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Everything posted by 4gr8girls

  1. I wonder if it was a one time use. I used it just fine...hmmm.
  2. I didn't know they were having a sale...hmmmm. I ordered a book that was already on sale anyways. It would be nice if the code works tomorrow:)
  3. Oh great find! Thanks a bunch Patty!!
  4. The store my mom went to said they did not allow anybody to put coats on hold. The first employee got their at 5 minutes til 5 and the lady behind mom asked if she would hold the coats for them. The employee said no, nobody is allowed to hold coats. So that worked out to my mom's favor. They should have set a rule across the board, either one way or the other.
  5. I will try not to be too sappy...lol! I really do appreciate all the info I get here. This year especially living in Italy. I was able to get everything I needed online. I struggled big time this year since Black Friday is a family tradition for us. I spent time between here and on the phone with my mom. Thanks again for all you do!!! Not just the mods but the other members who share their finds! Happy Holidays to all!
  6. Thatis hiliarious!! Next year the shirt needs to have "staff" printed on the back...lol!
  7. My mom is so good to me. She went to Gymboree and stood in line for over an hour. She made friends with another lady and they agreed to grab what the other one needed. So she ended up with 4 or 5 coats...YAY! She got one for each of the twins, two for Ellie and one for my cousins daughter. She said they were gone fast!
  8. The one thing I need isn't on sale yet...of course! Good thing the time difference works in my favor.
  9. I just got on and all the big girl coats are sold out. UGGGHH!
  10. If anybody gets the coupon in the mail that also has the free shipping and you don't plan on using it online, can I have the code? Since I live in Italy I don't need the store coupon. Thanks in advance!
  11. I just got an e-mail from Aeropostale for 50% off everything excluding clearance and fragrances. They also have free shipping over $75. www.aeropostale.com
  12. I think in December. I'll send it to ya anyways;)
  13. I would send you mine because I can only use the online code but there is no way it would get to you before Friday.
  14. I just looked at their site on Wednesday and it had a count down to big savings. The count day ended on Black Friday. I don't know if that is in store too. Since I don't live near one I was excited to see they had a sale online.
  15. Wow! Looks like they might have a good sale. I saw a few things that caught my eye.
  16. Being a military family we try to get creative. Two years ago we were in Wichita Falls, TX. We took the girls out to a park by the falls and took their picture on a bridge. Last year we were in Phoenix so we wrapped Christmas lights around a cactus and took our pic with the mountains in the background. This year we are in Italy so we are planning on going to Venice and taking our pic there. We are still debating between a gondule or just a cool part of the city.
  17. This is perfect! Since I have 4 girls I couldn't pass this up. Thanks!
  18. Oh shoot! I apologize it is Parenting magazine. Sorry! It's the November issue.
  19. If anybody is not your going to use their $3 off a Nick dvd and would send it to me I would greatly appreciate it. All we have here is Italian newspapers..lol!
  20. Why would you buy anything at Old Navy anyways...bwaahaha! JK! It's Murphy's Law. Parents magazine has a 20% coupon that can be used online.
  21. Not sure if it's has been officially confirmed on here but my mom got a flyer and the outerwear WILL BE $14.
  22. I think they do D&B on Sunday or maybe Saturday. I remember it being a different day then Friday though.
  23. 4gr8girls

    Aafes bx/px

    Are you going to be stationed here? What base? We just got here and I am sad not to be able to BF shop. I've decided I will just find a coffee shop, get some cappucino and do as much online as possible. The AFFES here did a sale on Nov 1st but it wasn't worth it. I did hear they do something on BF but it's not that great either. The selection is so small here anyways.
  24. 4gr8girls

    Aafes bx/px

    Last year they did 3 different adds, one for Friday, one for Saturday and one for Sunday. They usually do a $20 gift card for the 1st 100 people on all 3 days. Last year at Luke they also did a $20 gift card the weekend before. You may want to watch for that. We could have potentially got $80 in gc but we got there too late on Sunday.
  25. 4gr8girls

    Aafes bx/px

    I am! I just don't know if they do the same sales overseas. I guess I'll find out:)
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