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Everything posted by tootsieroll23

  1. Thanks got DS 3 shirts, a zip-up hoodie and a pair of jeans for 98.50 from the Abercrombie Kids. Too bad they don't have free shipping, but it beats getting out in this freezing weather. :)
  2. I know what you mean. It takes me forever to figure out the best route to go with them.
  3. Sorry not sure how to show the actual coupon. I know someone here will be able to do it, but here is the link http://app.ae.com/coupon2/EXKEVT/AY73A/E9W6X/S31RN6P/NVZXAH/
  4. Here is a link to for the details, but I didn't see anything about spending $100 http://www.ae.com/Images/homepage/webset09/01142009/FSPop100.gif
  5. I went to our Goody's Friday and was not impressed with the sale at all. It will have to get alot cheaper for me. I asked the girl when they would be marking items down again and she said in about 2 weeks.
  6. That is what they did, two separate transactions and they still wouldn't let them do it. Probably if they hadn't have walked up together and not had the same identical coupons then they might have gotten to do it. I will try and use it again tomorrow.
  7. My DD and her boyfriend had one each I printed for them and our AE would only let them use one.
  8. Anything I went to get at Best Buy last night. Went to get a laptop, camcorder and a digital picture frame and they were out of all three.
  9. I don't know if they will price adjust once they have shipped your item, but I had the same problem with a price going down and emailed them This was the response I got back. Thank you for writing to Amazon.com. The discounts we offer on items on our website do vary from time to time. I've checked your order, and found that we currently offer a greater discount on " EyeClops Night Vision Infrared Stealth Goggles " than at the time you placed your order. Since this item has not yet shipped, I have adjusted the price to reflect the current discounted price, $49.99. This is the price you will be charged when the order ships. On the date of shipment, you should receive an e-mail message confirming the date, contents, and method of your shipment. Thanks again for shopping at Amazon.com. Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question
  10. I would like to know the samething. That's a really good price.
  11. A Christmas Story hands down.
  12. Thanks! I thought I was done shopping
  13. I haven't done any candy making yet. I don't even know if I am, but have made the bagels for the birds with birdseed on them and hung them on the trees outside.
  14. I can't believe I have to pick between A Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story. These are my two favorites. Christmas Vacation The Santa Clause
  15. Wow I can't believe Deck the Halls beat out It's A Wonderful Life and Home Alone beat out A Christmas Carole. I must be old. Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story The Santa Clause Jingle All the Way
  16. The kids put their shoes out tonight, but they know it's tradition for us now.
  17. Thanks I was wanting to get Narnia
  18. Yes I printed mine online. Now I am not sure how to go about getting them without the original receipt.
  19. I ordered all of my BF items online at Kohl's. Several of the items had rebates. Well my question is I have five different rebates to send in and they all want the original cash register receipt. Can I print several copies, from my computer, of my confirmation email for my order and use those as my original receipt? I tried to call their customer service and was on eternal hold. I even ask while I was in the store last night and nobody knew. So just thought I would see what anyone else might be doing. TIA
  20. tootsieroll23

    Kohls bucks

    I got mine and spent mine
  21. Who's counting? Too much I am sure. I keep telling myself what good deals I have gotten to justify all the spending:yup:
  22. tootsieroll23

    Kohls bucks

    I am still waiting on mine. I ordered everything online from Kohl's on BF. It said they would be emailed to me no later than DEC1. I sure hope so.
  23. DH and I went around 10:30 and either they had ordered a bunch of the doorbusters or they had restocked them. Not sure which, but there was plenty left of most of the BF doorbusters. I went to one earlier, 4:45 am and it was a just down right crazy. I won't be going to Walmart next year.
  24. I love the fact that Target does price adjustments. I can get my BF items a couple of days before BF. Then BF morning go right in to the customer service and have them price adjust my BF items and out the door I go. No lines to have to wait in for 30 minutes and it leave more time for other stores.
  25. I haven't gotten anything yet, as I ordered everything online The UPS man is going to love me when he brings all these large boxes from Kohl's. Especially the steam cleaner I bought from Kohl's online.
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