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Everything posted by 4gr8girls

  1. This is too funny! Best- Probably this year. We get to go home for Christmas. We recently moved so this is a big treat. I miss my family. Worst- Either the frying pan or the electric knife from my in-laws. When we need a kitchen appliance my husband puts it on my list. That's ok becaue we need a new vaccuum, so guess what's going to be on his list:evil:
  2. 4gr8girls

    Aafes Bx/px

    I was wondering how well they price matched on BF stuff? If you get the AAFES mailer there is a coupon in there for $10 off a $100-$125 purchase and it goes up from there. It goes up to $30 off of $201. I think the coupon expires on Nov 25th. It's one that I plan to take with me.
  3. I went to the Surprise this morning and got 2 Littlest Pet Shop tubes $.49 2 bags of Play-dough $.49 2 pairs of Socks $.39 each Making memories scrapbook paint with stamps- $1.99 Making Memories Halloween Wall words- $1.29 Making Memories pad of Halloween paper $.49 Rug for outside- $.99 Clown wig- $.79 Halloween paddles- $.19 2 packages of Goodie bags- $.19 There is something else I can't think of. Anyways, I spent $10. Not a bad haul! P.S. Not much left at the Surprise store. Hardly any costumes.
  4. 4gr8girls

    Aafes Bx/px

    I have never gone to the BX on BF because we normally go home. This year we are too far form home so I will be there with all my ads and hopefully in line for the GC. Do you know if you have to have an ID to get the GC? My cousin will be with me and it would be sweet if she could get one. Thanks!
  5. I bought some of that candy corn soda and tried it...YUCK!
  6. I had found those sheets too. I had bought my daughter new bedding and they had brown sheets that matched it. I asked a lady standing next to me if $5 was a good price for those sheets. She just looked at me and said Yes (like I am some kind of idiot...lol!). I really didn't know. So I called my mom and asked her and she said, You really had to ask? I felt even more dumb...ha! I found them on an end cap in bedding.
  7. Last year we stood in line at Wal-Mart to get gameboys. We needed 4 of them. So my sister, mom, brother and I were all in line. You get to know the people around you pretty quick. Anyways, this guy decided to just walk up through the line when they started handing out all the electronics. Unfortunaetly for him, I am hispanic, loud and I was tired. So I made a scene. I started yelling who was next in line and making sure all those people I waited with didn't get s*rewed. If he would have touched my cart things would have gotten ugly fast..lol!
  8. I went into Target today to see if Halloween was 75% off. It wasn't yesterday. Anyways, it was! Luckily I had hidden some littlest pet shop and my little ponies. I was going to hold out until 90% off but when I went to check on them I noticed the ponies were exposed and the stuff in front of the LPS had been moved so I took them. Still a good deal. I had also moved a door mat to the regular door mats isle and was able to pick that up for $2.50. It's nice. It is striped in fall type colors. If you need one check the regular doormats. You would never think it would be clearanced. I still have play-do hidden. If it's gone I won't be to upset but a nice deal if it's still there.
  9. Great idea! As a military wife I know how much those things are appreciated.
  10. That's a good idea. When I get to our TRU they were out of Hannah Montana but had Zack and Cody mixed in with the other games (Not on the sales shelf). My brother lives in Oklahoma and was able to get HM so I was happy. I would love to get POC and Meet the Robinson's though. I may go back. Thanks for the tip!
  11. I hit the Target in Surprise this morning. It was crazy busy. I looked for mostly Halloween food items. I got the bag of 30 small bags of chips for $3.XX , the large box of Goldfish for $2.99, animal crakers for $1 and Ritz peanut butter crackers for $1.49. The crackers were the individual bags you are suppose to hand out but I thought they would work great in the kids lunch boxes. Also, the dollar spot was 75% off here too.
  12. I'm glad to know there are lots of people on here from this area. It's hard being new. I went last night but didn't see too many clearance things. I am still trying to figure out the store. I will let you know if I see kid's stuff at the Surprise one. Do you need boys or girls or both?
  13. I'm glad to know there are lots of people on here from this area. It's hard being new. I went last night but didn't see too many clearance things. I am still trying to figure out the store. I will let you know if I see kid's stuff at the Surprise one. Do you need boys or girls or both?
  14. Oh ok. I haven't went that direction yet. My kids go to school in that direction but I never paid close attention. We are off 142nd so it must not be too far.
  15. I haven't found Loop 303 yet. That may be an adventure I need to have soon.
  16. I just moved to Surprise and I know where that Target is (big accomplishment:) ) Thanks for the head's up!
  17. Have you ordered from them before? I am a Gymbo-aholic so I haven't been brave enough to try this store. I am curious if the quality is as good.
  18. The exact same thing happened to me today. I went to check on the strollers and my heart dropped when they were all gone. I asked the guy who was resetting the department and he showed me where they were in the back. He then scanned it and told me the price. I told him they have been that price for a while. So he said let me go find a member of the markdown team and find out when they are going on sale. He came back and said they are marking down in sporting goods tomorrow. So you may want to check your store tomorrow. HTH!
  19. I am moving tp Phoenix, AZ in 4 weeks so I will be doing BF alone:( I am usually in Dallas, TX or Tulsa, OK. Not even sure if I am going to brave it this year since I won't know my way around.
  20. I went today and found 4 of the 10 packs of juices. Here is the bonus. There is 10 free Chuck E Cheese coins on each package. That means I got $10 in free tokens and I only spent $2.xx on the 4 packages. I am thrilled with my little purchase:D
  21. I have to say that this weekend I accidentally left some stuff in a bag at the register at a store. I called the store but sure enough the stuff was gone. They told me they would credit me the money but made me feel like a liar. I wanted the stuff because it was a birthday present. Yesterday the store called me and the person returned my merchandise. I was a very happy camper and more importantly I didn't look like a liar anymore. So just think about that person who tore their house up looking for the hair gel. I know it's not a big deal but it just happened to me so I feel for that other person.
  22. I went on eBay and I had to laugh because on one that I looked at it was being sold by Goodwill. You could still see the Target red sticker on it. Thanks for the heads up!
  23. I went to Target today and got an electronic dart board for $12.48 (originally $49.99), that's dh's Valentine's Day present. I also got a sleeping bag with the blow up matress for $4.98. It had ballerinas on it.
  24. I really really want one of those Disney mix stix with the videos. If anybody finds one for $25.xx and is willing to pick it up for me I will paypal you the money including tax and shipping. My daughter loved it and I think it would be a great Christmas present:)
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