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Everything posted by lakj98

  1. I have been going to Target, Walmart and Toys R us every day. Even looked at Meijer and Kmart. I have my mom looking all around her area too. Can not find them anywhere.
  2. I did not see them on Amazon for this price. I sawthem for $80ish. They are $40.00 in stores but they are sold out everywhere.
  3. I can not find one anywhere. If anyone see's them in stock online please let me know. This is something my daughter just asked for. She has not asked for much and I did not know what to buy her so I would love to find one of these. Thanks
  4. My 5 year old is asking for mashed potatoes and popsicles, and that is all he wants. He can not tell me anything else he wants. Now we are less than three weeks before Christmas and I only have 5 gifts for him cause I have no idea what to buy him.
  5. This is our fourth year doing it. My kids LOVE it. They each have their own elf now. Our elves get silly sometimes too and do silly things. Last year my youngest son woke up with his underwear hung all over the Christmas tree. We have done snow angels in the kitchen floor with flour. They have also pulled all of the ornaments off of the Christmas tree, went fishing in the toilet (goldfish crackers and home made fishing pole). Last night all 4 elves had a marshmallow fight and their were marshmallows all over the family room floor.
  6. My DD is 8. I keep asking her what she wants and she can not really think of anything. Sometimes when she sees a commercail on tv she will say "I want that" but with most things I think she is just saying it to give me some ideas, but not truly something she wants. I am getting her a new ipod touch cause the one she has is 1st generation and for some reason the sound is not longer working. I also bought her another American girl doll. Both of my boys have asked for G shock watches so I will probably get her one of those too. Other than that I am not sure what else I am going to get her. Going shopping tomorrow so hopefully I will find something.
  7. Free shipping code worked for me now. Thanks so much.
  8. Free shipping code is not working for me
  9. hats or caps I like the idea of sweatshirts too.
  10. Thanks so much. I think I will get him a few of the lego games. I did get him Cars 2 as he asked for that one. He already has little big planet 1 and 2. He does have a wii, but he has had no interest in it at all since getting the PS3.
  11. What are some good games for a 5 year old? My sons bday is coming in a few weeks and he asked for PS3 games. Not sure what games are easy enough for him.
  12. Went to Kmart today. They have an extra 50% off their clearance price on toys right now. They had two aisles of toys here in Farmington, MI. Some lego's, polly pockets, WWE wretling stuff, hot wheels, board games...
  13. Last Thursday I went to Target in Commerce MI. They had the extra 30% off but it was only on Woman's clothes. I have never seen that either. I was in a hurry cause my mom was at my house with my kids and she had somewhere to be. So I looked quickly. Bought a few pair of jean, a few shirts and a sweater. Went back the next day with the kids so I could look longer and they no longer had the extra 30% off. I thought that was weird that it only lasted one day.
  14. The Tangled table and chair set is still 50% off at the store here in Farmington MI. I am hoping it goes 75% this week. I really want to get it for DD's birthday, but I can not bring myself to buy it at 50%.
  15. I found the shipping to be a tad expensive as well. Makes the deal not so sweet.
  16. I got three pair of shoes, a pair of tights, 2 skirts, 2 pants, 1pair of leggings, 3 shirts and two sweaters for $54.72 total. I have the rewards CC to get an adidtional 10% off. You can use that on top of the other discounts.
  17. I did scan when I was there yesterday. It was ringing up 50%. I did not make it there this morning cause my older kids did not have school (building problem). I am going to go there when I take my son to preschool this afternoon.
  18. Went this morning. Still 50% here in Farmington, MI. I have been going every morning. Maybe I will stop in this afternoon and see if they have changed it as I went when they first opened after dropping the kids at school. Candy was only 35%.
  19. I received mine in m email today too. I have $25.00 to use before 1/14, and $25.00 to use after 1/14. It does suck that they split them up, but I am not complaing as it is free money anyhow. Had I not received these rewards, I still would have bought the same things I had bought. I had no plans for mine. I will just go see what I can find on sale. Maybe some kind of gift for one of my kids birthdays.
  20. I have not received mine yet either. Is it a max of $50.00? For some reason I thought the max was $75.00.
  21. I have spent about $600.00 each on my two oldest DD's. About $800.00 each on my two DS's, and about $150.00 on the baby. So that is about $3950.00. Nothing on DH. About $25.00 on each of our neices and nephews so that is another $400.00. About $200.00 on my mom, $25.00 on my brother. I buy for one of my aunts $30.00. We will give FIL $500.00 and MIL $500.00. So our total will be about 5600.00. Wow, I did not realize we spent that much. Our's to is all cash unless I used a card for perks and then pay it off right away.
  22. lakj98

    picture of santa

    Thanks so much. I want to do this mostly for my youngest son. He is so into Santa this year. He is only 4.
  23. lakj98

    picture of santa

    There was a website where you could download a picture from inside your house and put Santa in the picture. Does anyone remember what website it was? Thanks.
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