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Everything posted by 4gr8girls

  1. They do the same sale online too:) Let me warn you about becoming addicted to Gymboree. I started buying in 2003 and I haven't stopped. I think I spend between 2 and 3 thousand a year there...lol! However they have a great resale value and that's how I feed my addiction.
  2. I have twins and we made our own candy announcements. We used kit-kats (the fun size). It turned out really cute. My husband's aunt printed them on pink paper.
  3. The only reason I say that is because I saw it on clearance at Wal-Mart too. So it wasn't just Target. Today, however, I went to another Target and it was full price. Has anybody seen the Littlest Pet Shop Display case for less than 30% off?
  4. I bought it yesterday. It was $14.98. The one I already have I bought at another store. I still don't understand why it's already on clearance. The only thing I can think is that Hasbro wants to push the castle instead.
  5. I could not believe when I saw this today! I just bought this for my dd 3 for $58.85. Needless to say it is going back since it is still in the box. I wonder why it's already clearanced, it just came out not too long ago. Still a heck of a deal.
  6. I tried adding the onefor PS3. The link takes you to the game from Target. If you look on the right hand side it says "more buying options" and the one from Amazon is coming up at $19.99. I hope that makes sense.
  7. Thanks all! I will play along then. I am so excited!!
  8. It's just like shipping in the US but you have to fill out a customs form. If somebody doesn't mind then I can play:)
  9. l would like to play this time but I have a couple of questions. I will have an APO address so will that a problem? Also, I don't think I can receive homemade stuff at the APO. I can just put that in the app. though, right? Thanks a bunch!
  10. Aviano, Italy. Anybody else?!? LOL!
  11. Not crazy! I have been buying full force for Christmas. We are moving to Italy so I am trying to be proactive since I will have to order online a lot, I am sure. I have been asking the kids for some time now what they want. I bought a notebook last week to write all Christmas stuff down in.
  12. Thank you for posting this. I picked up at a store the other day and I didn't know it was online.
  13. Thanks! I was able to order last night and I used the free shipping since I needed something at Gap.
  14. I don't think there is anything dishonest about returning it to the store if it would have been the exact same item and unused but that's not up for debate. The way you get to a seller on eBay is by feedback. Make sure you leave feedback exactly the way you feel and what you feel they deserve. I sell on eBay too. I always try to solve problems though, I don't ignore people. Recently I had somebody leave a positive but left an untrue statment with it. Boy that got my attention! Like a PP said try selling it on eBay yourself.
  15. I got mine to print just fine. That's weird that your getting that message.
  16. I was wondering if Target would be the best deal. They have Camp rock for $15.99, Hannah Montana for $22.99 and a free $10 gift card. So if you use the coupon on top of that it would be a sweet deal!
  17. Do you work there? I know they sent out that brochure with the future lines. i just can't remember which line is next and which comes out in September. I do remember some very dark, rich plaids that were nice. For girls atleast:)
  18. Does anybody know when Gymbucks start up again?
  19. I had almost had the exact scenario. We bought a backpack, lunchbox, 5 tops, 2 dresses, shoes and Webkinz clothes for $55. We had 2 limited too bucks. All the shirts and dresses were $4.99. They also gave me a coupon for 30% this Sunday only!
  20. Hi, I'm Grizellie and I'm an alcoholic *Hi Grizellie*...kidding. My husband and i have been married almost 9 years. We have 4 girls Cierra 11, Natalie and Nicole 6, and Ellie Grace will be 3 on 8/31. We live in Arizona but are moving in less than a month to Italy. My husband is in the AF. I will still be here scoping out the deals for my family;)
  21. 4gr8girls

    too soon?

    A little surprised but for me it's more stressful. We are moving during all the craziness!
  22. I think I have gotten better deals throughout the year then on Black Friday but like OP said it's the things that money can't buy. It is a tradition I do with my family. We have such a great time together and we talk about it until the next year. You can't buy memories like that!
  23. Sweet! That is the one right by my house. I will check it out later.
  24. Thanks for the heads up. Which one did you go to?
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