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Nate Dogg

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Everything posted by Nate Dogg

  1. after 36 hours still no codes... I sent them an email.
  2. It seems to be legit. I know for sure the paypal link is legit because it did not ask for my password on my personal computer and populated with my correct card information. I bought 4 so I feel comfortable with what I read about them. 7% of people rate their experience as bad, though. Pay with a credit card (not a debit care) and try to use the codes right away would be my advice... if they don't work file a charge back with your credit card company or paypal. Good luck!
  3. Page 23 Game Pass 3 month regular price listed as $75.62 when the price on the card in the picture is $44.99. lol Same on page 25 with 1 month $34.95 but price on the card in the picture is $14.99.
  4. Anyone seen Xbox Game Pass on sale this year? I have searched every way I know how and still have not seen it on sale anywhere.
  5. The early access thing sucks in my opinion... basically pay to play or don't get the best deals.
  6. Nice! Good luck everyone.
  7. I am confused... are they going to have the new consoles in store? I thought it was just online. Bots make it so almost no one gets them online except the resellers. ugg.
  8. Has anyone used these? My pots and pans from 20 years ago need updating... but they seem awfully inexpensive. Will they last?
  9. That was why I was asking... have not seen anything but thought I may have missed something. A shame you don't, though, since the graphics card is more expensive than the processor in most gaming computers. I think my graphics card was 3 to 4 times more than my processor when I built my system.
  10. Thanks! Unfortunately only one of them lists the graphics card, and that is a pretty important part for gamers.
  11. Did not see this thread yet so *POOF* I am looking for a fairly decent set up for my child. I was able to find i7-9700 with an RTX 2060 (or AMD equivalents) for around $1,000 all day long until recently. Anyone seen anything like that in any of the ads yet?
  12. I worked at Montgomery Wards they year it went out of business. The Black Friday ad was similar to this one... a few good deals but nothing major. Busiest shopping day of the year and no traffic. I retract my earlier comment... looks like this is not the full ad. Just a preview.
  13. I mean post a price. $100 off what? I guess if there is not a price in the ad it probably means it is not a good deal.
  14. Was thinking about updating my son's Xbox for Christmas, but when I bought a new one earlier this year they were about $199 everywhere... now they seem to be $299 and the Xbox One X is till $499 everywhere. Any thoughts on the chances of a discounted X or will it just be the S that is discounted?
  15. Harbor Freight 10/1/2018
  16. Super easy cobbler that everyone loves: 1 can pie filling about the same amount of fresh fruit (same kind as in the pie filling)* box of spice cake mix 1 stick unsalted butter (not margarine... there is a huge difference in taste) optional handful chopped of nuts... I normally leave this out because of allergies Melt butter and mix into cake mix (and nuts if you go that route)... I use my mixer. Makes a wonderful topping Mix together the pie filling and fruit in the bottom of a crock pot with a removable insert put the topping on top put the insert in the oven and broil until it is golden brown... put insert back into the crock pot turn on the crock pot (setting depends on how fast you need it, but at least low for 30 minutes) ready once the fruit starts to bubble through the topping Keep the crock pot on warm and serve with ice cream *by adding fresh fruit you can claim that it is healthy. For less work use a second can of pie filling instead
  17. I have been looking for about 6 months and it seems that prices are indeed better on BF by several hundred dollars. Too bad Obamacare ate up my budget for a new kitchen. Maybe next year.
  18. Man, mine showed out of stock the whole time.
  19. Tuesday after work was my go to time for a number of years... I think maybe one year I got in line Monday. Last couple of years there has not been anyone at the store until a few hours before, so I may change my strategy this year. It seems waiting in line is back to the way it was in the early 2000's.
  20. I have taken my son with me every single year since he was 6 months old... never had an incident. We generally camp out every year, although the last 2 years we did not needed to... spend 2 days camping only to not have anyone else show up until 4 hours before the store opens. He is 11 now, so he is old enough to understand and be careful, but when he was younger he stayed in the cart. It would be very easy for a child who is not being properly supervised to end up lost or hurt. Not sure if it is good parenting or I just got lucky, but he has always been very well behaved. I also drill into his head what is going to happen and how dangerous it really can be and we talk through what to do in certain situations. We also walk the stores a couple of times the week before so he is familiar with the layout and surroundings. I have seen children who were not properly supervised and can imagine it would be a nightmare for their parents, so my advice would be to go it you have the ability to take care of your children, but if your "little angel" cannot handle themselves in a crowd or if you constantly have to yell at them know there is a real risk of danger to them.
  21. Anyone think there will be deals on the Xbox One X? I remember when the PS3 was released there were good deals on those. I specifically remember the Walmart "secret sales" that were so secret that even the store associates and management did not know about them. I do not, however, remember any good deals on the Xbox one when it came out. Does anyone think there will be any good offerings for BF, or will be getting one be the challenge?
  22. LOL... sorry about that. it is Kmart. I was going to post links but for some reason I have been unable to as of late. Can any of the moderators help me with this?
  23. I was able to get 50% off Star Wars Risk ($15.00), Star Wars Chess ($15.00), and Despicable Me Life ($11.00). Free in store pick up available on some items... Free shipping on orders over $35.00. Happy Shopping!
  24. I remember when Walmart put some of their door busters on sale a few days early. Everyone was shocked. Now everyone is like meh.
  25. I got there Tuesday and did not see the first person until Wednesday night... then he waited in his car until about 3:00 PM. A few people started showing up about 2:30 PM, but they all waited in their cars until the first person made a dash for the door... then all 20 to 30 got our of their vehicles. People at best buy were waiting as long as possible to hand out tickets hoping a line would form. I think the only thing they sold out of was the 49" TV. I think the rain combined with temps in the 30's kept everyone away until the last minute. To be honest, though, I did most of my shopping from my cell phone Thursday while I was in the tent. I only picked up the 2 large items I cane for and a few DVD's.
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