's Christmas t-shirt: $1.50

    Mens workout shorts: $4.52

    Boys Star Wars Jammies: $4.52

    Iron Man Water Bottle: $1.50

    Pink Girls "Packable" Jacket: $5.08

    Blue Boys "Packable" Jacket: $5.89

  4. Took an early lunch and went to my store (Ward Pkwy). I'm SO glad I went early because I was amazed at how picked over it already was at 9:45. SERIOUSLY picked over. Legos were only 50% off (what was left, which was only Ben-10). There were some Power Miner sets there last I checked that were gone, so those were probably 75% off. A few other random things stayed 50% off. There were some good things left depending on the age of children you have, though. And the air hockey/game tables were marked to $32.xx. I so want one of those, but we dont' have anywhere to put it. Hopefully they keep selling them year after year and when we get a house with a playroom someday I will get one then!! :)
  5. Okay, so quick question. I am new to this, and would love to know the tricks, regarding the toy clearance. Supposedly toy clearance will be mostly 75% tomorrow...Do you go tonight and stash the stuff you want? Or is that a no-no? Or do you just go first thing in the morning and hope you get it? What if the markdown team hasn't marked it down yet? Does the price still ring up? Or do I have to wait? Anything else I should know? You can PM me if you don't want to post it, but I would love to know how to do this!

    Stashing for the toy clearance isn't really the best technique, since they do have to actually scan the toys for the markdown to happen. If there is only one of a certain toy and you hide it, it won't get scanned and therefore won't be marked down. If there are 20 of that same toy, but you are still worried about getting it, you could hide one away, I guess, if you weren't going to be able to be there right away after the toys get marked.


    I do like to go ahead of time, though, and make a list of the toys I want and where they are located (which aisle or endcap) so I can easily find them.


    If they are still marking things down when you get there, you DO have to wait until each toy is scanned for the price to be marked down on that toy. However, if there are 20 of the same toy, they ALL will be marked down as soon as they scan the first one.


    I have a long Target Toy Clearance tutorial on my blog, which I don't think I can link to, but I will PM you the link.

  6. Heard from two friends that went this morning to two separate stores and neither one had any activity going on in the toy aisles. One employee told my friend that it would be next week, but I don't believe that for one second based on the store and the markdown employees there that I have known in the past to purposefully give out misinformation. Not to say that it WON'T be next week, but just that I don't believe it based on that one person saying it.


    Fingers still crossed for tomorrow!

  7. Just curious (and to help me figure out what is on my list)...what are everyone's "must have" items this time? I am pretty much only looking for boy stuff, as I think the girl selection is really poor this year (for my daughter's age range, at least...she's 4). I'm hoping for:


    Empire Strikes Back Figurine Set

    Toy Story Matchbox Train

    Star Wars Plug and Play Video Game

    Lego Sets (my store had a lot of Power Miners...not much else)


    I'm going to try really hard not to over do it. I just recently organized my "stash" and I still have a TON from last January and July's clearances, so I need to only get the things I need for sure.

  8. FYI...those socks WERE in the kids section at my store. Was there an adult version as well?


    Very interesting about the Mighty Beans. I have a theory. We actually bought a pack of Mighty Beans when everything was 50% off. It was in with all of the stocking stuffers and I let my son pick out "anything" in that section and that is what he picked. They rang up $2.99! (But I didn't have the heart to make him pick something else at that point). I wonder if they manually tried to fix that glitch and accidentally made ALL of the Mighty Beans part of Christmas? And now that it's all salvaged they just went back to reg. merchandise. Whatever it is, it's weird. But I'm happy I got 10 for the price of 1!

  9. Your store may have only had one kind, but they are not all the same. The ones on clearance are Series 1 (not labeled with the series though), and they have a sticker over the UPC code removing the regular UPC. Series 2 (red edge) and those without the sticker should be ringing up regular price.

    Nope...I got series 1 and 2 both for $.29. There were two different styles of packaging and the Series 2 with the red edge were for sure included...I scanned multiple packages of both kinds.

  10. Thanks for the heads up on the Mighty Beans. At Ward Pkwy they have at least 40 packs hanging in the regular aisle. And every single package scans at $.29...there are no "holiday" packs...they all are $.29! (I wasn't sure if I needed to find a special pack, so I scanned one of each different type of pack). I picked up 10 of them to hand out as party favors and there are still a ton there if anyone wants to head there to get them.


    (I tried to give a lady the heads up who commented on me buying so many and she didn't believe me.) :)


    Oh, and the Armor All sets were marked to $7.50, too...they were $15 yesterday at 9:00, but they marked them. And there are probably 40 sets left.

  11. If anyone is in KC, the Ward Parkway store has at least 15 pair of the Paul Frank muk-luk socks/slippers. They are in the regular kids sock section. $1.29 each (those things are seriously overpriced regular price).


    I found a pack of parchment paper for $.29, so I was happy about that!! I was honestly surprised that the Christmas stuff wasn't salvaged yet since this is the 3rd day of 90% off, but good for me!


    Toys...they had one endcap of 75% off...almost all Paperoni sets with one other item that I don't remember. I did see a very cute Our Generation doll bath/bed for $24.98 (75% off)...it is wood and I was super tempted to get it, but we don't have room for it.


    Everything else was 30-50% off. They had one lady there just organizing it all, which is nice...hopefully it will be nice and orderly when it gets marked down again still!


    Some of the things people are mentioning here at 75% off were still 50% off (and 30% off in some cases).

  12. I went to another store today and got a couple of things I was really happy about. There were 4 packs of plastic (reusable, dishwasher safe) silver plates for $.19/pack. I got 6 packs of those to use at parties instead of paper plates. B/c really at that price they are cheaper than paper plates and you can throw them in the dishwasher! Also found another book and a CD.


    They were marking toys to 50% off today, which I take as a good sign that the big markdown will happen next Thursday (as opposed to Friday). There is nothing I wanted for 50%, so I'm holding out!

  13. Of course the only day this week that I couldn't get there at opening was the big day. And someone found my stash. :( (It was only a couple of things, but I REALLY wanted them...Lego keychains and a Thomas train). Oh, well... you snooze you lose!


    I got a light up snowman for $5.99 and a set of red plates for $1.79. The rest was just assorted decor, but by time I got there at 10:00 it was an aisle full of crap. Oh...I did get two books, Llama Llama one and "The Story of Christmas." So that was nice.


    Oh, and my store had NO tape clearanced. (Well, obviously they did, but someone bought it all out). Not even at 75% off.

  14. Employee at my Target in Fort Smith Arkansas said that they will not be going 90% on Christmas, she said they are salvaging everything tomorrow!

    I'm sort of starting to believe this, sadly, but then I wonder why there are stores across the country that have already gone to 90% off? This is very un-like Target. But I guess the only thing we can count on when it comes to Target Clearance is that they like to keep us guessing!! Just when you think you have it all figured out...


    I'm holding out hope for tomorrow. If not, I'll probably buy the few little things I've been waiting on and call it good.

  15. Thanks everyone for the responses about toys. Next question, what's the chance of them going to 75% off before Friday? I'm trying to decide if I will go to target or toysrus, as my youngests bday is Friday and I'm short on time. Tia

    Pretty much no chance...there may be one or two stray ones that get marked down this Thursday, but most of them will probably be next week (Jan 12/13/14) based on the last few years. You will probably see a LOT of 50% off this week, though.

  16. KC...did you see those graham crackers at the Ward Pkwy one? I'll be back tomorrow morning no matter what (nice being off work this week!) so I'll check it out.


    On the toys front, I was scouting the toys this morning (and again, I will say, there are SO many good ones!) and saw two Lego tables WAY up high on a shelf marked 50% off (as were all of the other toys up there, and most of the other toys were 30%). They were about $40, and I thought to myself, "Oh, I hope those make it b/c I woudl love one for $20!" and grinned thinking that no one would see them up there. Well, as I'm shopping I see some lady walk by with BOTH of them in her cart!! I actually said out loud, "Nooo!!!!" (She couldn't hear me). I'm sure she was pleased as punch to get those things for 50% off. But I feel like putting up a sign in the toy department that says, "Don't buy anything for 50% off...it gets better!!!!"

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