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Hope everyone had a great holiday! I was wondering what everyones kids like getting and what is already forgotten?? My kids were not impressed with the bioniccam(too hard to focus) and the eyeclops. Guitar Hero for the wii is a little too hard for them but they loved the one for the ds. They don't want to play with the magnext toys but they liked monopoly clone wars. I have a birthday coming up in January and March so I don't need anymore toys that are flops!!:)
For my boys (6,3,and 3) the big hit was a box of legos. They have little guys in them and they can make ships w/the legos. For my dd (8) she has been playing w/her Build-a-Bear and playing w/it on-line. But as I type she too is playing w/the legos lol!!

My granddaughter played off and on all day yesterday and so far today with her Groovy Girl wedding couple. She also played Cooking Mama on the ds and Star Wars on the wii. She is 9 and although she plays Star Wars on the ds without any problems the wii game is harder because it requires 2 controls to be used at once. She played it for about 2 hours but it was not as smooth to play as she would have liked. She loves wii mini golf.


Spores for the pc has been a huge hit since she received it before Thanksgiving. She plays with it about 3-4 times a week.

Our biggest hit was the wii. The kids have wanted to play it since they got it. My dd loves her plug in play hannah montana guitar, my oldest son loves his I can play guitar. My 3 year old loves to sit on his Smart cycle and just pedal.

The boys love their smart cycles and their Geo Trax stuff. DS1 also loves his Playmobil Jetliner and his 16" Hummer bike.


I can't wait to see their expressions when they get their Spike Dinosaurs in a couple weeks at their birthday party. :cheesy:

  jdoug said:

Marshmallow shooters!


I bought my two sons marshmallow shooters too. While they love them, I don't care so much for them. :D There are marshamallows everywhere.


My oldest son(8) loves the pro wheelie cycle. I bought him those fighting robots from amazon (forgot what they are called). If anyone was thinking about getting them, don't waste your money. They were broke in 10 minutes. Made very cheap.


My daughter (5) LOVES her american girl doll. She got a ton of stuff for Christmas and this is the only thing she has played with so far. I was a bit hesitant about buying it cause she has never really been in to dolls so much. But she loves it.


My youngest son (2) loves Biscuit the dog. Once he seen that on Christmas morning he did not even want to open any other presents. He even wants to sleep with it. Took some time to convince him that it is just to big. He also got Spike the dinosaur. I put it together yesterday, but had to charge the battery. I am going to pull it out in a few minutes and see how he likes it.


My 9yo loved the eyeclops last year, and loves this years' version even more. He and dh keep fighting over who gets to play with it next, LOL!


He got the Strux Robotrixx Trex and that is AMAZING! He also likes Madagascar 2 for the ds.


My 13yodd and he love Prince Caspian movie and dd loves the Tinkerbell movie. She also loved the clothes she got (my little girl is growing up!).


Oh, my son LOVES the Spyology book and a smaller version of Wizardology.


And nerf shooters are always fun. And nobody complained about my new Amy Grand Christmas CD!


Blokus 3D was also a hit.


My son (who is 6) LOVES the Nerf dart tag. This is a lot of fun, and my husband and brother have both loved playing it with him. It's a really well made set!


He also loves the Clone Wars plug-n-play game, the "Make your own" lightsaber set, and his Megatron/Optimus prime 2 pk. The Wii is his favorite gift, of course.

These are the few gifts that he has played with the most...


Well, of course the BIGGEST hit was the kids getting the Wii on Christmas Eve. By far!!! lol


Christmas day gifts:

Trevor's - Guitar Hero for his Ps2

Katy - Mp3 player or Aeropostale purse, big tie there

Jessica - Definitely Barbie My House, but Baby alive Go Bye Bye was also huge hit


All of my kids got way too much again! Funny how some stuff is so loved and others not even opened yet.


DS11 loves his PSP the most, then the Air Guitar Rocker followed by the air soft rifle.


DS5 has worn the James Bond costume I made for him almost constantly, so that is his favorite.

He got lots of action figures and board games but really likes to pretend he's James Bond. We don't allow him to watch the newer movies so we got him books about James Bond and he loves those.


DD19 months is thoroughly enjoying her new doll house! She also likes Baby Alive go bye bye doll, more than the other dolls she got. Mr. Potato Head celebration spud has been a big hit with all my kids. The boys see who can make the funniest one.


Like others, the Wii wins hands down, and many of their presents were wii related, wireless nunchuck things, rechargable battery packs, mari kart, 4 wheels, 4 remotes, cooking mama, wii fit, wii ski, diego safari, Tiger Woods Golf (dh is playing it now, he loves it) I Spy, and I am sure other things wii...


Other than that, the santa bags were a big hit to ME but the kids didn't notice. They love their air guitar Guitar Hero, but I think DH and I will put ours in the gift closet (we never opened them) but keep the expansion kits because more than 3 playing at a time is a headache (heck ONE playing can be!) They are fun too, I've been using them.


The Me2 is big with all 3 boys, 10, 7, and 4. My SIL liked them so much they bought them for both of their kids, girl is 6, boy is 9. The boys have been doing jumping jacks, running up and down the stairs, etc... with them on to get more points (like a pedometer)


We are looking forward to playing Totally 80s Trivial Pursuit at New Years.


No one was thrilled with clothes and I bought 3 pair of Crocs Axles (they are more winter friendly) and they are TERRIBLE!!! The opening to slip your foot in is so tiny they can't get them on without SERIOUS force from DH or me. It HURST them to get them on. I am so mad about this.


DH favorite gift was the big Shabby Chic blanket (from BF) at Target. I got it based on GD recommendations. He has a ratty twin blanket he uses in bed so I got this nice big fluffy king one for us to sleep under together. He said it was the most thoughtful gift ever. Awwwww


The least favorite gifts are still coming... we get them at a Christmas next month. They are always the same, boys always get a case of football cards. Girls get Bitty Baby furniture (they even get to pick it out) I have all boys. Every year. I might as well list them on Craigslist now. Last year we sold them for $10. We returned them to WalMart one year for $40, but that is much harder to do these days!

Posted (edited)
  jdoug said:

Marshmallow shooters!

They were a hit last Christmas for us!


THis year, Bakugan was the hit for ds11 and ds15 is playing 360 games like left for dead...

Edited by mgmckny
forgot somethingk
I am sitting here laughing my DS21 favorite gift is a pair of clear drum sticks tht light up blue when you use them..they are for Rock Band 2. I mean he loves his other video games etc but he keeps raving about these sticks. I got them on Amazon for $2.95 :eek:

For ds6 he loves his drum set, Nintendo ds, and portable dvd player. Also his brother got him a Barney personalized dvd, the one with "him" in it. He keeps watching it over and over. It's funny because Barney will say his name and he will say "what?" to him :) The big miss with him was the TAG Reader, but we're going to work on that one ;)


For ds18, definetly GH World Tour Band Set. He liked his GPS too, but we had to send it back cause it wasn't working right. Still waiting on the replacement.


tokanm- wish I would have seen those drum sticks cause the set that came with ds18's World Tour are cheapos.

  tokanm said:

I am sitting here laughing my DS21 favorite gift is a pair of clear drum sticks tht light up blue when you use them..they are for Rock Band 2. I mean he loves his other video games etc but he keeps raving about these sticks. I got them on Amazon for $2.95 :eek:

Found them but they are $17.99. You got a good deal


ds7 loved everything. He got a bike, hot wheels track, nintendo games, nasa space suit, a light up moon and planets for his room, kung fu panda and walle movies, transformers helmet, video now, atm bank, spongebob operation game, and some transformers. He also bought himself some bakugans.


ds4 LOVES his smart cycle, vsmile handheld, any kind of truck, candyland castle game, a stuffed dog, easy link games, dinasours, and a couple of vsmile games oh and the star wars clone wars movie.


Ds5 loved his Indiana Jones castle and star wars figures

Ds8 liked the Wii Fit that I got for his dad.

I really thought they were gonna love the nerf vulcan guns, but they haven't even opened them yet.


DS12- it's a tie between Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 for the PS3.


DD19- it's between the VS bras, VS pajamas or the leather coat. It's all about clothes for her. lol.


They loved the 4wheeler but haven't ridden it much due to the weather and dd having to work.


DD (15) got an Xbox with Rockband and Spyro that she hasnt stopped playing since Christmas! :P So, I would say that is the favorite by far.

She loved everything, but the things that are sitting right now arent toys anyway and just Bath & Body Works stuff, perfume, etc.

  lakj98 said:

I bought my two sons marshmallow shooters too. While they love them, I don't care so much for them. :D There are marshamallows everywhere.


Do you want to borrow my dog? I can guarantee she wouldn't miss a marshmallow (in mid air either)!


DS4 big hits

Thomas & friends Action Canyon

Spike - loves him

U command Walle


DD7 hits

HSM3 movie set

Icarly camcorder

Karaoke machine

singing HSM dolls

She loves the cheap HSM headphone set I got on Amazon for 5.99!!! Yeah!


dd 17 was thrilled with her new dig. camera, and personalized tinkerbell watch in her favorite color baby blue.


ds 16 was thrilled with his xbox 360 with guitar hero...he even asked to leave the in law's early on christmas day so he could come home and play. he never wants to leave the in law's.


dd 7 loved butterscotch, and her camp rock digital camera. and cooking mama for the wii.


dd 3 loved buttersccotch, her digital camera, and her rose petal cottage.

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