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Everything posted by Brad

  1. well that was a fast reply: and the wait continues...
  2. just sent another e-mail to another person we've dealt with in PR for TRU. although if the book is coming out later this year they may not want to send it to us so soon. i'll keep you posted...
  3. yeah it really looks like a piece of lab equipment of some sort. spend the extra $40 and get the one you like. looks like a really good model based on reviews. cuisinart stuff is on sale a lot, but most places have it for so much higher than amazon that even on sale it might not be any cheaper.
  4. This was the best one out there: http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-NB-G100P-7-2-Quart-1300-Watt-Infrared/dp/B000063UZV For some stupid reason, Panasonic decided to stop making them despite glowing reviews and when one surfaces on eBay now, it goes for $300-400. As for models available now, can't help ya, lol
  5. no response from our contact today...
  6. here are mmsantoyo's photos: http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo1.jpg http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo2.jpg http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo3.jpg http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo4.jpg http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo5.jpg http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo6.jpg http://www.olsonnet.com/images/mmsantoyo7.jpg
  7. ... and if anyone needs more reusable grocery bags: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=146432 *hint hint*
  8. Ace already sent a letter warning us not to post it but that they'd send us the finalized ad in early November. The message was posted weeks ago in the "Other Stores" subforum.
  9. and just a reminder that in case they don't have an in-store coupon for BF, you can always call them about 2 weeks before and tell them you "lost" your card and they'll send a 15% coupon to use in store with your new card. that's where the MVCBENEFIT code in the first post that is good through 11/30 came from. combine that with the BF deals and kohl's cash for some nice deals
  10. of course i'm joking. i wish more ads were coming out myself, not so much because i care what is in them, but the longer it takes for them to start being leaked, it just means the more that will all come out at the same time, which means long days and nights posting them, typing up the lists, etc... i'd rather have them spread out over 7-8 weeks instead of most of them coming out those last 2-3 weeks.
  11. bigjimslade did the videos last year. i'm sure he'll have the first one up soon, once there is a little more to discuss.
  12. This contest is now closed. Before I announce the winners, let me give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped spread the word about the site through this contest. And just because the contest is over doesn't mean you can stop - please continue letting everyone you know about GottaDeal.com. Remember: the more people who know the site exists, the more potential sources of leaked Black Friday ads we'll have! The 5 winners of the BF survival kits, chosen randomly from all entries, are: worktomuch sassyME TopperChic87 BFAddict716 steph3306 You will be receiving a PM from me shortly. The next week-long contest is already up here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=153795 and as always look for more contests during the week!
  13. I vow to finally get around to posting these 3 BF ads I have sitting in front of me.
  14. We'll pretty much accept anything this year. Last year it was a little different because the first person to do it automatically won, so we were worried about having to choose if 2 people did the task and one had more "significant" landmarks, but this time as long as it's something your town/city considers a landmark, that's good enough to earn an entry.
  15. For some inspiration, here was last year's contest: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=124346 This should be a fun one and we should get some great pics. And since it involves you actually leaving the house, I've doubled the number of prizes from 5 to 10 to give you some additional motivation
  16. CONTEST OVER! HOW TO WIN: These tasks were part of a very popular contest we did last year. Last year the first person to complete each task won, but this year we are going to do it a little different. To be entered into this contest, all you have to do is complete at least one of these tasks. If you do more than one, you'll get additional entries, one for each completed task. Task #1: Design an actual holiday ornament featuring GottaDeal.com somehow. Take it to a store that has Christmas trees on display. Hang the ornament on the tree and take picture(s). Be sure at least one of the pictures proves that the tree is located at an actual store. Leave the ornament on the tree. Task #2: Make a sign saying "I Love GottaDeal.com!". Go to a store that we traditionally post the Black Friday ad from (Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Toys R Us, Sears, Kmart are some examples). Find an employee to agree to hold the sign while you take their picture. Make sure the employee "looks" like a real employee (store shirt, etc...). Task #3: Create a flyer for Black Friday @ GottaDeal.com - the kind with the little strips of paper on the bottom that people can tear off (like this) - and post it on a bulletin board at a public place. Be creative with your flyer design! Take a picture of the flyer on the bulletin board. Task #4: Print out this GottaDeal logo. Take it to 3 of your local "landmarks" (however you define them) and take a picture of the logo somewhere near/with/on each of the 3 landmarks. Entries will be accepted until 10pm ET on Sunday, October 25th. At that point we'll randomly select 10 winners from all eligible entries and they will each win a survival kit! If you need help posting pictures, see this thread. If you don't have enough posts to post pictures yet, send them directly to gottadeal.com [at] gmail [dot] com. Good luck to all!
  17. i e-mailed our corporate PR contact at TRU to see if we can get a copy e-mailed to us this week. we'll see what she says tomorrow.
  18. see here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=150175
  19. CONTEST OVER! Our friends at Half Price Books, in addition to sending us their Black Friday ad early this year, have also given us a HPB prize pack to give away. This includes a HPB tote bag as well as a $5 gift card to use for merchandise at the store. I'll also throw in a GottaDeal.com t-shirt as well to complete the prize. To be eligible, just reply to this thread with the title of your favorite book. We'll take entries until 11/8 at 10pm ET and then we'll randomly pick a winner. HPB doesn't have locations everywhere, so please only enter the contest if you are going to use the GC. Good luck to everyone!
  20. The highly anticipated Harbor Freight ad should be out this week, lol. I thought about going to my local HF store today to see if they had it, but then I realized it would mean having to spend 1-2 hours typing it up so I thought better of it The "good" ads like Sears usually don't start until later in October.
  21. don't worry, we'll have plenty of other contests. we'll have some like the ones last year where we make you go to a store or something in order to win
  22. "THE EVENT!" is in huge letters on the front page of their BF ad. Wait, I didn't just say that...
  23. our 2 winners are.... rogue1230 and mongoose you'll be getting a PM from me shortly. everyone else, look for another contest soon. we'll have many of these over the next 6 weeks :)
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