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What city will you be this Black Friday? -- NOW WITH MAP! Post #71

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Either Land O' Lakes FL or Sterling Heights Mi, depending on where we end up this year. Best Buy seems to be our starting point every year. Hey I'm a guy and I like big boys toys what can I say. :)

Howdy Everyone:


I've created a map with everyone's responses using Google Maps. I will update the map daily (or almost daily) with everyone's responses. Unfortunately, unlike previous maps in the past, you will not be allowed to plot where you are on your own. Just post the city you will be shopping!




I only show your usernames.


So far, it looks like OH is the most popular state here...

Thank you. I guess I will be going to Middletown NY since I saw that my sister nafcmf is also down for there. I guess she is going. Both our sons DS12 & DN11) want to go with us this year so I think they will make good line holders:yup:.

I will be in either Lancaster, PA or Reading, PA depending on the ads!

Me too! Usually we start at Ephrata Walmart and then head to target in Reading and go from there.


Ok, let's put Fort Wayne Indiana on the map.

We drive by best Buy and Circuit City on the way home from my mom's on the other side of town, and then we come home. Normally, I go to Meijer with my ads, get my stuff and check out whenever their sale begins. The price match things and their sale items. Other stuff, I put DH in line and I catch up with him later.

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