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Everything posted by Brad

  1. For anyone considering this grill, Amazon's price has dropped from $99 to $81. They still have the $25 off $125 coupon as well.
  2. Also, if anyone has their own web site(s) and would like to link to GottaDeal, here are some small graphics that you can use: http://www.gottadeal.com/images/banners/gottadeal-120x60.gif http://www.gottadeal.com/images/banners/gottadeal-125x125.gif http://www.gottadeal.com/images/banners/gottadeal-234x60.gif http://www.gottadeal.com/images/banners/gottadeal-468x60.gif
  3. If you use My Yahoo as your home page, you can add our RSS feed using this link: http://add.my.yahoo.com/rss?url=http://www.gottadeal.com/rss.xml
  4. Now that the post-holiday sales are pretty much over, we have closed the Holiday Shopping (formerly Black Friday) forum to any new posts and have made it a sub-forum of the Offline Hot Deals forum, so you can sell browse and search all the old threads. Here is a direct link to the forum: http://forums.gottadeal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=13 You can also get to it by clicking on the Offline Deals board and then the link at the top of the page. We'll re-open the forum sometime this fall once Black Friday 2005 gets closer. If you need to continue any discussion from that forum, please use one of the other forums. Let us know if you have any questions.
  5. Something like that would be nearly impossible to do, both for time and coding reasons. First of all, we have way too many deals to constantly check them all to see if they are still valid. We could post a deal for an MP3 player at Amazon for $99 on Monday, on Wednesday Amazon could raise the price to $119, and then drop it back to $99 on Friday. Unless we check every deal every day, something like that is impossible. And as for having it automated, very few retailers provide updated pricing in a format that is easy to use (such as Amazon's AWS XML system) so it would again be virtually impossible to do it without coming up with screen-scraping scripts for every retailer we post deals for, and then having to update them everytime a retailer makes a change to how they display items. Plus there are always coupons and rebates that can affect a deal, all with different expiration dates. We do display "Coupon Expired" instead of the coupon link for a deal that had used an expired coupon, but that's the best we can do for now. So basically it is not possible. If a deal goes dead the same day we post it, we can make the change and update it, but otherwise it is just too hard. Another option is to have a way for visitors to mark a deal as dead, and then have it display that note if enough people mark it dead, but that could easily be abused by our jealous competitors, so we don't want to do that. So if you have any other suggestions as to how we could do it without spending hours every day going through hundreds of deals, please let us know.
  6. Amazon also has that model for $99.99 with free shipping and no tax for most: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0002KINSY Also, get $25 off $125 kitchen purchase w/ coupon code JANUARYKHBBE, so if you buy the grill you basically get $25 in additional kitchen stuff of your choice for free.
  7. Cheapest price on Pricegrabber is $239 shipped: http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=3416916/blsrt=1 Amazon has it for $250 - $25 coupon code JANUARYKHBBE = $225 shipped: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00022HYJ6 Very good customer reviews at Amazon - average of 4.5/5 stars
  8. We just got this e-mail from the Dell Affiliate team: "Dear Valued Affilaites: We just wanted to give you a heads up that we will be having some great system offers that will run Thursday 1/6/05 6:00am through Monday 1/10/05 5:59am. We will send more details as soon as we have them. Be assured that these offers will be much richer than our standard site promotions, and better than our most recent affiliate coupons." Of course we'll post the coupons as soon as we get them.
  9. ZipZoomFly for $384.99 with free FedEx shipping is a nice price. I've dealt with ZZF several times with no problems.
  10. I saw some today at Walgreens for 75% off. They had quite a few boxes IIRC.
  11. Pricegrabber listings: http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=3744600/blsrt=1 Be sure to check if the retailers are authorized before buying.
  12. Walgreens was 75% off today
  13. Yes, the posts will still be available - just no new posts.
  14. That sounds like the best idea. We'll leave it open a little bit longer and then close it until October. We'll probably make it a sub-forum of the "Offline Deals" board so it doesn't show up on the main forum page, but that way you can still view the old threads.
  15. Anyone have any suggestions as to what we should do with this particular "holiday shopping" forum with the holidays now over? Some ideas: - leave it open - close it until the hype for Black Friday 2005 starts - merge it with one of the other forums - make it a sub-forum of one of the other forums - ????
  16. Yes that is a very nice camera. If you order, be sure to select Amazon for $79.00 and not Target for $79.99 as Amazon will have free shipping.
  17. Depending on what model digital camera you have you might not want to bother with a regular camera. A good way to find a nice one is to look for the 4+ star reviews at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/photo/172441 Then when you find one, post here and we'll see if we can find a deal better than Amazon on that model.
  18. 3 movies out plus 2 free in-store rentals per month. Also: "For a limited time, sign up under the current offer and this price is guaranteed not to increase until January 31, 2006."
  19. When you post in a thread, underneath where you enter your message there is an area for "Thread Subscription" where you can have it automatically e-mail you when someone replies to a thread. Just choose the "instant" option.
  20. assuming an average file size of 4MB, that means around 60 songs on the 256MB, 120 on the 512MB and 240 on the 1GB model. that is just an approximation though, it all depends on your file sizes
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