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Everything posted by lakj98

  1. If you are still looking, Costco has them for $139.00
  2. Thanks so much everyone. I was able to get one from Amazon.
  3. My daughter just told me today she wants this. She said it is the only thing she wants for Christmas and it is already sold out everywhere. If anyone sees it, please let me know.
  4. Two days I have been trying to call Target to cancel my redcard. No luck getting through. I was able to contact my bank to cancel my debit card that I have also used at Target. Now I have to wait 7-10 business days for a new debit card. I wish I could get through to target to cancel my redcard as I have a regular credit card and a debit card through target. This makes me very nervous.
  5. Thanks for posting. One more thing off of my list.
  6. I have been getting gift cards in my email too. I received a $5.00 one from toys r us yesterday and a $10.00 one from Aeropastale yesterday.
  7. The code was on their website. It was good yesterday only.
  8. I am looking for beats too. I need three pair so I am really hoping to get them somewhere for a good price.
  9. I just purchased 40 items online. I did get free shipping. I also used the code 109793 and it did take $3.50 off of the order.
  10. You can use the 30% off code on their site with the 40% off clearance. I just bought 2 mens shirts and a pair of jean for $18.00. They also have free shipping on all orders.
  11. I always do the 12 days of Christmas for my kids teachers and on the last day we give a gift card. This year I got them each a personalized bag from thirty one (love those bags).
  12. I am surprised they don open until 7pm Thursday. They are usually open Thanksgiving morning.
  13. I am trying to add one, but it keeps saying the file is to large. I have to try again from my other computer as I have more pics on there.
  14. Thanks so much. My daughter LOVES Sophia the first. I have been looking at jacket there for her.
  15. It says only for new member. We already have a membership. Thinking about getting it as a gift for my mom. She is always having me pick stuff up for her.
  16. My husband DD(19) DS(13) DD(10) DS(7) DD(4) My mom My moms husband My MIL My brother and his wife (probably a joint gift) 10 nephews 2 nieces of course the kids teachers, maillady etc......
  17. My son is almost 13. He plays football and basketball but has about everything he needs for that. I am not sure what to get him this year. I do like the idea someone posted of a new wallet with gift cards in it. He was asking for a new wallet so I think I will do that, but I don't know what else. I was thinking about buying him a lawnmower because this past summer he was cutting grass for a lot of people by my moms house but he always had to borrow my moms lawnmower. He always asks if he can go around our neighborhood, but we don't have a lawnmower cause we have a company that takes care of our lawn work. Wasn't sure if that was a tacky gift though. I am interested in others opinions on that. He has a laptop and an ipad and iphone. He asked for a MacBook, but I don't really want to spend that much cause I have four other kids of my own to buy for plus other family members. I will be watching for other ideas too.
  18. I love gymbucks too. I shop there alot and figure they are going to get my money anyhow so I might as well get a deal. The gymbucks are better than just using a coupon code because using the gymbucks you are basically getting 50% off. They never have coupons like that. The J bucks from Justice are the same way.
  19. Thank you. Was still able to order one today
  20. I could not find a free shipping code buy i found one for an extra 20% off and it seems to be working, but I did not go through the whole check out process. It did apply the discount to the jacket though. The code is WWINNER
  21. I didn't even think about ordering some extra to donate. Just went back and ordered 6 more. Only the parka's are available now. The rain jacket and the quilted one are both sold out.
  22. Found another free shipping code if anyone needs it. This one is working. WW71939
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