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Everything posted by tntsmomie

  1. We're on the peninsula. Normally, we go to the one at Jefferson Commons b/c it's closest. But there's one in Williamsburg, too, that there's NEVER anyone at. Wonder if it's the same on BF??
  2. Thanks for the tip! We're both very excited at the prospect of doing this!
  3. We're in Hampton Roads, Va. We've got quite a few within driving distance of us... I worry about going to the actual store b/c I'm not big on crowds...which is why virtual black friday shoppin is good for me. :)
  4. RIGHT ON!! Does their website normally lock-up at midnight b/c of the volume of us crazed deal shoppers? DH and I are excited about getting up and snagging the barbie jet for DD6.
  5. Our store promotes 15% for new accounts as well. When I applied a few years back, it was given regardless of whether you were approved or not. Here, the signs just talk about 15% on the day you open your account. I have to admit, when used properly, the Kohls card is my favorite card!
  6. I have to admit that I have NEVER gone out shopping on BF, but there were a few things that make me want to go to Kohls this year. However, there's only one that want to "score" and that's the barbie jet. Are these prices valid online? I'm not big on going to the store for ONE item and it not being there...
  7. Pretty pretty! Thank you for sharing! I love seeing how people decorate for the holidays. I also love your village! We're on a major house-cleaning spree today, moving and reorganizing -- getting ready to set up our holiday decorations. We have to young kittens and this is their first Christmas. I have to make modifications! :)
  8. tntsmomie

    Geo Trax on BF?

    Oooh yeah...DS4 is WAY into Geotrax. We've got 2 huge tubs full of them. Tracks and people in one, houses and such in the other. Costco has a GREAT deal on the new Cars set. You get 4 "cars" and lots of track and such for about $50. I want to say it also comes with the sherrif set that you can buy (I think it's the butte?). If you're a Kohls card holder, you can use the 30% code and get them cheaper b/c they're always on sale around this time of year.
  9. I second this! My kids LOVED their Little People. We had so many at one point we had to half our collection. The dollhouse is absolutely adorable and very fun. My daughter got her first set shortly before she turned 1. She loved playing with it.
  10. We always buy the bags of cinnamon pinecones and put them in a really nice basket with white lights and berry sprigs (like what you use in a wreath). Very pretty, and when the lights heat up you can really smell the cinnamon. You can always drop some scented oils in them to make them smell good -- like the potpourri mentioned above.
  11. We're dramatically decreasing the number of cards we're sending out this year...by about half. We found the CUTEST cards at Costco this year. They're musical cards, each one has a different song that plays when you open it up. And the fronts are so cute and decorative. There were only 10 in the pack. And really, that's all we really need to send. Typically we send out about 20-30 cards. We might get about 10, but typicaly, it's less.
  12. We don't normally, but did this year while trying to figure out how much we spent on each child to ensure fairness. We aren't super strict with budgeting, but like to plan what we have to spend to help with our budget each payday.
  13. I'm ready to do it now, too. We adopted 2 kittens over the summer, and I want to give them some extra time to get used to it. I'm so afraid they're going to chew through wires and knock the tree down. But, I've been told to wait at least until Nov 15th. I may just wait until Thanksgiving, though.
  14. We have the Loving Family Dollhouse and DD6 LOVES playing with it. Actually, DS4 loves to play with it, too. TRU will often runs specials on the dolls and furniture (b2g1 or bogo). It's definitely stood the test of time and has seen some rambuncious play...and it's still in excellent shape!
  15. We've actually been pretty fortunate in getting gifts that are appropriate. However, last year, DD6 (then 5) received a set of earrings from DH's grandmother. It was one of those Avon sets. There were 7 pair, one for each day of the week. But they were all way too fancy for a 5 year-old. Huge stones, meant more for dressing up as an adult. My daughter got SO excited about it, but I just couldn't let her wear them....they looked so out of place on a little girl. So we're saving them until she's older.
  16. Yep, Mario Cart is a huge hit at our house for DD6 and DS4. We have Mario Kart battles all the time! :) They both love the Wii Fit and the new Wii Resort game. I saw somewhere that had a Wii bundle with the new Wii Fit Plus (came with the Wii, the balance board, the game and something else....).
  17. We're almost done. Both kids are done, but only a few relatives are. So maybe about 60% done?? Teacher gifts are taken care of, too. :)
  18. We've gotten ours from Michael's (both the clothes and shoes fit great on DD's AG doll), and from a local craft festival. My mom also makes them herself, so we have a bunch from her as well.
  19. That's great! Yep, both of my kids love theirs. And they're REALLY cute. Glad they had them!
  20. I wrapped some last night. DS4 walked downstairs this morning and saw them sitting on the cabinet. He said, "Mommy, is today Christmas??" Just a few more to wrap, and we'll be done. Debating on whether or not to wrap his Santa gift. DD6 wanted an american girl doll, which I ordered and decided to have them gift wrap it. So her's will be wrapped. Thinking I need to do it for him, too....
  21. My latest issue just arrived in plastic, with a subscription offer. I have no issues subscribing ($6/year for 4 issues). We love these magazines, and with a free cookbook -- we're a happy family!
  22. DD6 is in a 7/8. I think they ranged from 6/6x - 12/14. They also have some toddler boys one (2 pack for $11). Didn't really look at the adult sizes, though, but I'd imagine they'd have some. DH found some great "comfy pants" last year.
  23. conj, If you belong to Costco, they have some cute fleece pants for about $6/pair. We grabbed 2 pair for DD on Thursday.
  24. Ours had tons of cute holiday shoes for girls. Lots of silver and gold and shiny black.
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