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Buyer Beware - Best Buy Return Policy

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Hi all,


I received a gift from a friend that was purchased from Best Buy. The person who gave me the item paid cash and threw away the receipt.


I went to the school with my unopened purchase and tried to exchange it and I was instructed that no returns unless a receipt is present.


If anyone is buying gifts for the holidays, please do not buy them from Best Buy because you will have issues returning them!

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I agree with this policy. I worked in retail for 4 long years and we were constantly having our counts screwed up by people buying things elsewhere and returning to our store because of our lenient return policies. Heck, we even took back something that clearly had another store's price tag on!
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I agree with this policy. I worked in retail for 4 long years and we were constantly having our counts screwed up by people buying things elsewhere and returning to our store because of our lenient return policies. Heck, we even took back something that clearly had another store's price tag on!

I'd have to agree. Unless it is something where you know it was from the store (such as in Best Buy's case, an item from one of their house brands like Dynex, Insignia, etc...), the stores should not have to accept it back. They are not in the business of buying back your items, and if there is no way to prove it was purchased from them, they should not have to offer a refund.

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I think the worst part about my instance is:


#1 - It has a Best Buy Tag on it. Price. Markings. Etc.


#2 - They said "How do we know this was purchased less than 30 days ago". My comeback is... Its a playstation 3 game that came out two weeks ago. Clearly its not over 30 days.

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It's not hard to get used to keeping receipts. I used to never keep my receipts but now I do. I have envelopes set up for the places I shop the most and then a misc. envelope. It saves a lot of hassle when I need to return something.


I agree that no store should have to take back something without a receipt or suitable proof of purchase (I LOVE it when they can look up my purchases). Just because someone may have an honest without receipt return; there are many who abuse the system and have made it difficult for all.

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Best Buy also won't return if it is the 31st day. When they say 30 days....they mean 30 days!!!


I'm great about keeping my receipts. I have all my receipts....but finding them when I need them is sometimes a different story. Even if I have an envelope for a store full of receipts, the receipts sometimes have different codes than the product. That is why I love Kohls and Target...they can look it up. Paying cash doesn't help that option, but I never have cash anyways...I have credit cards and an ATM card. :yup:


I just think there should be some room for returns without a receipt. If you have to have a drivers license and you can only do one return a year, you can't really make a habit out of it. But stores are now a lot stricter about returns. I'm sure there are people that will take advantage, but it would be nice to not get stuck with something just because you can't find your receipt or you can't ask for one. I couldn't ask my mother-in-law for a receipt. That wouldn't go over well. I have two Madden '08 for Wii because I couldn't ask her for a receipt to exchange it. $50.00 wasted! But I'd rather do that, than ask for her for a receipt. :rolleyes:

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Sorry fella, piracy is also a very important issue with regards to returns on software/games.

I would have been more surprised if you were able to return that at all..



I've never had a problem returning video games when my son received 2 of the same one, as long as the game is still factory sealed, never been opened.

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This is why many stores offer gift receipts. For people who are giving a gift to someone but don't want to give away any personal info (or how much they paid), they can give the gift receipt instead, which stores will honor in place of the original.
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I agree that they shouldn't have to take it back, but I also think there should be some room for discretion. If the item clearly has that stores branding or tags, refund lowest price within last 30 days or so. And I agree, I LOVE that Target can look up my reciepts. Now excuse me, I have a Kmart reciept that I cannot seem to find for the life of me.... :P
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If anyone is buying anything from Best Buy, get a gift receipt. It's not rude to the recipient, because you never know if they already have the item or it's just not their thing.


Way back in my day, when I worked retail and had to process returns, it SUCKED and it was EVEN WORSE if you did not have a receipt. I got into this fight at least once a week and I always stuck to my guns of "no receipt, no return" unless you KNOW you purchased by credit card and I could look it up.


And then if it was outside of the dates (most of the time they would be about 2-3 months out because "they couldn't get to it")... too bad. This is also when the complaining would start, and believe me, the level of responsiveness goes down the second a customer would begin the constant complaining and threatening to bring it to the store manager... because I'm right.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i was there today and they actually looked up my account (bought the item online)...thought that was kinda neat...but I agree with the person who said give them the last sale price on that item...and give it in store credit...also keep a record of them returning (license check, etc.)...I agree that i prefer to shop where they won't give me a huge hassle, and i usually stay and shop more while i'm there returning!
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  • 4 weeks later...

This was the very reason I stop shopping Best Buy as my main supplier of Electronics several years ago before they could look up purchases with phone #'s . I bought someone a gift, lost the receipt and the store would not take it back it was 32 days after the purchase (person out of town and missed the cut off).


The main problem for me with Best Buy is that it really depends on the manager you get that day or from store to store, policy is not consistent. I work retail management for many, many years and understand the whole return scam, but most consumers and returns are not scammers and don't like to be treated as if they are. When you work in retail, you get to know those that are because they do things that are not the norm and it is always the same people...very obvious.

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This was the very reason I stop shopping Best Buy as my main supplier of Electronics several years ago before they could look up purchases with phone #'s . I bought someone a gift, lost the receipt and the store would not take it back it was 32 days after the purchase (person out of town and missed the cut off).


The main problem for me with Best Buy is that it really depends on the manager you get that day or from store to store, policy is not consistent. I work retail management for many, many years and understand the whole return scam, but most consumers and returns are not scammers and don't like to be treated as if they are. When you work in retail, you get to know those that are because they do things that are not the norm and it is always the same people...very obvious.

Still, 32 days is 2 days over the limit. Disliking Best Buy for not sticking to their policy is kinda weird. Some customers expect retailers to break their store policy for them when all the customer needs to do is keep a piece of paper and return it within a certain amount of time. It's not that hard. I still work in retail and it floors me when people complain about "strict" return policies. If it's so "strict", wouldn't that make you try even harder to make sure you keep your receipt? Where I work, people take things right off the shelf without buying them and try to return them. The store is not going to lose tons of money just because some customers are irresponsible and/or lazy.

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Still, 32 days is 2 days over the limit. Disliking Best Buy for not sticking to their policy is kinda weird. Some customers expect retailers to break their store policy for them when all the customer needs to do is keep a piece of paper and return it within a certain amount of time. It's not that hard. I still work in retail and it floors me when people complain about "strict" return policies. If it's so "strict", wouldn't that make you try even harder to make sure you keep your receipt? Where I work, people take things right off the shelf without buying them and try to return them. The store is not going to lose tons of money just because some customers are irresponsible and/or lazy.

Yes, childofsolitude, I have read many post from you and know you work for Target. My problem with Best Buy in this particular instance is that they had just changed over their policy....they use to have a return policy that had no time limit and then they changed it right during this timeframe. I was not aware of the change until I was making the return.


Also calling someone irresponsible and lazy for losing a sales receipt is a bit presumptous on your part. You do not know circumstances or the situation...don't lump everyone together


Your response to my posting is clear that you are a little agitated by customers but not everyone who returns without a receipt is a thief :gdparanoid:


I also stated that I was bother by the inconsistency in their policies depending on the manager on duty or the store you went. Those are my grips with Best Buy and I still am comfortable with my reasons behind them...sorry if that puts me in that catergory of undesirable customers for you...but we can just agree to disagree :)

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Yes, childofsolitude, I have read many post from you and know you work for Target. My problem with Best Buy in this particular instance is that they had just changed over their policy....they use to have a return policy that had no time limit and then they changed it right during this timeframe. I was not aware of the change until I was making the return.


Also calling someone irresponsible and lazy for losing a sales receipt is a bit presumptous on your part. You do not know circumstances or the situation...don't lump everyone together


Your response to my posting is clear that you are a little agitated by customers but not everyone who returns without a receipt is a thief :gdparanoid:


I also stated that I was bother by the inconsistency in their policies depending on the manager on duty or the store you went. Those are my grips with Best Buy and I still am comfortable with my reasons behind them...sorry if that puts me in that catergory of undesirable customers for you...but we can just agree to disagree :)

Actually, I don't work at Target. Second, if you make a habit out of misplacing receipts that IS being lazy and irresponsible. And if you do lose your receipt, feeling as though you are still entitled to return the item anyway is wrong.


Third, I'm not agitated with customers because I don't deal with returns. It has nothing to do with my current job. I've always been taught to keep receipts and not to complain if I lost the receipt and can't return the item because people are given receipts so that they can return things. It's the customer's responsibility to hang onto their receipt.


Yes, I agree that different managers sometimes change the policy if they want but I would NEVER complain if one manager was willing to break their policy in order to help me and the next time a manager stuck by the policy. Return policies are posted in the store. You know what the policy is. By buying items at a store, you are agreeing to the policy. If you can't remember to place a receipt somewhere safe, then don't shop at stores that require receipts for returns. Simple.


People seem to forget that stores don't HAVE to allow returns.

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