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Lots of layers...long sleeve shirt, hoodie, fleece, and jacket over that. Long undies, jeans, tear-away pants on the bottoms. Couple pairs of socks and a pair of tall, warm boots to keep the pants out of the snow and the legs warm. Top it off with some cute winter accessories (hat, scarf, couple pairs of gloves, and I'm toasty-warm until the line starts moving-- then it's time to shed the layers and shop!
I like to get festive with a Christmas shirt, and since we start at Walmart and don't have to wait outside, it's usually a T-shirt. I'll also have a sweatshirt or sweater in the car because after Walmart we have to wait in line at Target for about 1/2 hour. So jeans, Christmas shirt, Christmas earrrings, Christmas socks, and a Santa hat. Coat, warmer shirt, etc just depends on the day.



No.. I usually wear my American Eagle Hoodie, Hollister Jacket, and a pair of Jeans. Maybe some gloves if I feel like it. I take the cold VERY good. I love the cold. lol.


I usually wear my jeans and a long sleeve shirt.


There are a lot of people that posted that already have a BF Gottadeal shirt so I say the rest of us that posted should get one too! :razz:


I also am in a warmer climate and like the idea of a contest just for us only. :)

I usually wear something comfortable....jeans and a t shirt, comfy shoes and a jacket, but this year I am in a different place, so probably shorts and a t shirt and my tennis shoes, but first my pj's as I am going to the outlets and need to have them on to get my free pj's. Will change in the car before I go anywhere else :tongue1:
usually i wear under armour cold gear with a t shirt over that and a hoodie over that. throw on a nice beanie and some gloves with under armour ski socks and u can dress light and comfortable and still spend days in the harsh northeast weather
i usually wear t-shirt, with a sweatshirt over, comfortable baggy jeans tennis shoes. A heavy coat for the morning line. But usually by 7am the coat comes off. With all the running in and out of stores, i get hot.

Usually, because it's freaking COLD...


I wear a t-shirt with a sweatshirt over top of it...a flannel jacket...the most comfortable shoes I own at the time...my Christmas toe socks...and that's it.


It's too damn early and cold for me too be too festive!!!

Fleece pants, socks, t-shirt, light hoodie, coat, gloves, scarf, and a hood or hat. It gets pretty cold here by then usually. I try to put the coat back in the car a few minutes before the store opens though.
I wear a christmas shirt....long sleeve and peel off the coat and leave in the van after the standing in line outside is done. My friend made me a purse for the day...comfy shoes, and jeans.
I wear my comfy tennis shoes, jeans, and a light weight long sleeve shirt. I live in Virginia Beach and it can be chilly but it's not usually cold. It just sucks if it's raining! I don't like to carry a purse into stand alone stores, but usually take it into the mall. I am a light traveler on BF I don't need any distractions! Cash, ID, Credit Card and my cell phone.
jeans, socks with a pouch for one of those hand warmers,turtleneck ,a zippered pocket hoodie (so my hands are free) and my lucky christmas sweater ( my children hate) gloves ,ear warmers.It gets pretty chilly here
I want a gotta deal t-shirt. I will wear it with pride becasue I live by GD for three weeks before BF. Otherwise I'll be wearing my normal jeans, long sleeve t-shirt, leather coat and leather gloves. The coat and gloves stay in the car after the first two stores. I actually waited in line to check out at Kohl's last year for 1 1/2 hours. If I had had my coat on, I would have sweated to death.
last year i only wore a fleece hoodie and jeans but THIS YEAR...I'll be smarter. It was SO COLD last year I bout froze to death in the Target line. This year I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, hoodie, jeans, 2 pairs of socks and maybe a coat. I'll be ready

Layers, because it's usually cold in the morning, but warms up. And this way I can shed layers in the store, because it usually gets really hot with all the people.

That's what I do too! It's always cold in the morning and gets warmer as the day goes on


long sleeve shirt , jacket, gloves with hand warmers, ear muffs, scarf, jeans , socks.

Once I get through the first store I take off the jacket and toss on a sweatshirt because i get so warm.


I will play my xmas cd in the car as well.

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