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Everything posted by katiesmommy01

  1. hey, how many times could you have earned this? I did this once with another order towards the beginning of the promotion and again with the gc/mani set...will i get 2 email codes? I just received one in my email...so is another coming? lol...I also just got that order and got the free soap coupon and a $10 off $30 coupon as well (good for BF!!!)...i'm starting to really fall in love with this store :)
  2. OK, got 2 quotes today and both mentioned that same thing! This made me feel better about their competence They also both mentioned the product Kilz (anyone have any experience with this stuff?) since i'm allergic to bleach. I ended up signing with the one company for $2,062.50... 720-800sq feet. I have another quote coming tomorrow, but is that too much??? It includes pulling up the old carpet and removing it (then allowing 2 days inbetween for me to apply/dry the kilz stuff), installation and life of the carpet guarantee (for rolling, etc.)...the carpet I picked was basic, but also have 2 kinds of stain mastering in it...feedback?
  3. It really seems like it's much easier to get the wii fit (and wii) lately...has Nintendo vamped production? whats going on??? lol.
  4. We have Lucky...picked it up when it came out ($60!!!)...my DD really liked him but he does not respond well to commands! You know how kids talk (not clearly 80% of the time)...the dog doesnt pick up the commands then, and even when the command is very clear (i've tried to do the commands too), the dog does a DIFFERENT command...it's very frustrating, for the child AND the parent. We still have him, but she doesnt play with him very often because of this...i'd steer clear IMO.
  5. I wish they would come out with a Rockband Disney edition! that would be awesome for us. I preordered the rockband for wii from Amazon and was very disapointed when we got it...not really little kid friendly IMHO...they were going to charge us for restocking AND shipping if we returned it...so it's been under our piano ever since...have no idea what to do with the thing.
  6. Ok, I've been with Cingular Wireless since 2002, very happily I might add, until they were taken over by AT&T and since then i've been I figured out that they were adding charges to my bills on things that I had never before been charged for, and after calling them and having them promise to remove the charges and make sure it didn't occur again...well guess what, still there and MORE!!!! to the tune of about $50! Needless to say i'm peeved, but i'm also not under contract so i'm free to get the hell out (after I have them REMOVE those charges). So, who likes their provider? Any recommendations for me? Any assistance or deals would be most welcome as I start my research i'm in PA.
  7. hmm...please explain how to do this and why...plus, i'm allergic to bleach, so will the smell of the bleach remain?
  8. Want to replace the carpeting in our hallways, 2 staircases and the finished basement. Needs to happen quickly since my dad will be staying with us for a week at the end of NOV. The doggie decided to make the basement a bathroom and I cannot get rid of the smell down there no matter how many times i clean that carpet...plus it was stained when we bought the house 2 yrs ago...i'd really like to have this done quickly so my dad will be comfy down there. can anyone recommend a place that would do it fast, well and affordably? I've thought of Home Depot and Lowes, but don't know which is better (they run specials, but usually the staircases arent included and run up the total by like $250 per staircase!!!)...any advice would be much appreciated! TIA!
  9. hey everyone, i havent seen this mentioned yet...the Hannah Montana (purple) guitar is 50% off at one of my targets making it about $45. If anyone sees it go down to 75% off please tell me!!! We have at least 8 of them on the shelf so i'm going to press my luck (no whammy, no whammy, STOP) Speaking of which, what would a musical instruments mark down day be technically???
  10. my order confirmation came like this : Item: Description: Bath & Body Works Red Gift Card Quantity: 1 @ $31.00 Shipping Method: Ground, (3-5 business days) I don't understand...first of all i picked the pink gc, and the pink mani/pedi set...came to $31 w/no tax or shipping...so why isn't my confirmation like everyone elses?
  11. so let me get this straight...you get a 25$ giftcard, a mani/pedi set, and a $10 promo code...and they actually pay YOU to do this? what am i missing?
  12. I used my shark to get off the crayon on the hard wood (living room)/laminate (kitchen/dining) (compliments of my DD)...i'd been scrubbing at it for the past year on my hands and knees, nothing. 5 seconds with the shark and it's GONE.
  13. LOL...ok that is the funniest thing i've ever read :)
  14. Welcome! I picked up that same picture frame :) sooooo pretty :) i love that stuff!
  15. i love that the $10 card can be used on BF :) yay!!!
  16. i was so annoyed to see this! I JUST bought the soaps online yesterday for 3 for $10!!!! Granted they gave me free shipping yesterday, so didn't have to pay for that...but i want my 4th soap!!!
  17. i'd be weary...we bought one to try to save money on the oil heat last winter...just used it for one room...the electric bill was DOUBLE our normal bill! The first question the electric company had for us was if we had brought in an electric fireplace...we stopped running it after that. jmho
  18. Target has had them in stock all week! Today they told me that they started with 160 and now have 60 left...i'd just try to get one now instead of waiting until its closer to the holidays.
  19. It was in the case...they had at least 3 in there, i don't even think it was clearance, but a special of some sort...
  20. There's been some talk about Shrinky Dinks (started by myself )...I was cruising around on Amazon.com and found this! I'm going to combine it with the Tinkerbell Dvd that just came out for my DD7 :) Thought i'd share! Product Description Now you can make your very own Disney Fairies charms! Color the pictures of Tinker Bell and her friends, then cut them out and bake them--in seconds the amazing shrinking plastic turns into miniature fairy charms. Display your fairy ShrinkyDinks in the six beautifully illustrated scenes of Pixie Hollow included in the book. Or string your charms onto a ribbon to make your own fairy jewelry! Kit includes book with fold-down flaps, six colored pencils, jewel stickers, one ribbon and four sheets of shrinking plastic. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/142310059X/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance I don't know how to post the picture http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61JPWZFTRKL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg
  21. Halloween still 75% off in concordville pa and wilmington DE (yes, i checked both)...was told it would go 90% off tomorrow! ugh...that's not happening for me...I did well at 75% though...just wish i had picked up another orange storage container at 50% off...it's awesome and now i've bought too much again and have already filled the one i bought I think i have a problem ;-) QUESTION does anyone know how much the happy halloween sign (not huge, not little) w/the white ghost popping off it was originally? I picked up the last one w/no bar code and played how much you want to pay? lol..the lady behind me in line was like "give it to her for $1!" The manager decided $1.49 was ok for it...just curious if i got a good deal. thanks! Something to mention, saw Lego Star Wars for Wii for $19.95! We paid $50 last x-mas for it...just in case anyone is looking.
  22. as for the easy bake oven, buy a shrinky dink maker instead! that thing is fast, fun for everyone and such fun :) just my pull.
  23. I feel your pain! As for the big toy this year, i'm SO on top of that! Never again will i let last year happen!!! lol...i've been watching everything my DD7 is lighting up over and then getting it! lol...sounds crazy but i've picked up everything on sale since earlier this year and stowed it with receipts. I just had her do her list early this year and the "big" santa item is the pink DS (which i picked up for 25% off at TRU during the last sale complete w/pink case). I'll now start returning the other things that she's lost interest in It really sounds crazy when i'm writing that, but i'm leaving nothing to chance (or Hasbro) this year. I'm pretty much done for shopping (except for the 20 things i'll find on bf...hopefully some DS games for santa:D )
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