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I've just been shopping BF the past three years and each time got out early (3-5 AM) but did not camp out. While the very best electronics deals (laptops especially) were gone early, I did get "doorbuster" deals on some other electronics, such as three smaller TVs, a printer, bluetooth earpieces, etc, and doorbuster and other very good deals on many other items (toys, clothes). Each time, my wife joined me only later in the morning/afternoon and got some good deals mostly on clothing and jewelry gifts. I have also been moving to some online deals now. :)
Watch the Best Buy ad the week of Thanksgiving. I bought a 32" Samsung TV for my son. It was the same price as BF doorbuster that whole week. Also bought all of the other tech stuff that I wanted online through Best Buy and Circuit City Thanksgiving Day. BF was so much easier without having to fight for that stuff.

I've never camped, but have been in line at BB around 2 am and was about number 10 inline. That was in 2004. I have been out of the country for a few years and it seems to have gotten worse. I have no idea what I will do this year, even if I'm around.

Hubby and I went two years ago at around 7p.m. Thanksgiving evening. We were number 41 in line. We asked when we got there what the up front campers were there for. All but 3 wanted the TV's. Jackpot..... cause we were there for the laptops. Ten hours later we discovered that the entire first half of the line had in fact snatched up all of the laptop coupons for purchase and were selling them for $50 bucks a pop. You wanna see a pissed off chic, you would loved the scene there! I stopped a manager walking in line and pointed out a guy who had offered to sell me his Certificate and he said there was nothing he could do! I waited all that time and the temp was a whopping 17 degrees. What a waste.

I fear the selling of tickets will only get worse this year as people are hurting and unemployed. I can totally see those who are laid off waiting in a line for 4+ days to sell a ticket for $100 or more. :(

My suggestion if you want a door buster item then camp out. Even with camping out you wont be guaranteed a door buster item. I camped out one year for a lap top and some guy was holding a place for 15 of his friends but didn't let anyone know to right before the guys came with the tickets. I was to far back to do anything that year and the people in front of me where not veteran black Friday shoppers. I even got there at 1 am on Black Friday which normally would have been plenty of time but that was the year of Katrina and we were close to New Orleans and a lot of people were shopping there that year and after that the economy has been in the toliet and the crowds have been big ever since. 2005 the last black Friday I got there that late. Because I never got my laptop that year.


If I want a TV , Computer, an awesome deal on a monitor or any other high ticket item I get there Thanksgiving morning 1 am a whole 24 hours prior and I have never missed a door buster again. It is fun and now all us veteran BF shoppers are doing it. Last year I couldn't shop due to surgery but I got my GPS system I wanted online.


I also need to point out I live south so the weather is not as cold here. The lowest I have seen it since I started Black Friday shopping was 41 but when your standing out for hours on end 41 is cold. We had a tent though and toe warmers( I highly suggest them for everyone even if your only out there for a few hours) We make friends with the people around us and keep track of any new people who try to invade us. We know if the person in front of us is having friends coming and tell them its fine as long as they are gone by 3 am Black Friday morning.The only time its ok if someone comes in line if they were there when we got there and we know how many ticket items they want and they have people trading off. That is fine with me but they can not get any other ticket items over that amount or those are fighting words LOL .


Anyone try to cut in line around our group the cops will be called and have been called. I am not going to sit there for 28 plus hours for someone to cut in line. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN on my watch.:D


Don't know if I will be camping out this year or not. Depends on the deals and what I need and if we are at my Moms house this year or not.If we are I know we will probably go its a tradition with DH and I but if I am home I don't know if I will go to Best buy or not I am not use to going to this Best Buy. Hope this helped you in your decision:gdparanoid:


Last year was the first time I didn't go out overnight for BF but I got everything (including Electronics) that I wanted online for a better price than what was listed as Doorbusters. remember, newegg, amazon, walmart.com and other sites have deals WAY before the B&M stores even open!

I too found that online is just as good or better for sales on BF. Last year, didn't even need to go near a Best Buy because I purchased everything I wanted online. Good thing is, I only paid $4.99 for shipping all my purchases.

The only camping I do is the kind that's in the woods, next to a river, in the middle of summer. The closest I get to camping on BF is hovering outside store doors for about 20 minutes waiting to get in. But like many others have said here, I'm not looking for a Nintendo or PSP Personal or any other hot electronic items.
I have been shopping BF since I was in high school and I have never camped and never will, and I have always gotten everything on my list, but I have not ever going for high dollar electronics either, I always catch them on sale other times of the year.........don't mind standing in line, but no sale is worth missing Thanksgiving with my family.
My family has Thanksgiving dinner one day before thanksgiving, and then on thanksgiving day we all head out to BB with our thanksgiving left overs. Its become a sort of tradition. Its pretty neat now that I think about it. Traditional yet untraditional at the same time ;)
I never camp out over night. I go out about 2am and get in line. I brin a chair, portable dvd player and a blanket. I usually get everything I want. I might try the online thing this year as well.
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