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Everything posted by 4gr8girls

  1. I know there are many wonderful people on here. Really I would be fine not receiving anything only because I enjoy giving gifts so it is still a satsification to me. I'm just easily frustrated today. I will be fine after a good nights sleep;) As a matter of fact that is where I am going now. I know you are working hard to do this and I am not blaming you, I appreciate all you've done! I'm not blaming anybody really. It's just one of those days... Ok, off to bed.
  2. We do our big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve and we watch Christmas movies. We also track Santa on NORAD. Normally we let the kids open one present too. I have no idea what we will do this year since we are very far away from our family:( I am sure we will have to come up with no traditions. The big dinner will still be on Christmas Eve though. Leftovers on Christmas Day so there is no extra work involved. Putting batteries in new toys and picking up trash keeps me busy enough;)
  3. As of December 20th I have not received anything. I think I have given up. This board is putting me in a bah humbug mood today.
  4. Ok, so who took it? I was the first to respond and offered coke points as you stated. Why ask to trade for something specific and then not follow through? Oh well lesson learned...
  5. Well, I really like The Santa Clause but how can you compare that to a classic? I think I will go with A Christmas Story
  6. I have 70 points. Will that work? Also does this work online? Thanks!
  7. We are staying around here but I wish I was going to Dallas for Christmas. Wave hi to my family and tell them we miss them and love them;) Thanks! Have a safe trip!
  8. Of the 5 of us that posted we haven't received our packages, has your partner received their package and posted? Just curious...
  9. I actually have an APO. You do still have do customs but it is the same as mailing in the US. If my SS mailed on Dec 6th via priority I would have had it by now. If it went out any later I may not have it until January. It does take a little longer to process. During the holidays things will take a lot longer.
  10. Me too. You're not alone...
  11. Double check your account and make sure you have the right address. I accidentally had the wrong shipping address and Amazon wouldn't do anything. I called the P.O. and the wonderful workers in Surprise, AZ forwarded the package onto me. I was very excited. I even received it in time for Christmas. It already had a return to sender sticker on it. Anyways, long story short....double check and see. If not, you will probably have to deal with UPS. Sorry:(
  12. Ok, my mom made a good point today. The reason they are doing 50% off is because they are liquadating the stores to change them over to Justice. They have to get rid of all the Limited Too "tagged" items. So I don't think the 50% off sale will end.
  13. I'm glad that castle is out of stock...lol! I would have bought it but we already have the cottage and the market. Glad that temptation was settled for me.
  14. How many Coke points would you want to trade for?
  15. A Christmas Story The Santa Clause
  16. Home Alone A Christmas Story The Polar Express Jingle All the Way (Scanner- I hope all is well with your wife and her family.)
  17. That sounds like the birthday coupon. Does somebody in your family have a birthday this month?
  18. My 3 year old is into dress up, Barbie, Diego and Dora, anything pink (HA!), babies, shopping carts, strollers, and cash registers. I hope that helps;)
  19. Thanks!! I was just wondering if I would be able to use this tracker here in Italy. I think it will work;)
  20. I have no fireplace or mantel:( I am still trying to figure out where to hang the stockings. Before I would just hang them on the wall but here we have concrete walls so hanging things up is more of a challenge. I also can't find those stick on hooks...URGH! OP, yours looks great!
  21. I really like the way you put this. When I read it was a LIE to tell your kids about Santa, I thought my Christmas was crushed. We are Christians, we go to church and God is very much apart of our everyday. My kids know that we celebrate Jesus' birthday on Christmas and we also celebrate the day the 3 wisemen came. I don't think I am any less a Christian for teaching my kids about Santa. I think it's magical and shoot, I believe there's a Santa:) My dd (almost 12) has asked me several times. All I say is, "if you don't believe you don't receive." I think it's fun seeing them light up on Christmas morning. Santa is just magical, imho;)
  22. Yes, they always come in the boxes even unstuffed. I have always been impressed with BAB's customer service. They could teach some other companies a thing or two;)
  23. I bought that paper here in Italy...too funny!
  24. Ellie (3) asked for Starburst and bubble gum..no toys she said...ha! She also asked Santa for a pink dog. Nicole (6) asked for a lamp. That made me giggle:) These are all great stories. Thanks for starting this thread OP.
  25. Thank you! DD 11 also wants imagine teacher.
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