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Everything posted by jakesmommy403

  1. Most of these items are already in the stores, if that helps anyone. I was there a few days ago and they had all the games, Skylanders, video games, etc.
  2. Last year Kohls went live on Tuesday night, and there was a 15% off code. Just FYI! I placed my order around midnight and I had some of my stuff delivered by FedEx the next day (Wednesday). And then the rest showed up that Friday, if I remember correctly.
  3. jakesmommy403

    2 day sale

    No extra discount on the 2 for $30 games at my store.
  4. jakesmommy403

    2 day sale

    Thanks! I'm going to check today and see if that's the case! It's probably a YMMV situation, but I think it's still worth it to check. I'll report back.
  5. Whoa!! Awesome price on Skylanders, those Blu Rays, and the iTunes card. I don't shop at Sam's Club, but I'm excited to see similar prices on those movies and skylanders at other stores!
  6. I'm going to stop in and check out that Pokemon box, but I also just wanted to remind everyone that our 25% off coupons from the Toy Book expire tomorrow! I'm going to use mine today in conjunction with the 20% off K'Nex cartwheel.
  7. I'm definitely planning on hitting that sale for the newer titles on my boys' lists!
  8. jakesmommy403

    2 day sale

    Ok thanks! I was going to add some more titles to my list if was the case. Lol
  9. I'm working this year for BF and I'll get off at 2 a.m., so I'm looking forward to seeing WM and Target since they're on my way home. I'm hoping someone does a $79 2DS. There were tons of leftovers last year when WM did the $99 2DS, so I'm thinking I should be able to get one if I pop in after work. We'll see!
  10. Aww!!! That's so sweet!! I'm sure you guys will have fun!
  11. jakesmommy403

    2 day sale

    Thanks for the heads up! I was actually planning on hitting TRU tomorrow for some stuff from their Big Toy Book. I have a question: I'm getting some of the 2 for $30 games, and I see that part of their 2-Day Sale is B1G1 40% off all video games, so is that on top of the 2 for $30? In other words, would one game be $15 and the other 40% off of $15?
  12. Well, I would never knock anyone who enjoys the show, but I can give you my opinion. My parents had been wanting to go for years, so it was a big deal for them and they took me and both of my brothers. It was...weird. The first half of the show is holiday themed, I guess. There's a hard-to-follow "story" that's actually narrated by some guy, and the more you try to make sense of it, the less it makes sense. They play the christmas songs you go to their show to see, but they're interspersed with strange renditions of other christmas songs. Then the second half of the show isn't holiday themed at all and looks more like This Is Spinal Tap, with some computer animated tigers, castles, and dragons that look like they're from 1998. Then they close out the show with Carol of the Bells, because you have to keep the butts in the seats somehow. (Carol of the Bells was AWESOME!) We stayed for the whole thing because my parents paid for our tickets, but people were leaving all through the show, especially during the second half. I've never seen so many empty seats halfway through a show! At one point one of the guitarists was playing out in the audience and there were people waiting politely for him to move so they could leave. My poor parents; it was not what they expected at all. But Carol of the Bells was awesome.
  13. So after all your wonderful help on here giving me info on the xbox and ps3, it now appears that we're going in a different direction. Kids!! lol. My son just isn't into those kind of games yet, I guess. He says he plays them at his friends' houses just because that's what they have there. He still likes Mario and all the Nintendo guys and prefers his 3DS and still likes his Wii. So hey, I'm not complaining. The littler one is still going to get his own 2DS for Christmas so he stops stealing his brother's and slamming it shut when he gets frustrated, but I'm going to channel all my video game energy now into getting the list of games from DS10 and Skylanders traps and figures, and some DS and 3DS games for the little guy so that he doesn't have to share all of his brother's games. I have a quite a list here. But I wanted to thank you guys for all the help and advice! How about the 2 for $30 games at TRU right now? Good deal or wait for cheaper? And I plan on hitting Target next week for the B2G1 sale for the newer titles. Skylanders Trap Team, I want to get the Dark Edition. Should I just buy now? Do the special editions go on sale? Thanks!
  14. Target has done some B1G1 1/2 off Lego sales in recent years at random times in November and December. Amazon had some really low prices on some of the Chima and Hero Factory guys last year. Definitely keep an eye out!
  15. I'm the one who does all the planning and shopping in our house, but I make sure my husband feels included by saying things like, "Check this out!! I got this for the boys today!" or "I'm planning on getting this video game, how cool does this look?" And then he feels like he's helping, but he's really not. Lol!
  16. We kick it off by putting up a ridiculous amount of lights and officially lighting them on Thanksgiving. Breakfast With Santa at a small local country dairy/restaurant that my mom works at We take an evening and drive around our town looking at lights while listening to xmas music and drinking hot chocolate. We visit Santa at the mall and then each pick out a new tree ornament at Target Mom and I have Shopping Day and knock out all of her shopping and anything I need to finish, and we get breakfast/coffee/dinner Cookie Baking Day with the kids a few days before christmas My older son isn't in chorus or band and now he's not in elementary school so we won't be going to a holiday concert for him. My littlest guy is in Kindergarten though, so we'll go see his holiday program. We have the elf on the shelf guy but my kids never bought into it. One thought it was creepy and the other one knows that dolls can't move. My parents and I used to go downtown to see a Musical Christmas Carol every year, but last year we realized we'd gotten sick of it. We've also seen Holiday Pops, The Nutcracker, and TSO (worst show ever), so we're good on shows for a while and plan on skipping all of them this year. We'll wait a few years until my kids want to go to those shows and then we'll start going again. I think we all need a break from them.
  17. Great info! Thanks for posting the list so far. I haven't seen anything from my shopping list yet but I'm sure something will come up at some point. I have a Target right up the road that I can hit on my way in to work, so I'm ready!
  18. Oh that's good to know! Thanks!
  19. Same question about the PS3. I don't even know if there's a membership type thingy like Xbox has, but if there is, do we need it for any of the games? Or can he just put in the discs and play?
  20. Thanks so much for the help. If a game requires the Xbox Live in order to just play it, does it say that on the packaging? I'm fine with not having the apps or anything. We have a smart TV in our living room that has all that stuff, but no one here even remembers to use it. Lol. I just want to make sure when he pops in COD or Minecraft on xmas morning, it plays and works. Is that the case? Thanks!
  21. Hi everyone! Looks like it's shaping up to be a video game christmas around our house this year. I'm planning on getting the 2DS for my youngest since he slams his brother's 3DS shut when he gets frustrated with a game. And for my older son I want to get the Xbox 360 with some games, along with Skylanders Trap Team for his Wii and some games for his 3DS. I have a few questions if someone could help me out: 1. Do you think we'll see lower prices on the Nintento 2DS this season, or is it already at its lowest with the $130 price tag? Do these ever have bundle deals? 2. If I do not want my son to have access to the internet, can he still play an Xbox 360 without the Xbox Live membership? Would he be able to just pop in the discs and play the games himself or with a 2nd player at home? I'm not ready for him to go into the world of online gaming just yet, but I don't know how this whole Xbox Live thing works. Do you need it to play the games? 3. Do you think we'll see the same deals on Skylanders Trap Team that we saw on Swap Force last year? ($40 around Black Friday.) Should I wait to buy? Last year I bought Swap Force when it came out and then I was kicking myself when they all went on sale and mine was already wrapped and stashed away in the hidden xmas pile.
  22. Well, as of 2 pm yesterday, toys were still mostly 50% off at my store in southwest PA, and I even found a whole extra aisle of clearance toys back in sporting goods that I missed when I was there on Wednesday. There were a few things that had already hit 70, so I guess we're staggering ours like we did with the July clearance. A lot of the stuff that other people have found at 70 are still 50 at mine, but there were some Superman sets, Planes toys, and little odds and ends that were at 70. And we still have a ton of toys, and more snow coming. My little brother's birthday is this weekend, and I found some really cute stuff in the men's clothing section for 70% off. Nice hoodies for $7.48. Also, a lot of cologne and shaving sets on an endcap in health and beauty at 50 and 70%.
  23. I'm in the Pittsburgh area. The only Legos I've seen hit 70 in the past few clearances were some Monster Fighter sets, but I wouldn't be surprised if these Hero factory and Duplos go lower since they have so many. I think the weather contributed to less shoppers around here. We've had polar vortex days, snow days, more subzero days, and a lot of people are just staying in if they don't have to go out. I'll report back when I get home today if there were any lower prices on anything.
  24. I guess my Target didn't go 70 on toys yet. I haven't been up there in a couple weeks, and when I stopped in yesterday I was shocked to see the toys at 50% still. The dollhouses everyone was posting, the power wheels cars, Barbies, princesses, even Lego sets! There were some Duplo and Hero Factory sets at 50%. It doesn't look like there's been a lot of shopping either. Large aisle of toys, plus 3 or 4 end-caps. We had 11 of those power wheels and 7 dollhouses. I looked through everything and there's nothing jumping out at me, but I have to stop back in today because they charged me the wrong price on something, so I plan on looking at the toys again to see if they're 70 and if the lego sets are still there I'll pick a couple to put away for my kids' friends' birthdays. They already have all the sets that were clearanced, so I can't get any for them. I wonder why we didn't go 70 last week.
  25. It was weird like this during the July clearance too. I went up when it was supposed to be the 70% off day and some stuff was 70 while others were still at 50%. Then it was either a few days later or the following week (I don't remember exactly) that the rest of the stuff went down to 70. So maybe keep checking back on those 50's over the next week. I'm sitting out this clearance because I have a huge box of toys here from the Amazon toy clearance. I've already been able to get into the box and put together some awesome birthday presents for some of my sons' friends. I plan on hitting the July clearance, though!
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