rantrarus Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I would have to definatately be a game show. You would have contestants come on the show to see who can find the best deals. They would go out into stores using the Gottadeal information posted on the website and see who get the best deal. Who ever wins, get all the stuff that everyone comes back with.
jmacbruell Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 An infommmercial about how to navigate the website with a 800 number for people to call in with questions and comments:tired:
JanInBama Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 There is a 30ish lady who just hasn't been able to find Mr Right .. The closest think she has to a man in her life is the UPS man. She doesn't understand why she can't find a lasting relationship.. She's an attractive woman with a great personality.. there is only one problem, she just can't leave home without her laptop...every few minutes she has to check GottaDeal .. she's afraid she'll miss a great bargain on something!
aprilmillwood Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 My idea would be for a drama about a lonely woman woman who stays at home and does not go out much learns all about how much fun it is to go out to stores to find great deals on black fridays and meets some great people in the forum to become friends and eventually she leaves her safe home to go and get the great deals at the stores with her new friends that she has met blogging in the forums of the site.
waa2see Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I am going to have to go reality. A "gotta deal specialist" someone who is all about saving money locates a frivilous family and teaches them to find deals and save oodles of cash. To reward the "gotta deal specialist" the family donates money saved to charity! everyone wins!!
1whodatdare Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 "Pimp your Lair with Gottadeal Flare" Concept: Rapper 50 Cent and Home Genious Martha Stewart team up for the greatest show on Television. Each week one lucky contestant will have his/her home "pimped" by Martha and 50 using only GD deals posted over the past 72 hours. 10,000 worth of "goods" will be used to "pimp the lair" The game: After the "pimping" is completed, the contestant comes in to the home where he/she has the chance to keep the pimp items by correctly guessing the special GD price within X amount of dollars. Example: 42" HDTV LCD found on GD for $998. If it is guessed correctly within $150 the contestant keeps that item. If not, the item goes back. Then for the finale... To make sure that GD gets even more publicity and deal postings.... After all of the items have been won/lost contestant visits GD and is able to pick out 1 item of his/her choice. They then ask Martha and 50 for the GD price. If they guess wrong (again within x amount of dollars) they get to keep the item. However, if the item is guessed correctly by the duo, the GD poster who placed the deal gets the item, AND becomes the next weeks contestant. Gottadeal then becomes the most powerful deal site in the world because every great deal will be posted in hopes that they can be "pimped" BACKGROUND MUSIC FOR THE SHOW... 50'S "MAGIC STICK"
cb3953 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 A detective show where two small town cops, suspicious of the extremely low prices on Gottadeal try to link the site to organized crime. After begin warned by their chief to abandon their quest and focus on real crime the two crusaders take a leave of absence and strike out on their own. Using their own money, a borrowed 1975 Dodge Ramcharger and a used Toshiba laptop the the two bumbling madmen follow bogus lead after bogus lead as they spiral deeper and deeper into a dark world of petty thieves and fences getting further away from the reality that Gottadeal is simply the best place to find the best prices on merchandise.
smith12721 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Six friends meet to discuss the best deals that they are looking for, what they have found, what they won, or Coupons. I think it could be like the Housewifes series but bargin shoppers and how they feed, shop, clothe, and entertain their families and friends on an unbelivable amount of money. Bring on the changellange! I AM READY!
TopperChic87 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v637/itsallmomo/4141.jpgGottadeal"A sitcom in an office setting bringing the best deals to a variety of customers"The show centers around an always busy Gottadeal.com office. It focuses on the employees and has them go through crazy situations in an effort to get the best deals for their Gottadeal community. Whether they are mud wrestling a Wal-Mart executive to get the BF ad early, or drinking gallons of coffee to stay up late and post special sale info, the employees go through anything and everything to get the deals out there. The story lines would focus on what they go through, and the friendships they form with fellow employees and even site members. The employees of the Gottadeal.com office are considered "everyday superheroes" amongst their fans.
KimmeeA13 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Introducing a new reality show: Dealmakers! Armed with only $200 and the information found on the Black Friday website at Gottadeal, 7 teams of 2 contestants must complete a shopping scavenger hunt on the day after Thanksgiving. Each team is given a list of names and gift preferences: Aunt Sally wants a cardigan sweater in hot pink, size medium; Cousin Fred wants the new Brad Paisley CD. The team that purchases the most items on their list within the allotted time frame without going over budget wins! However, to make things a little more interesting, each team has a different list of items so there can be no following other teams around. And what do they win? A trip to the day spa for a massage to relax their tired muscles, since they will be worn out from pushing shopping carts around and lugging huge bags of bargains out of the stores!
guilliam Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Black Friday Scavenger Hunt Contestant #1- "I spend hours a day on the internet looking for the Black Friday ads during the month of November"Contestant #2 - "I know how to search the internet and find anything...fast!!Contestant #3 - "I only use one website to find all of my deals for Black Friday and every day of the year. It's my secret weapon!" Contestants are given a list of 10 items that will be on sale in a Black Friday ad. The first person to find all of the items wins! 1 minute later contestant #3 wins!! Her secret? Contestant #3- "I just went to http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/AdScans That's the only site you need!! It has all of the ads in 1 place for easy access!!"
jodz10 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think a GAMESHOW Called GottaDeal now! The 3 contestants are on stage with computers - and are shown and item (ex: Kitchenaid and the first one to buzz in and shout "Gottadeal" when they find what they think is the cheapest price to purchase that item online (with or with out a current coupon code) - Then they all compare the prices they found and the one to find it fastest and cheapest wins! Jodi
Joelltzx Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Black Friday Savings Assault: Five teams of 4 players are each let loose in the same U.S. city with one car, maps, GPS, and 4 copies of Black Friday ads per team at 12:01 AM on Black Friday. Each player is given $2500 in cash to use. The winning team is determined by the total dollar amount of savings that each team accumulates by 8 pm on Black Friday. Savings include markdowns from stores' regular prices and rebate savings from offers completely filled out by the 8 pm deadline. This amazing reality show combines elements of "The Amazing Race" with team versus individual in-store buying and checkout line position holding strategies. All purchases must be in stores, not online. No player may buy more than one of the same item. Good luck.
aurianjen Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 Mine is pretty simple so it probably wouldn't work. An everyday family dealing with the issues facing todays family. ya know TRUE REALITY TV!
cowboysgirl30 Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 A take off on “the price is right”/”let’s make a deal” – savy savers unite!!!! 1. Participants are chosen by those who have found the greatest useable deals via internet or general shopping (free stickers or pens do not count)– they must stand in line and present their awesome items as well as proof of receipt – bonus points to those who have posted this wonderful deal and helped others to obtain the same 2. Game #1 – Don’t break the bank – contestants are given a piggy bank containing $50, they must make purchases to gift 5 people and have only 15 minutes to do so via internet, as they spend their piggy bank money it is removed from the piggy bank total (don’t go below $50 in your bank or it will be crushed with the gavel of bankruptcy) – bonuses are extra money put into your piggy bank for free gift cards w/ purchases that are received – the contestant with the most money left and the most items with the greatest retail value will win this game – they may choose to keep these items or exchange for the credit card behind curtain #1 that may have a government tax stimulus check, or it may have a disgruntled cashier who will over charge you. 3. Game #2 –OOPS! Free or Almost Free Speedy Purchase– This game will be played via the internet - Great OOPS! deals are listed for various sites – contestants must purchase these free or almost free oops! deals that the sites have before their managers realize the mistake and either take the deal off of their site or cancel their order. Phone calls to these sites will be allowed to complain and try to get the deal as was stated on the website (but beware – you may be faced with a not so nice customer service rep who puts you on hold, you cannot move onto the next deal on the list until you have completed or cancelled the current deal). You will only have 20 minutes to complete as many of these OOPS! Deals as you can before they are gone. Winner of course is the one who saves the most amount of money and actually has their items shipped (not canceled). 4. Game #3 – Black Friday Hit and Miss – These contestants will have no sleep for 24hours – they must wait in line in horrible weather conditions and try to keep line jumpers from getting in front of them by taunts or physical confrontation (but beware there are cops lurking, only present physical confrontation when the cops backs are turned or you’ll owe the court money, if you leave the line to go pee you will need to go to the back of the line, peeing in line is not permitted and those contestants who do so will be removed from the game)– once the store door opens and the crowd starts running and pushing, the contestants must find the advertised item hidden somewhere on a shelf within the store – bombarded by kicks, hits, and screaming idiots, they must keep ahold of the item they snatched from the shelf and make their way through the checkout line in record time. Once through checkout – they are told of another item in the store that they “forgot” to get. The contestants must crawl over the already swarming crowd and “steal” the item from a huge guy named Bubba Billy Bob who is a professional wrestler. The goal of this game is to not get thumped by Bubba and get your items to your car safely and in record time. Winner will also receive a bottle of Tylenol (for advertising purposes of course) 5. Grand Prize Game – the last 2 contestants will compete in the final challenge – Bah Humbug – In this game 10 members of the contestants extended family (including their step brother’s aunt’s mother in law’s sister) will need to receive a gift that they like. You may shop via internet or in store. You must buy each member of your family a gift with a retail value of at least $40. The goal is to save the most amount of money. But there is a catch – when giving your gift to your family member – they must LIKE it (no regifting allowed!)– or you have to go back and return it. If you win your family gets to keep all the gifts and you get to keep your hair (as the losers hair would have been pulled out form the stress of the returns.) As a bonus you will be able to guess the total savings of 100’s of items purchased by a master gottadeal shopper behind Curtain #2. If you guess within 5% of the total savings of these items – you win them all!!! But if you don’t guess enough you will be forced to participate in the game yet another time. BAH HUMBUG!!
plmckenzie Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 Gotta Deal Reality TV The goal black friday savings. Divide into 10 teams of two people and give each team the same amount of money and see which team can get the best deals, the most items, and beat out the other teams. Whichever team saves the most money at the end of black friday gets to keep the items they bought. They will also have tasks to complete along the way which can put them ahead or behind depending on how successful at the task they are. They of course would be wearing gotta deal tshirts and each team would be a different color.
needanewcamera Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 I think the tv show should be based on a competition similar to ESPN's Pros vs. Joes. It should be a mobile show that takes the contestants to a sponsor retail site. Each week would be at a new city close to the GD forum members representing the Pros that week. At the store each 'pro' (GD forum member) and 'joe' (non member) will be given a set amount of money and given 5 minutes to shop and check out. Then each one will be judged on the amount of money they saved with their purchases. This would be a win-win show. The sponsor retailers would get the free PR and Gotta Deal pros would show everyone how much money you can save if you surf the site on a regular basis!
Guest primal Posted November 8, 2008 Posted November 8, 2008 (edited) PM'D it to ya brad Edited November 8, 2008 by primal added details
mongamer Posted November 9, 2008 Posted November 9, 2008 True Life - Life of a Black Friday Shopper. There could be interviews of several different people with their takes on different aspects like about selling tickets in line and what not.
cglenn Posted November 9, 2008 Posted November 9, 2008 So My Idea would be to make a tv show about someone who is searching the GD ads on line the week before Thanksgiving and they get stuck having to wake up over and over and over on Black Friday having to re-live the shopping experience over and over, like groundhog day. They start out the night before, by going online at GD and making sure they dont miss any deals and they wake up to shop. It goes on day after day untill Christmas morning!! Everyone loves shopping but it would suck to have to deal with black friday shoppers every day for a month
jeet92 Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Game show where the contestants ae each iven a computer and a limited time and they have to find an item, the one who finds it at a cheaper pice wins...and people at home can do the same and send them the link by an end time and if they hav the cheapest they should be given the item =]
c_becker11 Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Seinfeld - Hands Down, I can just picture George going crazy over all the deals, and Morty thinking everything he gets is hot, cuz Jerry gets it so cheap.
cadejenn Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 I imagine the double lives of what are seemingly ordinary people who meet on weekends or late at night to use their amazing math, brainy skills to figure out the absolute best bargains and in fact ways to combine bargains in order to make good deals amazing ones. I almost picture a show rendition similar to the recent film "21" where college students spend their weekends in Vegas and weeks in Boston. However, in this show they are turning teacher salaries into posch living by figuring out amazing deals and deal combinations.
mjanssen Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Black Friday Bargain Bonanza Game ShowI would have a game show, where 3 individual people are woke up at 3:00 a.m. :tired:from their own individual homes (pretense it is “Black Friday”) They will need to do a computer search for the “deals of the day”, with a hint of going to GottaDeal dot com. After they do their search, contestants must drive to local stores and purchase their items. The person who has the most items for the most economical price wins their entire list. Bummer:confused:-there may only be one item per store, so you may get to the store and the item will already be gone. Best strategizer wins, as well as those who can maneuver a busy shopping center. All is pre-recorded, and part aired on the game show. Bonus:cool:-you still will be able to earn those prizes you did not get the “early morning” of the shopping spree, by competing in various contests while the hour long show is being taped. Contest will include price guessing (Price is Right:rolleyes:), what item do you have with you (Let’s Make A Deal:p), guessing an item (Name That Tune format, but with clues about the item and not notes:shock:), and with each contest the contestant wins they will be able to check off items on their shopping list. (A large list, kind of like the money board on Deal or No Deal) Hint:gdlicklips:: go to the Gotta Deal forum for clues on which stores will only have one item on hand. Another bonus, contestants will be able to go to youtube dot com and find their own version of Geeks dot com Coupon with hidden hints on where to find items for each contestant to find items in the stores in a quicker manner, however this only helps if you can decipher the clues! sorry about format of websites can not post websites in the regular format yet :)
muffin30082 Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Oh this is fun! Concept: Reality show, more like survivor then American idol Shoppers form two strike teams,four people per team, with 5k per tem to spend. High value limited quantity doorbusters earn more points then just regular good BF deals. The team that returns the highest value of good deals wins -- all of the merchandise bought. The teams must form their strike plans directly from gottadeal :)com.
sbsahm Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 BFE- Black Friday Extreme Reality meets prank shoes see my concept idea here http://blackfriday.synthasite.com
Nubbs820 Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I think it should be a game show. The concept is the game show gives the contestants so much money to start out with. They are then to spend it and whoever buys the most products wins the stuff and the loser goes away with the consolation prize of a crash course of frugality.
cleopatria01 Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Okay, The TV Show does like this... Its a tv show where geeks rule the world. Its a geek world where all the women are attracted to the smartest geek. Its like geek fever. You go to a bar and you see all these hot guys and I mean hot! A gorgeous woman walks in and starts talking to this guy buy she is not attracted to him whatsoever! She wants to be friends. Minutes later a geeky guy walks out of the restroom with his shirt half way untucked and with the corner of his shirt zipped up with his pants. Now in this show a pretty woman like the one I described is fatally attracted to geeks with no style. And this show just starts getting crazy because as you know... The best geeks are already taken. So in order to make it fair and square a tv show is made for women to get the best geek deal. Its based on what will each contestant do in order to take this geek home. This show does to the extreme! From street fight challenges to hot oil wresling.
TeddyBcool2000 Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 A show were people get there old electronics shot at them for newer ones. You start small with shooting an old 512mb usb flash drive to the gut and finish with an old heavy thick laptop in the face, it's dependent on what they bring to fling.
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