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Posts posted by Brad

  1. Hello mqalbani, and welcome to the forum :)


    The best deal I see currently is at Dell Home who has the PT-L500U (exact same model as the AE500U) for $1,799.10 with free shipping. Use coupon code WS6GF919DQJFDQ to save another $30, and your final price is $1769.10 with free shipping.


    Hope this helps. Great projector.

  2. Good suggestion Bobby.


    As the site is designed now, every deal is assigned a general category (such as video cards, hard drives, cell phones, mp3 players, etc...) so if those general categories were acceptable, we could easily implement something like that.


    We have no specific database field for price, mostly because not every deal we post is for one specific item with one specific price - we post a lot of deals for special sales, new coupons, more than one item, etc... so doing it by price would not be easy.


    Another option would be to let you enter one or two "keywords" that must appear either in the title or description to trigger the alert.


    I could code something like our daily newsletter: You enter your e-mail and what category you want to "subscribe to". You then confirm the subscription via a confirmation link (to prevent spam problems). Then whenever we post a new deal, it checks to see who, if anyone, is subscribed for that category and e-mails them with a link to the deal. Every e-mail would have a unique "cancellation" link once you no longer need the updates.


    Before we implement it, we need more feedback, so anyone else who is interested in something like this, reply here. Cause I sure aint doing it for Bobby alone, lol. :)

  3. Nope. In DA you can't create a forwarder for a username that already has an account set up for it. So you can have mail to a certain username go to an existing account or be forwarded somewhere else, but not both :(


    If anyone knows a way around it, please let me know.

  4. Glad we could help :)


    If you wanted to go the real-cheap route, here is a used version of your current phone on eBay that you could probably get cheap:




    Read the part about the button cover being missing - you could just use the one on your existing phone. Put your SIM card in there and it should work.


    Otherwise there should be tons of options on eBay (do a search for unlocked gsm phone) and HoFo (and Amazon if you want to pay a little more)

  5. Then it is GSM, so you should be able to take that card out and insert it in any unlocked (or Cingular "approved") GSM phone. There is that model at Amazon I linked above, or search eBay or HowardForums.com for an unlocked GSM phone with any features you may need. Depending on your needs, you could get an older model for well under $50 shipped.
  6. Yes, there is always that option. You have to decide if it's worth it to be locked in for that additional time, especially if they don't want to offer you any kind of deal now - what happens if the new phone breaks in 9 months time?


    Personally I'd rather pay a little bit for a phone and be done with the contract sooner, but it depends on what kind of service they provide you with. How long do you have left on your current contract?

  7. Exactly. I assume she is locked into a contract for some length of time so it's not like she can just close the account and sign up as a new customer.


    If your Cingular service is on a GSM network, you should just be able to get any cheap unlocked GSM phone, remove your SIM card from the Nokia, pop it in and you're set. I don't know if you have GSM because your Nokia works with both GSM and TDMA networks.


    Amazon also offers several Cingular-compatible phones with no contract, such as this Sony Ericsson model for $115:




    (see on the right where it lets you buy it without a contract).


    If you are willing to get a used phone, I'd say check HowardForums and see if you can find a deal.

  8. Brad, thanks for the info. The SKYFi 2 sounds sweet. Tune Select, sports scores, and the integrated FM Modulator all sound like features I would definitely want and the buffer would be cool as well. :)

    I totally agree. The 30 minute buffer would be very useful if you were listening to something in your vehicle (live concert, game, talk show, etc...) and had to stop to run in a store or something. Just pause it and resume when you get back :)


    The integrated FM mod is nice if you can't get a direct hookup to your stereo. I use my SKYFi so much that I just went and replaced the factory head unit with a Pioneer and now have the SKYFi directly connected via the aux. input. With the FM mod, all you would have is the power cable to connect.


    If Delphi can get it out in time for the holidays they would have a huge seller. Christmas Day is traditionally the one day out of the year that they get the most activations.

  9. For the SKYFi, there is only this home kit:




    which is fine if you are going to hook it up to your stereo, PC or speakers. Otherwise there are 2 boomboxes as well.


    So you could buy that home kit from Amazon and the receiver from XMFanStore for around $130 shipped - which is what the receiver alone sold for a few months ago. Then your service is $10/mo. No contract to sign, unless you want to get discounted rates by pre-paying for multi-year plans (which have no obligation - cancel anytime and get a prorated refund):


    Multi-Year Package Price Savings Discount Monthly Rate

    5 year package $499.99 $99.41 16% $8.33

    4 year package $410.99 $68.53 14% $8.56

    3 year package $314.99 $44.65 12% $8.75

    2 year package $214.99 $24.77 10% $8.96

  10. The new SKYFi 2, which is supposed to be released in time for the holidays (but knowing Delphi - who I used to work for - that's not set in stone), has the same functionality as this current model plus:


    - TiVo-type functionality - 30 minute buffer records the last 30 minutes of whatever channels you listened to - pause, rewind, etc..

    - new ticker with stock quotes and sports scores

    - supposedly a better screen that is easier to read in sunlight

    - clock

    - "Tune Select" which notifies you of your favorite songs / artists on other channels

    - integrated FM modulator (if you can't use a direct connection to your stereo)


    The good thing is that the SKYFi 2 will work with all the existing home kits, car kits, and boomboxes.


    So if you are thinking of XM, you could always get this version now, with whatever kits you need and then eBay it when the new version comes out if you want the latest and greatest. Having had my SKYFi for almost 2 years, I can't wait for the new model.



    Is this like Sirius where you have to buy the tuner and the car/home kit separately?


    If you want the SKYFi you have to buy the kits. You can always look at the Roady 2 model which requires no extra equipment.


    Personally I use it more at home than I do in the car. I have it hooked up near my PC to my Klipsch 2.1 speakers and it great to have on while I am working on the PC. Best $10 I spend every month :)

  11. I don't know about Plesk. I know in cPanel that you can create a forwarder from addressA@domain to any other address. If addressA exists as a regular mail account, a copy will be forwarded (and addressA will still get the message). But if addressA doesn't exist as a regular account, the mail will be forwarded and no original will be delivered to the default catch-all address (if a catch-all is specified).
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