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Everything posted by katiesmommy01

  1. me too! I have seasons 1-4 and 7, need the others...usually cc has them for about $15 each :)
  2. my daughter has the hannah montana one, it's great except that the charge only is enough for one movie length...wish it would hold a longer charge for long trips..
  3. I've been to the disney store the past 2 yrs on BF...I usually feel like i'm wasting my time (but it's in the mall i hit after the big stores...so i'm there about 7)...no huge sales at all...and i've never seen snowglobes in their ad. During the summer they had a 50% off sale on the snowglobes, twice (still too much $ for us)...they also clearanced out a few snowglobes for only about $15 during the summer as well (all this was in store). I did pick up the Princess one online for less than $20 using codes, free shipping and during their snowglobe sale...i'd try that approach to bring the price down and not hold out for BF on that one....HTH EDIT: i've never seen the Alice one in stores...
  4. I slept out at BB in Wilmington (one of the busiest that day in the country i've heard) the year before last to get the laptop for my mom and a new tv for me. I was about 50 in line when I got there...over 100 by the time the doors opened...not a damn thing was done about the line jumpers before tickets were distributed. Add to that the employee who told me that he did not have any more laptop coupons when he got to me, and then gave coupons for the laptop to people BEHIND me in line. I would suggest a ticket system just for the first 100 people in line, distributed during the night with their # rank in line. Then go through the line in the morning weeding out the line jumpers and "friends" who join in the AM. If people sell their line ticket and leave the line, fine (cause you still have the same # of people). THEN go through the line with the item tickets. This wouldn't be too hard to implement AND would make BF sooooo much more fair for the people who really spend the time out in the cold to get those items. JMHO
  5. If you have a 5 below they have a bunch of the leapster games for $5 :) HTH
  6. Can you guys believe that our BTS is STILL 30%!?!?!?!?!? ugh...i'm bummed
  7. Most importantly, introduce yourself to the people around you in line...if they like you they will look out for you and protect you from the line jumpers (who can really be mean and in your face)...additionally, ive had others from the line grab me something if they are picking one up for themselves and then throw it to me once in the store :) Being nice really matters!!! Also having a bottle of water and a granola bar in the car to hydrate and re-energize on the way to the next store. Have your sale ads in the order in which you are hitting those stores, don't waste time sorting through ads! Lastly, it's supposed to be fun, don't let the crazies hurt your shopping high!
  8. Well, picked up a Wii at Target today...they had 3 in the case (sold 2 while i was standing there debating). Also picked up some dollarspot at 50% off (lots of hello kitty stuff), and finally got the water i came in for, lol. Was bummed however to find the deckbox i've been stalking was gone...and I wasn't the only one looking for it...the person was trying to find it to mark it 50% off today too, lol...now i'm waiting for my dd to get home so i can run over to the other target and try to pick it up there. OH yeah, our BTS went 75% off today finally (skipped 50% entirely)...only 1/2 of an aisle instead of the 4-5 aisles the other day...yeah, looks like they took most of the stuff and boxed it out before they marked it down...FOUL!!!
  9. I'm searching for a free shipping code but so far nothing Hey, what is a "bonus card"? Alright, every code i've found doesn't work with the webkinz (grr)...would this work in the store just buying the webkinz or would they want you to buy clothes to get them? My DD is just getting into this and i'd love to save the $...just hate paying $12 for shipping!
  10. OK, I got the shark mop, but cannot find a store that carries the carpet attachment! I've found it only on the company website...but with shipping it comes to over $20! Anyone know of where i can pick this up for less? TIA
  11. I sent 3 pictures actually...and they checked and it was the "right" doll that was sent (it was a personalized one, not a friends doll)...they had the skin tone right on, her nose was right and her beauty mark too. My daughter has dark blue eyes and the doll came with "aqua" eyes which were bright blue (they told me that was the "dark" blue color!)...my daughters hair is a mix of light brown and dark blonde, so I mentioned that EVERY chance i got on their forms, but you could only "pick" one color and she came with "golden brown" hair pretty medium brown and REALLY different from my daughters hair. The face is close, but my daughter has a longer face then the dolls. The eyebrows were also very light (my daughter has bushmans eyebrows)...they told me that was the standard eyebrows and every doll had the same ones. It's a beautiful doll, but for $140 I want it to look more like my dd!
  12. ok, the school stuff JUST went 30% off here and there is not much left (Concordville PA), my deck box that i'm eying is still at 30% off as well *sigh*
  13. I believe rollback..there was a whole display of them for that price, not sure how long they will stay that price though.
  14. I wanted to get one of these dolls for my DD6's birthday in October. They are pretty expensive, but I figured that she's only young once. Well, the company was very quick making the doll, great with communication and shipping only took 2 days to get to us! Got the doll today and it looks nothing like my daughter! I was pretty disappointed and called the company right away to see what could be done (I did this way in advance of her birthday just in case)...so far everyone has been super nice and helpful and they are paying for return shipping and making the changes needed (different hair color/eye color and face shape). Was wondering if anyone has any experiences to share with these dolls/this company...i'm hoping the doll returns and looks more like my kid...otherwise the doll itself is pretty cool.
  15. haha, that's me! DD6 makes a list, but its usually a picture list (so far anyways) of things she sees in the paper ads...whatever is on tv is usually on the list. Additionally, I bring the BF ads to Thanksgiving dinner and make my family go through them and pick what they want for the holidays from the ads :) That way I get a deal and they get what they want. My sister has her birthday on dec 9th, then we celebrate hannukkah AND x-mas! So she usually cleans up.
  16. These are usually MUCH more $ and are great for the little brushers (the song tells them how long to brush for). We picked up Hannah Montana, HSM, and Cheetah Girls :) HTH someone!
  17. i was there today and they actually looked up my account (bought the item online)...thought that was kinda neat...but I agree with the person who said give them the last sale price on that item...and give it in store credit...also keep a record of them returning (license check, etc.)...I agree that i prefer to shop where they won't give me a huge hassle, and i usually stay and shop more while i'm there returning!
  18. hmm...not so many toys to pick from...that's a shame. I don't want to buy things that are just going to sit around
  19. I'll give it to you straight...i walked into Target today and found 3 in the case! The guy said he's never been able to put them in there EVER before. That being said...closer to X-mas they will again be super hard to find, seeing as they are still pretty hard to find now (i happened to walk into the target right after their shipment). Last year you could find them in the summer and yet i was hanging out with 20+ people daily for hours in front of the game stop day in and day out to try to snag one...kids dont put out their "list" until late Nov/Dec...thus the parents arent crazy until then. If you find one now i'd say grab it.
  20. ok, really looked around my tru and didn't see any of these...doesn't mean there aren't any at other locations, just none in mine...lots of clearance everywhere...but TRU clearance isn't "clearance" in my opinion!
  21. keep in mind though...the guy at the store told me only 45 day return policy on these...so to open them up and fully charge them to make sure they are functional...that way if they arent you still have time to exchange! This is important if your kid "needs" a pink one as they are really scarce soon.
  22. OK, went in and got the pink DS lite (only 2 left! $129.99), the pink Litehouse travel set for DS Lite (case, usb cable, car charger, adjustable metal stylus (holds up to 4 games $19.99), and the Disney Friends game ($19.99). Came to $135.13 after the 25% off and tax included...I saved $42.49!!! The deal i had the first time was about $12 more and i only had a HM case ($13)...much happier with this deal :)
  23. i'm going to tru tomorrow...i'll check the situation out and report back
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