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Everything posted by 4gr8girls

  1. A little hint I learned on here. Target's clearance signs always say 'up to (enter percentage off here).' It is in small lettering and if you don't sit and read the whole sign you'd miss it. Somebody on here pointed that out once. So anyways, it stinks but that's how they suck you in.
  2. Ah man! I got all excited:( Thanks for looking. I really appreciate it!
  3. I went to 2 Targets today looking for the sewing machine with no luck. I even drove to one that was about 20 miles away:eyepoppin There are none left in the Phoenix area. If anybody is willing to pick one up for me you will be reimbursed plus:D Thanks!
  4. If anybody out there is willing to pick up the Shark sewing machine for me I will pay shipping and a little extra:) I really really want one!!!
  5. Omgoodness. I have an 11 year old, 6 old twins and a 2 1/2 year old and we can't all make it out the door sometimes. I feel for ya! I'm watching the Shutterfly things to so hopefully between all of us looking somebody will catch it.
  6. WOW! Congratulations!!!
  7. The only damage was a ripped liner. It was easy to fix and we ended up selling the car. One more funny thing. There was a pregnancy test box in the front seat. I was 6 months pregnant at the time. The police picked it up and asked if it was ours. I said I am pretty sure I am pregnant...lol! Atleast I can look back and laugh at the time I was livid!
  8. Yes. We took it to get the oil changed. They told us to leave the keys in the ignition. So we did and we left. It was around Memorial Day so we didn't want to wait. My husband went to pick up the car and they told him that he had already picked it up....uh, excuse me! So they figured out that before it ever got the oil changed somebody had taken it. It was a Honda Civic and those cars are used a lot for tricking out and stuff like that. Anyways, they found it 2 days later at an apartment complex. It aws parked next to Honda Civic just like it. The police said it was close to be stripped. The people had robbed a bunch of houses with it so there was all sorts if crap in it. My husbands golf clubs were in it and they were gone. WM said it wasn't there fault and we fought for a while but gave up. The one thing we got a kick out of was that it hardly had any gas and the thieves filled it up. It was nice to drive away with a full tank of gas...suckers!
  9. I use to work at Wal-Mart too. Oh that stupid cheer. I avoided meetings for that reason alone. I hate going into Wal-Mart. We had our car stolen from Wal-Mart and it was their fault and they wouldn't take responsibility and I vowed to never shop at WM again. I only go in there for certain things. I never do big shopping there. Now with Target accross the street I never have a reason to go in there. BTW, last year in January out store (when I lived in TX) did a huge toy clearance like 75% off and more. I know it was around the 9th or 10th because it was right after the twins birthday. The problem is al WM do not operate the same. My mom went to hers and they had nothing!
  10. It was those dang reindeers! I just couldn't get enough of all their stuff. With 4 girls there is no way to avoid that store. In my defense DH's grandparents got $115 in giftcards that they used my number for. Just let me know about the husky. I really don't mind. I am going this weekend because one of the twins was invited to a b-day party there. I am going to pick up the gem bear for me:) P.S. DH loves the husky too. He begged all three of my kids to make one and none of them caved...lol! Poor guy!
  11. If you can't find the husky my store has it. I would be glad to pick it up for you and send it to you unstuffed of course:) We are big BAB fans. I earned 9 stuff for stuff certificates in the month of December:blush: Don't tell DH! On the bright side I was able to pay for the twins BAB birthday party with my coupons.
  12. I was able to find a Barbie Island princess dress up dress that wasn't marked and I got one the Cabbage Patch kids that goes in the tub. I was thrilled that I was able to find anything this late in the game. My youngest dd will be 3 in August and I already have 3 gifts bought for her. I also found a cute top for dd2 for $1.24 and Barbie nightgown for $3.24
  13. I am really excited about my purchases tonight! I went to a different Target and to my surprise I found a Barbie throne. It was on the bottom of a return cart. I snagged it up! Then I found one of the Jeopardy DVD games. I was eyeing this before Christmas but refused to pay $50 or $60 for it. I got it for $14.98. I figures all the toys would be gone so I was thrilled to find these:)
  14. BAB has great customer service. I am sure they would fix her 'meow.' That is really sad though.
  15. Thank you for sharing this deal!!! My friend swears by Ugg's so this might be my opportunity to try them out.
  16. Surprise, AZ toys are being marked down as I type this. I got there at 9:15 and there was no change. I ran into a Target employee that I shopped 90% off Christmas. We started chit chatting and he walked back to toys with me. He said toys were being marked down today but later. Anyways, I told him I was after the v-smile for the tv. He walked off for a little and came back. He had an employss mark one down for me and he put if high on a shelf so I could pick up discretly. I was so thankful!!! A few minutes later a different guy came over to mark down toys. I wanted the V-tech fridge magnets and I didn't want to wait. So I took it to him and said a 'friend' (which is you guys:D) got this for $5 is it being marked down? He scanned and slapped a tag on it. YAY! So I left after that. I didn't want to be tempted!
  17. You only got those juice boxes becaue I wasn't there to get them first:sidesplit:g_dance:
  18. I went to Target tonight just in case they may have marked stuff down and I had no luck. I did scope out the things I was going to go straight for tomorrow if they are marked down. I did find a Hello Kitty waffle maker for $4.98. The girls were so exited. I told them not to tell daddy because I didn't want him getting upset. The first thing one of the twins says is 'daddy don't look in our bags." URGH! I can't take them anywhere...lol! I am hoping toys go 75% off tomorrow. I just want that stupid V-Tech fridge food set. I know it's only $10 but $4.98 would be so much better:)
  19. I'm in Surprise so will you post when you call? My husband wants me to watch him take off today (he's a pilot) so I can't get over there until afternoon. Thanks!
  20. That is so sweet of him. My husband would want to know why in the heck I was at Target AGAIN?!?! LOL! I am sure your dh has a few suggestions on how you can thank him:sib: ( I always wanted to use that smilie).
  21. I went to the Surprise Target again this morning. Once again they were bringing things out from the back. I got a snowman cookie jar, mugs, plates, a wreath, a nutcracker, and cups. I spent $10. I was pretty excited. I also found the cranium pop5 game. I might go back. They said they were bringing things out slowly because some people got rude.
  22. I think the most frustarting thing is when somebody posts on somebody's deal post "that's not really a deal." It is up to each person what a good deal is. If somebody posted they found a Coach purse on sale for $100 I would be excited. Somebody else may come and say that is way too much for a purse. Just because it's not a 'deal' to you doesn't mean it's not to someone else. Sorry to get on my high horse but I agree with you. We should all just get along or move along:D
  23. Yesterday when I went to Target my cashier was the same way. She just seemed in a bad mood. I made conversation with her and mentioned how unfair that they couldn't get the good deals and she lightened up. I do feel bad for them but everything rang up at 90% off I wasn't ripping them off in any shape, form or fashion. We shouldn't feel guilty for getting a good deal if they are offering it.
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