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Everything posted by jakesmommy403

  1. You guys always have good ideas. I want to get something special for my mom (she's my best friend), but she can't think of a single thing she wants or needs this year. Let me tell you a little about her: She's 54, as sweet as can be, doesn't understand technology, still has a flip phone and loves it, doesn't watch DVD's because she "has cable and they play all kinds of movies", and isn't a fan of gift cards because she feels to pressured to use them. She loves Kohls, Walmart, and Target. She's not outdoorsy, she lives right down the street from me, and she's been having some problems with her neck since a car accident a few months ago (maybe a neck pillow would help??) so she just likes to get home from work and relax, not really a huge going-out person unless we're shopping together. Ok. So.... I don't want to do jammies or slippers this year (just did them for her b-day), I don't want to get her something ho-hum. She deserves a special Christmas. With a budget of about $75, can you give me some ideas for a lady's special gift?
  2. That's wonderful, thank you so much! :)
  3. I'm so nervous to BF shop online...last year my brother and I were trying to get a few things from TRU when the sale started (I think it was 10 p.m. last year? Don't remember.) and as quick as we were, every time we tried to check out our cart would empty and the items would sell out. It was horrible! We glanced at each other and put our shoes on, headed out to WM and ended up getting a decent amount of what we were looking for. But now I'm so nervous to try online shopping on BF! What did we do wrong??
  4. I see, ok. I wasn't sure how that worked. Thank you all so much for the help! :)
  5. If I'm at WM checking out on BF and I have 3 of the Crayola Glow Domes that are $15 a piece and I show the cashier the Target BF ad where they're $12 a piece, she rings me up for $12 instead of $15, right? Is that how this works? I've never bothered with price matching before but if I'm going to be there anyway I might as well save some more cash, right? Or do you think don't even bother? Help. Thanks. What are the price matching rules? I know I saw a thread about it here somewhere. I think I need to have more coffee, because I can't find it now.
  6. GIVE ME ALL YOUR PILLOW PETS!!!! Haha I really appreciate your opinions. I think I'll go ahead and get them pillow pets...that horse one would be cute for my DS2 (he looooves horses) and DS7 specifically asked for a dinosaur pillow pet. I was just afraid it would be one of those things where $40 later no one even looks at their pillow pets, you know? But it sounds like your kids love them for the most part. :)
  7. Thanks so much everyone! :)
  8. My DS7 has asked for a pillow pet 2 Christmases in a row now. I think he only wants one because the commercial has brainwashed him, so I never bother with it. $20 for an animal-shaped pillow seems like a bit much to me. But now here we were again and it's on his list. If I get one for him I would also get one for his little brother or there would be pillow pet envy. So I have questions. 1. What are these "teenie" pillow pets I'm seeing with the purchase of a big one? 2. Do your kids have a pillow pet? If so, do they seem to really enjoy it or is it thrown in with the rest of their stuffed animals? 3. If I do get one, should I order it from the website or just see what the selection is at the store? Help. Thanks.
  9. Ok, I've looked through 3 times now, and here's all I'm seeing: *Bakugan Mechtogan is on DS7's list, and at $10 how can I say no? *Transformers MechTech $10 *Cars 2 Play Doh set for DS2 (I need a few things to round out his gifts) *Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots and Uno Moo are $12, and I already have them on layaway for $20 each, so I might pick those up if I can get them and then head to Kmart and get the layaway out and return them. This all depends on how the day goes. Either way I'm happy that I already have them. *Maaaaaaybe the pillow pets?? That's all I see so far. Looking forward to Kmart so I can make my final list. :) Awesome job Brad and the Gottadeal team!
  10. Would love a travel coffee mug. :)
  11. I wish I had a list...I was really hoping to get it all at WM and head back home, but there actually isn't anything I'm looking for. My brother and I have poured over the ad to make sure we're not missing anything, and have decided to wait and see what Target offers. If they don't have what we want then we might head up to WM anyway at 10 and check out the Transformers toys and pick through the DVDs like last year. We'll see....
  12. They're usually a little on the thin and scratchy side compared to a plushy bathroom towel, but for $1.28 if you're just looking for something extra to keep on hand they're not bad. It's always a frenzy around those towels at my WM! Those women go crazy!
  13. Wow!!! Now THAT'S a black friday ad!
  14. I'm shocked that it ended up being an Easy Share bundle!!!
  15. I was just told about this, like it was common knowledge, by a friend of mine. "I hope I can get in line to get a digital camera from Old Navy since I'll be there anyway!" she says. HUH?? She said she heard that instead of video games they'll be giving out digital cameras this year. She had NO idea how many people in line are getting one, and if there's a $25 requirement or anything like that. She apparently heard this from a girl who works there. Wow. Anyone? Can you help me figure this out for her? I don't do ON on BF. If this needs to be moved or deleted that's fine. I didn't know where to go with it.
  16. If I don't wake up to a Target ad posted on here I'm going to punch someone. Don't make me do that.
  17. Oh they are so sneaky, aren't they? And you're welcome!
  18. We had Target on the 9th last year, so come on, what's one day? It's the 8th. Let's see that Target ad! :)
  19. Since I had such a tough time trying to find that game, and didn't want to pay that price for it, I picked these up for my little Angry Birds obsessed DS7. http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_004W003481543000P?prdNo=8&blockNo=8&blockType=G8 But I also have a friend who bought this set for her daughter and even though they're billed as cake toppers, they're actually really cute little toys and very well made! With this set you get 7 birds and 5 pigs! http://www.amazon.com/Angry-Birds-Pigs-Cake-Decorations/dp/B005F6665W/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1320729467&sr=1-1 Also, if you're ordering online, Kmart has some of the Knock on Wood game in stock for $16.99! http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_004W003872423000P?prdNo=2&blockNo=2&blockType=G2
  20. I'm probably going to forget about Kohls this year...nothing in their ad appeals to me. Oh well, looking out for Target and Walmart to hit me with some good deals.
  21. My heart goes out to you. What a tough year it's been for so many people. We were in the same position with the house a while back. For what it's worth, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  22. My mom always insists on getting a list from me, so I submit one every year with a few things in a variety of price ranges for her. :) This year I would like new black boots, jammies, slippers, a flash drive, a new digital camera, a new teflon skillet, some glass coffee mugs, a 3-crock warmer, new wallet, iTunes GC, and B&BW stuff. (It's pretty much the same list every year.) Then I always write "and surprises!!" at the bottom, because she always picks out the coolest little things. She'll share this list with my two brothers, and call my husband repeatedly from now til Christmas to discuss it. Moms never change. I'm sure my sons will go through the same thing with me once the Santa years are over. Lol
  23. I wouldn't worry about it, you have plenty of time! There have been years when I didn't buy most of the gifts until a week before Christmas. Every year is just based on where we are financially. This time I have a layaway on at Kmart and another on at Walmart. I like to get the kids' main gifts done first so that I know I have them. Normally they would be hanging out in the gift pile in my basement, but we've had a tough year too, so layaway is a real blessing for us this year. Other than that, I'm keeping an eye on my list and the deals and pouncing when I see good ones. :)
  24. This is how they've been doing it at my Target for the past 2 years, and it always moves very smoothly and quickly. We form a line outside and shuffle in. They always put out all the old shopping carts in a huge line right when you walk in, so there's extra. They have 3 security guards, who are always very good about not letting any line jumpers get ahead, and the employees walk up and down the line handing out maps while we wait. :)
  25. Wooo!!! One of my BIG THREE! (Kohls, WM, Target) Thanks Brad! :)
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