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Everything posted by Brad

  1. No tax for CT on Amazon... In the past I know that Panasonic made great cassette models with their "Shockwave" line. They currently only make radio-only and CD models though. Here are some places that still carry the older Shockwave cassette models: RQ-SW48V - http://shop.store.yahoo.com/discountsonline/parqshporawi.html RQ-SW48V - http://www.millionbuy.com/panrqsw48v.html RQ-SW99V - http://www.1-877camcorder.com/cammy/pansw99v.html You might be better of looking on eBay for these particular models. Otherwise you have the Sony S2 Sport models, of which I can't really find any deals on. They are all pretty much the same price whether you get one online or in a local store (Best Buy, CC, Target, etc...) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00008W2M6 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0001YFYCE Hopefully someone can find a better deal... Otherwise that first RQ-SW48V I linked to wouldn't be a bad deal depending on what they charge for shipping.
  2. Welcome to the forums, harryhood. While I look for a deal, check out this Pricegrabber listing and see if any of these models catch your eye. If you have a particular model I might be able to find a better deal on it: http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_attrib.php/page_id=164 Do you definitly want one of the "sport" models? Because it looks like if so, Sony is pretty much the only manufacturer still making them.
  3. New $30 coupon released today ( RNNGH2X7W40V3V ), so you don't need the entertainment book coupons to get these prices: 2001fp for $689 1901fp for $513 1703fp for $369 e173fp for $329 Do not pass up this deal. These prices are going to be extremely hard to beat anytime soon.
  4. Note that if you have any of the Entertainment coupon book Dell coupons, you can save another $30 off the above prices: 2001fp for $689 1901fp for $513 1703fp for $369 e173fp for $329 ... all with free shipping.
  5. Extremely nice prices on these, especially the 17" and 19" models. The coupon expires 6AM CST on Thursday morning.
  6. Here is a Daewoo at Outpost for $279 AR (plus shipping): http://www.outpost.com/entry?sku=4158073
  7. You won't get the Dell for $299 shipped anytime soon. The best you could hope for is 10% off and a coupon like the current $40 off $400 which would bring it down to $365 shipped. Even a 15% off coupon would only get it down to around $342. As for other 17" LCD options: Rosewill for $295 shipped (today only): http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=24-021-011 Sylvania for $299 shipped AR: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0001CVKAG Viewsonic for $299 AR (plus ~$10 shipping): http://shop1.outpost.com/product/3428513 Sceptre for $319 shipped AR: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0001WJ5PI SmartModular for $315 shipped AR/AC: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10356998
  8. should be fixed now. correct link: http://www.officemax.com/max/solutions/product/prodBlock.jsp?prodBlockOID=537080753 OfficeMax changed the company that runs their affiliate program with basically no notice, so we are in the process of changing things over to the new system. Sorry about that :)
  9. http://www.adobe.com/special/acrobat/acrobatonline/it/0804/usb/acro_IT_datacap_usb.html
  10. There is a $10 off $75 coupon: http://www.buy.com/retail/coupon.asp?prid=85600815 although it says it's only good for people who received it in an e-mail, but it probably works for anyone.
  11. no, $89.99 after rebate. probably the same $30 rebate. whether or not there will be any active coupons for a $119.99 purchase i do not know.
  12. For anyone who is interested in this set, I just found out that Buy.com will have it for $89.99 shipped AR (minus any applicable coupons) on 8-27 (next Friday) as their "Deal of the Day"
  13. Glad you like it. I have the Logitech DiNovo Bluetooth set and love it as well. Same mouse (MX-900) as your set but with a different keyboard & added media pad.
  14. LOL. I'm not scared of RossMAN. He removes my admin and I go on strike - there would be no more deals posted on the site ever again is for Brad - RossMAN
  15. oops. i thought it had the same model as the ones in the links you posted.
  16. From the site: "For easy installation, kit includes installation and management software, hardware and step-by-step illustrated instructions." Like I said before, you get mounting hardware, probably a SATA cable, software and manual. With the bare drive you get the bare drive - usually nothing else. ZipZoomFly has the bare drive for $162 with free 2nd day shipping: http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=101220 It also says it has a 3 year warranty, which is nice.
  17. Well since "everyone at GottaDeal" is just RossMAN and me, you're welcome :)
  18. I assume the kit refers to being in a retail box, usually with some kind of software, mounting rails (for mounting in a 5 1/4" drive bay) and screws. At least that is what they usually refer to.
  19. We only allow guest posting in the Deal Finder board, just to make it easier for people to help out others since they can give their own ideas and suggestions for a specific deal request without having to register if they don't want to. Registration is required to post in all the other boards.
  20. I think they are both comparable. They both have the same resolution, which is why I upgraded from my 3-year-old 17" to the 2001FP instead of a 19" since it would have had the same resolution.
  21. BenQ is an above-average manufacturer. Better than those SVA/Sceptre/Sylvania models that have been available lately. Here is the Pricegrabber listing for the DVI model: http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=2667336&blsrt=1 so as you can see, the Amazon price is $50 cheaper than anywhere else. This is a $400 LCD. Yes, it isn't as good as the Dell, but the Dell costs quite a bit more...
  22. No, you should be able to get that deal several times per month for the forseeable future. Most likely prices will slowly come down and you will be able to get it even cheaper in a few months.
  23. Bobby, Here is a thread with a nice model: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=1545 See my reply about the better version. DVI and 16ms response time for $333.99 shipped with no rebates. Only $8 more than the non-DVI version, which was a great deal by itself.
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