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Who do you shop with on Black Friday?


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Usually I go by myself and my mother watches DD.


However this year mom is going through chemo so dd will probably be with me...


Unless I can convince my best bud to go with me and her hubby watches the kids.. That's a distinct possibility - if her DH is willing.


Otherwise it might be a logistical nightmare - trying to take a 3 year old bf shopping is going to frazzle my nerves. Especially since I'll be picking up some gifts for her too.

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I hate that I always have a damn list from everyone else who doesn't want to go out so early. Can you pick up such and such for me? Drives me crazy!!

Buying for everyone else is my favorite part! Last year I didn't have a whole lot to buy and DH was trying to convince me that we didn't need to go so I asked the whole family after T-Day dinner and got a huge list. I had more fun last year since I got to go to all the stores I never go to!

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Just me! DH might meet up with me at some point if I need him to take stuff home, but I love going by myself. I'm out by midnight and home around 9 or so.


I don't buy many presents on BF, tho...I'm usually looking for some gadget for myself or DH. I always have a plan, but halfway through I'll make an unscheduled stop for something, so it's nice to not have to explain myself to anyone else. :cheesy:

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I always go with my mom! She's doesn't love it like me but she's a trooper and a huge help getting half the list or waiting in line while I run around. We always have a good time in the end and get lots of deals. A bunch of my other family member's usually head out as well but we go alone since we usually cruise much faster then them but we do pick items up for them as we see them...if we end up with doubles we just return one!
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My DH went once and that was it for him! He said he'd rather pay full price and then some than to get out and do that again! So my step-mom and I meet up at 4:30 and are done by 10 or so. I have to say all of this talking about BF is getting me ready to go shopping!!! :D
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I always go by myself, my husband thinks I am crazy for doing it every year and he always has to work that day anyways. I meet up with my mom and aunt later if they want because they dont want to stand in line at 2 in the morning with me....party poopers, but as it has been said before, no one to hold me up, I prefer going alone.
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I usually go with me, myself, and I. That and all my new friends that I meet in line. It would be nice going with someone else if they are like-minded about the deals.


I have gone with my mom a couple times. It was nice to be able to spend the time with her. She is a browser, though - she doesn't do the run, grab, and get onto the next store thing. Fortunatly, most of my list has been little stuff - toys, DVDs, slippers, etc. If I miss them there will always be another chance with something similar. We did manage to get our 3 must-have items last year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I always go with my mom. Every once in a while I can talk my husband into going, but a couple of years ago we waited in line at Walmart and when the doors opened he was a little too slow and got "lost in the crowd" and we became seperated. I knew he was ok since he is 6'1" and could handle himself. However he still hasn't forgiven me for leaving him "to the masses!" Party pooper :(
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It has been someone different every year for me. I went with my mom one year, which is the year my obsession started...:tongue1: Last year I went with my friend, which was great to have the company, but she isn't as hard core as me. I am thinking this year I will either try to talk DH into going with me, or I may go alone. I am afraid if DH goes, I will just hear a lot of complaining and he will slow me down. I think it would be good to go alone so I can get in, get me stuff and get out, move on to the next.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I usually go with my DD, my sis, sis-in-law and neice. :gdcar:We always have a blast! After turkey dinner, we sit down and plan out our strategy. We always go with the attitude that if we get the deals, great, if not, no biggie.:holiday09 This has been our tradition for years.
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