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Everything posted by lakj98

  1. DD16 - LOTS of clothes, make-up, a pillow pet, new bedding, earrings, a bracelet, boots,... DS10 - a new digital camera, PS3 for his room, a few PS3 games, Midflex, ricochet rc, clothes, new gym shoes, a few wrestlers, a new wrestling ring, DD7 - an American Girl doll, DsiXL, a new digital camera, monster high dolls, LOTS of clothes, earrings, boots, DS4 - a PS3 for his room, a new digital camera, wrestlers, a wrestling ring, clothes, shoes, DD 7 months - a doll, doll stroller, a few other baby toys I know I bought them all alot more, but I can not think of what else I bought right now. Mom- I had her a tote bag made with all of her grandkids pics on it, and a necklace. Lots of neices and nephews, (16)...different gifts for all of them. I have not bought anything for DH yet. Not sure what to get him.
  2. I was done, until my MIL called and asked me to shop for my kids from her. Now I have already bought them everything they have asked for so I have no idea what to get them from her. I still have a TON of wrapping to do. I do still have to go grocery shopping for Christmas dinner though. I plan to do that on Thursday morning.
  3. I just ordered Kit a few days ago for my DD. She did the same thing as your DD. Never mentioned wanting it until a few days ago. I would have never ordered her on this eyar as she already has 5 AG dolls. BUt she had not asked for much this year and the boys had alot more then she did. So I caved and ordered it withought a code (I hardly ever order anything without a code except from Amazon). I wanted to make sure i got it before Christmas so I did not want to take a chance.
  4. We do the elf on the shelf/mischivious elf. I want to buy a small gift for the elves to leave for the kids when they go back to the North Pole. Has anyone done this ebfore? What gifts did you leave? I am kinda stumped on this one.
  5. I too was going to wait and try to get it at Walmart, but went ahead and ordered from Amazon. Glad I did.
  6. I am not seeing the $100.00 GC in the prmotion section. Is this over already?
  7. Thanks so much. Excellent deal. I ordered this for my DD.
  8. OK, I have never seen the book "Oh the places you will go". Is this a good book? FOr what age group?
  9. I just placed another order. Still working.
  10. I have 4 Toys R Us stores within 10 miles of my house. This is out of stock at all 4 stores.
  11. They are thin. We have one. I plan to just use it in the summer.
  12. I used it two times. Picked both of my orders up at the same time and I had no issues.
  13. Mine just came in yesterday and I ordered on the 2nd. The store did call me as well.
  14. Thanks so much. Picked up one for my nephews.
  15. I bought them at Walmart for $2.00 each.
  16. Wish I would have came here and looked first. I just placed an order with them and I dont want to pay shipping fee's to order this by itself.
  17. Excellent price. These are $22.48 on Amazon
  18. Thanks. I am going to call them.
  19. This one is good until the 13th. http://www.shopjustice.com/coupons?utm_source=j_email_1207&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=40%25%2BOff%2BCoupon%2Bfor%2Bthe%2Bgifts%2Byou%2Blove
  20. Wow, everyone has received theirs and mine has not even shipped yet. I think I will give it until the end of the week. If it does not show shipped by then I will call them. I want to make sure I get it before CHristmas.
  21. I remember that sale. Not sure if it will happen this year, but it would be nice.
  22. I bought 8 of these a few weeks ago on clearance at Meijer for $1.70. It was in store. They are not as big as a regular football, but they are a decent size. the size is perfect for my son who is 4 and my 10 yo prefers this size when he is playing alone.
  23. I always buy my kids teachers gift cards. I usually buy a $25.00 GC for a restaurant. However, after reading this thread I am liking the school supply idea. Especially since this year I have 16 teachers to buy for. last year I just had 6 so it is a big difference this year. My younger son is in preschool though. He has two teachers. Not sure they would use the school supplies. May still do the gift card for them.
  24. Has anyone received their orders that they placed on Cyber MOnday? My order is still saying "In progress". Usually I had it within 2-3 days when I order from there. I am sure they were overloaded with orders and it is just taking a little longer. Just curious if anyone else has received their orders yet.
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