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Who is putting on Thanksgiving dinner ??

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This year I am hoping that they do the "family" dinner of 40+ people after Thanksgiving or else a few days before it. I like to have dinner at home with Hubby and kids, put up the tree etc etc.

Then that evening I map out were we go ( my son who is 12, friend, and myself) get all our gear ready ( hand warmers, footwarmers etc etc)



Usually when there are 40+ of us together there is some sort of "issue" between the women, though I must admit I usually say nothing take it all in and tell dh when I get home how his sisters and sil acted and what it was about. the more you speak at family things the more trouble you find

My mom cooks dinner for my group of 40 and she brings it to us in line. My girlfriend and some of the people in line are Indian and eat veg only so she fixes something special for them. Love you Mom!
We will either be going to my in-laws or my mothers depending on if we move shortly. Either way I will most likely do much of the cooking, last year I did a fried turkey for the first time and it was the BEST turkey I've ever had. Most likely do that again for our turkey portion of the meal.
We started hosting Thanksgiving dinner last year. Before that we went to hubby's mom's but she moved out of state last year. So for Thanksgiving it's me, hubby, our 2 kids, my mom and possibly hubby's aunt and cousin and maybe his brother and few others.
It will be me. I cook a huge dinner and then there is no cooking until the Monday after. There is always loads of leftovers. I want to invite all my kids, their spouses and the spouses parents and siblings. I try to plan ahead so I have all the menu items on hand. I use disposable dishes and pans as much as possible (not very green but I don't have a dishwasher and I don't do it all the time) I think if everyone comes I would have around 20 people. I need to buy some of those folding tables!!!:yup:

We use to go to Grandma's house with all the relatives but the last couple of years the relatives all do their own things, since my aunts and uncles (dad's side) all lives within 30 miles of each other they tend to see each other alot.

So my parents put on TG dinner for our own immidiate family, which is 5 of us children and three exchange students. It is nice not going to relatives' houses so it gives up time to talk BF plans.

This year will be the big change for us..kids married, kids out of state that can't come home, so it will be my little boys and us!!! We are ttrying to think of fun ways to make changes instead of it being sad!!!

I will be alone this year. I think I might try to find a store that is open and get a jump on

black friday. Unfortunately Mass does not allow stores to be open on holidays :(

Until 2 years ago, we usually went to my grandma's house for dinner. She is not in the best of health so now she goes to my uncle's house for dinner. So the past 2 years I have cooked dinner for myself, dh and our 3 kids and then we go to my grandmas to visit. I'm sure it'll be the same this year too.
Either my BIL or Golden Corral, depends on how dh feels. If he's hurting we don't make the drive (about 45 minutes in light traffic, more if heavy) to his brother's house.

ME!! we are just staying home.... no extended family :D:D DH was sick of me whining last year about leaving MIL(I was like a kid... Can we go yet?)

Any easy Turkey tips are appreciated... since this will be my first one :o

We go to my parent's house for t-day. Not sure how the holidays are going to work out for us this year yet though since dh got a new job and works swing shifts. But I did tell ds18 not to make any plans for BF cause he's watching his brother ds6 if dh has to work it ;)!
I would love to be the one making dinner but every year we go to my parents and my hubbys grandparents both in the same day which proves to be a difficult task but we try to please everyone. However me and my parents arent speaking at the moment so im not sure whats gonna happen this year. maybe ill get to make my dinner after all

I still don't know, and I'm kind of stressing about it. Every year, up until last year, we've always gone to my parents house. My inlaws always spend Thanskgiving alone. We also always have spent every Thanksgiving and Easter w/ my family. So last year, we moved into a new home 10 days before Thanskgiving, got unpacked, decorated, and settled in. All so we could host the meal at our home for my husband's parents. It hurt my mother's feelings and to make matter's worse, my grandmother passed unexpectedly 1 week before Thanksgiving. It was really hard because she used to be at my parents house for dinner too.


Anyhow, I busted my hump to get the meal ready and my inlaws showed up literally 10 minutes before we ate and stayed to eat and then left right away. They took their dessert to go, because they were tired (neither of them works and they're both in the early 50's so there was no excuse for them needing rest). They stayed maybe an hour altogether. So, to say I was angry was an understatement.


So now I guess I better start talking to my dh. I don't know if he's expecting to continue the new tradition of having his family over for Thanskgiving.......personally I'd rather go back to my mothers.


we had thanksgiving dinner last year at our house. it was me, dh our 2 kids, MIL and FIL. it will be that way again this year also cuz BF is my DD's 6th birthday and then either that saturday or sunday, we are having a bday party for my DS who will be 2 since my inlaws are already there and wont be able to make the drive on his actual bday(dec. 7th).


the shopping is waaay better here than at my MIL's. we have all the major stores right across the street from each other in 2 big shopping centers. at my MIL's, you literally have to drive miles in opposite directions to get to where you want to go.


We use to go to MIL's leaving my mom with hurt feelings. 2 years ago MIL wouldnt do it on Thanksgiving because FIL couldnt get home (he drives OTR) and we LOVED doing it at home. So last year we said we wanted to do it ourselves. We invite MIL/FIL and my mom/dad but usually only my mom and dad come.


We will from now on do Thanksgiving at home... I hope lol I love cooking all the food/getting prepared for BF, etc at home.

I always have thanksgiving at my house however my parents always do the cooking..I have somethings but my parents house just isn't big enough and my living room is 27x27 and since my dads only sibling and dad died we only have my grandma and 2 cousins on my dads side so its easier for our family to have my moms side and dads side together..and we host..
I have to biggest house therefore by default I get to cook, have done so ever since we moved into this house!!!!!!!! anyhow usually there are about 10-15 from both sides (mine and DH) after dinner (acutally lunch) me and my mom lock ourselves in the bedroom with our ads and plan our attack, and usually one of our relatives takes our kids home with them so we can go out on BF.........

Last year it was at my house. If anyone remembers I was on here asking for cooking help!!!! OMG things got hairy for a bit there. LOL But everything turned out good. I cooked way to much food. I wouldn't mind doing it again. My house is bigger than my MILs and BIL. So thats how it will most likely work anyway.



We also do a big Thanksgiving Dinner for our employees. We have about 100 who come in to get feed. We don't turn any away.


I just cook for my family. My brothers live about 140 miles away and one brother works the next day, so I cook for 5. My oldest daughter is across the country this year so I won't get to see her or her DH and grandchildren. She won't be here to do BF. We have been going together for the last few years.


This year I am going to cook the turkey the day before, cut it up and put a can of turkey stock on it to keep it moist, then reheat. Never did that before but I saw that in a cooking show and my eldest DD said that is what her SIL does.

I cook at my house for husband, two kiddos, mother in law, father in law, my mom and dad. My sister in law usually comes over as well. We eat early, around 3 - 5ish so everyone can get finished and get a game plan for my favorite shopping day of the year.
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