nebraskaparkfan Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My daughter plays with her moon sand in the kitchen or the patio - no problems with it. She hated the feel of play doh. Any music that I hate. The kids always want to listen to it in the car when we're driving and some of my sons CDs make me want to drive off a cliff. Anything remote controlled. My son never plays with it. He's 15 and he just sold 3 totes full of remote controlled toys. No stuffed animals. No rated M video games. My x-inlaws think I'm too strict about this, but I have an issue with video games with profanity and certain other things. There are more than enough other games that my 15 yo can play with and he can play those games at his friends' houses if their parents allow them.
nbudnick Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 Now that the girls are 15 and 16 they are just asking for cars and other obnoxious things and the grandkids can have whatever they want becuase it is going home with them my no no is anything with assembly required and no more puppies ever electronic or otherwise
J-Rod Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 I always buy for me and it's always something from Best Buy. My trouble is keeping my hands off extra things like computer hardware or accessories. I have to tell myself "NO" or else I'll be eating Ramen and sliced American Cheese for breakfast.
Catiyana Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Is it just me thinking No Hannah Montana here ever? I watched her show once and didn't like it at all. I also say no Bratz either. They dress them to raunchy sometimes. A big one for all other parents at one time or another. No Stuffed Animals. No Heelys. Nothing against them as I am sure I would have wanted them as a kid too. But my DD is still to young for those and I want to make sure she will understand and follow rules when wearing them.
msivy Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Layher6 said: I remember hiding that Furby thing in the back corner of closet so it would shut up!i did that one year with my little sister's furby and it literally died. she found it later, it made a groan and never worked again. even with new batteries hahahaha oh man, she hated that thing.
msivy Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Catiyana said: Is it just me thinking No Hannah Montana here ever? I watched her show once and didn't like it at all.NO! cheers to that! i made the mistake of perusing a local mall in the midst of a hannah montana craze because she was performing that night a block away and it was terrible. 6 year olds in makeup and heels send me into a tizzy. i'm glad all the little girls in my life are over that.
msivy Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Promom said: Around our house, I've banned no more of those little finger skateboards. Ds has a few of them and plays with them on his floor which is right above my livingroom couch. All I hear is flip, flip, flip, flip while he's watching tv. That and those little bouncy balls.i'm buying my husband like 10 of them. send me your son's hahahah
msivy Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Scanner420 said: Sock Skates- Two pieces of plastic that you strap to your feet so you can skate on the rug. My friend's daughter broke her arm and another's son ended up with stitches in the his after he crashed and had a lamp land on his head. Everytime my kids see them, their eyes light up like a Christmas Tree (no pun intended)...especiallly when they're doing tricks off the tables. NO!! NO!!hahahahha who the **** decided this was a good idea for anyone, let alone children? i think these companies are trying to support their medical stocks. that's the worst idea i've ever heard of.
hoosierxheart Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Cell phone! LMAO! I told my 11 yo DS that was a no-go til at least middle school. Too Bad middle school is only a year away now!
Cremer83 Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 ZHU ZHU pets, these things are just plain stupid
chilimak Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 So far, I can't think of any new no no's, but here are some of our no no's from previous years: Polly pocket sets, hot wheels sets, bendaroos, floam, moon sand, etc. (all those weird cheap but overpriced things). I don't have a problem with Pixos though. Keeps my 10 yr. old dd occupied quite a while. We even bought a second set at a garage sale this summer.
pogiporkchop Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 Play makeup for DD, if I haven't already mentioned it. She uses nail polish to paint pictures! (To her credit, though, she does a great job painting her nails on her own.)
BFQueenofNY Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 tjarena said: I am so tired of picking up Pokeman cards and Yugioh cards all over the floor. No more of those! I am cutting way down on toys in general. I am tired of picking them up and the kids not playing with them. I have always brought a lot of toys for my kids but I have finally seen the light!!!I must agree wholeheartedly! Also..I, too, will steer away from the carpet skates, moonsand and bendaroos :)
momof3luvs1 Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 I agree with alot of the things I have seen on this list... NO bratz dolls, moon sand, pixos, bendaroos....anything in that nature!! I have a hard enough time just allowing crayons in the house and my dds not trying to make a mural on my! My main NONO this year is playsets with 9 million pieces that my daughters will play with for 30 seconds, get the pieces everywhere! She wants the hannah montana malibu house...No way, the last doll house she had was over 200 pieces and she lost all of them in less then 2 month!! I kind of want a puppy but that will probably be a no no on my list from dh since we already have a cat that thinks she is a dog =p:shock:
inluvstill Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 DS's want the lego city sets....umm have u seen how much these dang "sets" cost Not to mention how many you have to buy to make a city??? They remind me of the power ranger toys that you have to buy 5 to go together and then next year there is a new version and you have to start all over again!!
Kme1958 Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 len_mullen said: Puppies make a great Christmas toy. Just gotta get the right one... little Bella would have a cow!! all 4lbs of her would try to eat em up LOL she loves to play! best gift ever
rabx5 Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 BF in Iowa said: Snuggies - come one, put your robe on backwards or use a blanket to stay warm in a chilly room while watching TV...but $20 for a fleece blanket with sleeves? Uh-uh. No. Nope. Never! [And for 2009, they are introducing Snuggies for the family dog...!]Dollar General has their brand for $8
Cinnamonhuskies Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 rabx5 said: I am soooooo glad my youngest is 17. That moon sand sounds like a nightmare No no-no's for us....well so far My kids want all expensive crap. DD is asking for a kindle DS wants an LCD tv. I don't know what my oldest wants yet.Yeah with 14 and 17 yo old boys Im glad to be outta the toy stage, but everything is expensive. I cant decide whether to put a $ limit or a #of gifts limit on each one.
Cinnamonhuskies Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 Scanner420 said: I lost the dog battle two years ago, 5-1!! Guess who picks up after the! Guess who feeds the! Guess who gives the dog! Guess who pays the damned vet! Guess who WON"T be letting another animal into my house again?!?!?!awwwww c'mon I"d love another dog for Christmas and I love walking, feeding and watering Cinnamon. :2dog: Picking up after her is a necessary evil.
KBsDarling Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Kme1958 said: Oh little Bella would have a cow!! all 4lbs of her would try to eat em up LOL she loves to play! best gift ever too funny we have a Bella as well...that was a (few days before) Christmas gift!
georgiapeach717 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 inluvstill said: DS's want the lego city sets....umm have u seen how much these dang "sets" cost Not to mention how many you have to buy to make a city??? They remind me of the power ranger toys that you have to buy 5 to go together and then next year there is a new version and you have to start all over again!!all my DS5 wants is legos, and by the price i am concerned, however I dont know how picky your sons are, but TRU has another brand called "best lock" and me and hubby opened a box right in the store after looking at a 1000 piece set with figurines for 29 or 39.00. the box says compatable with legos b/c they ARE legos!!! Just a different brand. Anyhow look them up on and you may be pleasantly surprised as I was! Looks like the (wo)man in red is making dreams come true this year! LOL!
jellibeenz78 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Definetly Moon Sand! I made the mistake of buying it last year, my daughter LOVED it, and played with it every day for weeks! However, I think I still have some stuck to the bedroom carpet, that stuff is just horrible!
kamaddbenn Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 tntsmomie said: So far, we don't have anything that I'm going to say no to. We talk about their lists as we make them, and they're both pretty good about picking good things. Although...DS4 would like EVERYTHING he sees.... Although, both kids REALLY want that toothpaste thing that you stick to the mirror. :) DD6 says, "It gets the last bit of toothpaste out!" OMG! I just bought one of those for the kids, they were STUCK on it and wanted to buy it with their own money. I decided to try, can't hurt, right? So, it gets here and I put it up in the bathroom, you would have thought it WAS Christmas! LMBO! They were so excited and brushed their teeth at least 5 times that day and for the next few days. It actually has kept my bathroom a bit more tidy :)
tommyboa Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 georgiapeach717 said: all my DS5 wants is legos, and by the price i am concerned, however I dont know how picky your sons are, but TRU has another brand called "best lock" and me and hubby opened a box right in the store after looking at a 1000 piece set with figurines for 29 or 39.00. the box says compatable with legos b/c they ARE legos!!! Just a different brand. Anyhow look them up on and you may be pleasantly surprised as I was! Looks like the (wo)man in red is making dreams come true this year! LOL! They may be compatable with Lego, but the quality of the plastic is not. Lego is made of ABS plastic, much stronger stuff than Mega Block, Best Lock, etc., that use the type like plastic model kits.
missyj94 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Moon shoes!! My kiddos bounce around enough!!
mrnicksr Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Awww, come on. It's Christmas, there aren't any no-no's. I am shopping all Thanksgiving night and Friday to get the deals on the stuff so that even if it is short-term, it was worth it. I cannot imagine NOT getting them the stuff they REALLY wanted, and I always end up buying all the other $5 and $10 Walmart specials that I KNOW will not be around forever, but they have such fun while it lasts.
spartanstew Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Man, I'm out of it. I have 4 and 6 year old boys and I've never even heard of skate socks, Pixo's, Benderoos, Moon Sand or most of the other things mentioned in this thread. Maybe it's cause they don't watch much TV and when they do, everything's on the DVR and the 6 year old knows how to ff through commercials. All they want are Legos and Bakugons.
dbolin Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 NO toys that you have to have a microscope to play with the pieces(Puppy in my pocket,LPS,etc.). I hate those things especially when you step on one in the middle of the night.
knudsons Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 How about the big robot that was like 150 about 2 years ago the one that farts. That thing we would find walking through our house at night, now that was freaky.
AudreyNicole Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 georgiapeach717 said: all my DS5 wants is legos, and by the price i am concerned, however I dont know how picky your sons are, but TRU has another brand called "best lock" and me and hubby opened a box right in the store after looking at a 1000 piece set with figurines for 29 or 39.00. the box says compatable with legos b/c they ARE legos!!! Just a different brand. Anyhow look them up on and you may be pleasantly surprised as I was! Looks like the (wo)man in red is making dreams come true this year! LOL! I agree! My son wanted nothing but legos for his birthday, but they are so dang expensive. We bought him 2 sets of the Best Lock brand, and he doesn't know the difference. They are identical to the legos in size and quality, just without the lego name printed on them. I will probably get him a few more sets for Christmas just because I am so impressed with they way they are made. As far as no-no's in my house... I agree with the moonsand. That stuff is the worst invention EVER. I won't be buying that, or playdough, or bubbles. I did (against my better judgement) buy 2 jars of the Nickeloden Slime for the boys' stockings. It was on clearance at walmart for $1 so I picked up 2 jars because they both mentioned it. I am not sure yet if I am giving it to them or not. They have both asked for more Transformers, but I won't be buying those. Once they lose one piece, and it won't transform, it gets tossed in the toybox. Waste of money for us. I don't mind the Pokemon, Bakugan etc. cards because both of my sons are really good about keeping them in their binders. I am not having to pick them up. Pretty much, anything that we have to assemble, or store (like race tracks, train tracks, etc.) are off of the list. I just don't need anymore pieces or clutter. Pretty much, if it can't fit in their storage containers, or on their book shelves, we don't need it. We are running out of room. LOL
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