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Everything posted by lakj98

  1. I shop at Justice often. Usually weekly as there is one about 3 minutes form my house. My daugher LOVES their clothes. THey usually do not let you use J bucks when they have a 40% off sale. However, in October when they ran the 40% off sale they did let you use the fun cards. The manager at our local store told me it would be the only time they let you do that. We stocked up then as I had 8 fun cards. We bought over $500.00 in merchandies for just over $100.00. I received a postcard in the mail yesterday saying the store would be 40% off, but it did not show the dates of black Friday. It starts on the 19th.
  2. My kids want this too. Did not realize it was such a hot item. Guess I will have to start looking.
  3. I bought a cell phone for my 9yo DSI just recently got him one. I too thought he was to young, but he just started middle school and at the begining of the year we had alot of bus issues, an dhis school times were conflicting with my DD's school times. Once he was supposed to go to my neighbor's house after school and when he got there no one was there (she forgot). That is when I decided he needed a cell phone. He does take it to school but it stays in his backpack on silent when he is at school. He is a very responsible, mature kid. I do nto regret my decision to get him one. I signed him up on our family plan because it is only $20.00 a month and he has unlimited calling, text, data.
  4. This is the best ad so far IMO. Thanks for posting it.
  5. Thanks so much. Both of my boys are starting to get in to lego's so I am looking for any sets that I can get for a good price.
  6. I will be there early Thanksgiving morning. My son wants one of thsoe paper jams as well, and I will be picking up most of the FARR deals. Excellent deal after you use coupons on those items.
  7. Thanks so much. My kids wanted this too. Just ordered one.
  8. My DD will be 7 months old on Christmas. I have started looking for stocking stuffers for her as the younger kids are always harder. I have already bought her a few pair of earrings, a few hair bows, 2 bath toys, and a toy cell phone as she is already always trying to grab mine. I will also get her a sippy cup. Not sure what else yet. Someone posted a link for Sophie the giraffe. I just wanted to add that I recently bought this for my DD. At first I thought it was a bit expensive for a teether toy, but it had great reviews. Everytime I went to Toys R Us they were sold out. Last week they had them on the shelf so I bought her one. She LOVES it. She wants it in her hands all the time and even falls asleep holding on to it. Not sure what it is about that one, but she loves it. When she does not have it and I pick it up and show it to her she gets a great big smile on her face.
  9. We started the Elf on the shelf last year. My kids each recevied their own elf along with the book. We would just hide the elves in a new spot each night/morning. They were told that the elves left every night to report to Santa how their behavior was that day. That is why they were in a different spot each morning. As soon as they got up they would run around looking for their elves. However, the elves were supposed to go back to Santa on Christmas eve, but my two youngest cried and they left a note asking Santa to let the elves stay cause they would miss them. I could not take them away once I read the note. They have had them in their rooms all year. So now I have to try to sneak them away and let them think they went back to Santa. I like the idea of having the elves do tricks. I may start that this year. That or the gift idea.
  10. lakj98

    Big Toy Book

    I bought four papers today and only two had the books in them. Both books had the $10.00 off $75.00 on it. I went to Toys R us wanting to get five things from the book. They had NONE of the items I wanted in stock. NONE!! I was not going to another TRU today as I had other errands to run and wanted to get home to my kids. Tomorrow I will venture out to another store.
  11. I just placed my first order from them. I was a bit nervous as I have never heard of them. I am glad everyone here has had a good experience. I like that they accept paypal. had they not, I probably would not have ordered.
  12. My kids have not made lists yet, but my DS4 wants a laptop. He gets so mad when the the other kids are playing on theirs and he does not have one to play on. DS9 wants a blackberry, but his birthday is in a few weeks and we are getting him that for his birthday. DD7 has asked for some little toys like Moxie gilrs etc... but I am not doing that this year. I am sick of having toys everywhere, and giving away toys that they never played with. So we are going to try to stick with bigger items this year. DH wants to get the kids a playstation3, but I am not sure I want to as they already have two wii's and an xbox 360 and they never play with them.
  13. Thanks so much. All of my kids need new jackets so this helps. Ordered one for my son. Hope it fits.
  14. I order from American Girl often. IMO they do have really quick shipping. I usually get my items in less than a week and that is with standard shipping. Threy do not have sales on the dolls very often. Actually only one time that I can remember in the last 4 years. That was just for $10.00 off.
  15. I have seen these at CVS and Walgreens. I think they were $20.00.
  16. Got each of my kids one for Easter. ONe has a ladybug, one a bumblebee, one the dog and one the monkey. They LOVE them and we have had no problems with them at all. I orderd mine from the site as they were VERY hard to find. Now I wee them every where. Toys R Us has them, Kmart, CVS, Walgreens. And they are all the officialy Pillow pets brand. If they go on sale I may get each of my kids another one.
  17. Thanks so much. Just ordered two pairs for each of my girls. Excellent deal.
  18. Thats scary. I just checked my card and there are no weird charges.
  19. Awesome Deal. Thank you!!!
  20. Love them. I would love to buy one cause I can never seem to win anything. Hoping you have some for sale soon.
  21. Thanks everyone. I did find some at the Target clearance, but they were all the smaller sets. I bought about 20 of them to use as party favors at my sons birthday in November. But I want to find some big sets for my boys.
  22. http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/landingpages/carters/infantgirls/PRD~542317/Carters+Cupcake+Dress.jsp I am getting this for my daughter for her first birthday. We are going to do a ladybug theme. http://www.etsy.com/listing/54290127/personalized-birthday-babytoddler-shirt?ref=sr_list_7&ga_search_query=ladybug+tutu&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title
  23. Thanks so much. I was able to print the 20% off coupon to use it in the store. I was going to oder online, but I am not sure what size to get the kids. I am sure their feet have grown over the summer.
  24. I went to two Target stores here in MI today and neither of them had been marked down. I scanned a few items to make sure. I went about 1:00 p.m. That is kind of weird.
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