JazzMama Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Hello! My name is Misty and I've been married to my husband for 9 years. We have a beautiful 7-year old daughter and a 6-month old "son" ... our chocolate lab, Rhys. I've been shopping on Black Friday since 1999. I never go to sleep Thanksgiving night, so the next morning, I'm strictly running on adrenaline, excitement, and LOTS of caffeine!
BabyBear24kGold Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Name Is Chrystal And I Am The Proud Mother Of 6 Children I Have 4 Boys 20,18,16,13 And 2 Beautiful Girls 9,10 I Have Been Married To The Man Of My Dreams For 21 Years.I Got Married Very Young. We Live Close To Fort Worth Texas. I Have Been A Longtime Veteran Of Black Friday. I Started When My Oldest Was 1 Years Old So About 20 Years Now From Standing In Line In The Rain To Sleet And All It Gets More Interesting Every Year It Seems Now 2 Of My Boys Go With Me And They Love it Also My Hubby Is A Great Man But Hates To Shop So It Is Better For Me Cause I Take My Sweet Time This Year My 18 Year Old Will Be Starting College Right After He Gets Home From Army Boot Camp So I Need A New Labtop So I Can Give Him My 1 Year Old Toshiba For School I Need More Space And I Need A New Moniter Also Maybe I Will Find A Great Deal On A 22 Inch Samsung :) My Favorites Stores Are Best Buy,Circuit City,Walmart Toysrus & Office Depot I Cant Wait For This Next One .Im Proud To Be Here With A Great Group Of People That Loves BB.
3 boys Posted October 10, 2008 Posted October 10, 2008 Grants Dad said: Hey all - Brad from the nether-regions of NW Minnesota here. I dig the finding deals (so the wife doesn't spend as much!!) but on Black Friday, I'm pretty much the muscle and the reach for the sought after items, 6'2" 215, with a freakish 7' wingspan comes in handy.I would fight you for that T.V.... One of the girls I shop with is 6' 1".
niccci Posted October 10, 2008 Posted October 10, 2008 Hi there from Norman,Ok (GOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOONERS) I have a 43 yr old son:responsible for granddaughter #2 Morgan and a 29 yr old daughter responsible for granddaughter #1 Everlee. My kids are 14 1/2 yrs apart and my grandgirls are 6 WEEKS apart. (Quess which one was an accident! I have gone on Black Friday rampages for 6 years. Each year I say "not this one" but then I read the excitement on these forums and it gets me pumped up and I find myself "needing" sooo many things I love this Black friday forum and enjoy reading and contributing all year long to Gottadeal.com Thanks for making me laugh and saving me lots of money (altho I dont really save I just get 3 times as much
MikeyBFTrooper Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 I have not done this yet. I am Mike or Mikey people call me either or. I am 31 live in Southern, CA near the beach. Single, live in a Apartment. Was married but divorced, No kids. Work in life Insurance. Don't worry, I don't sell it, haha. Have 3 step bros, 1 sis. Family lives in Central Valley near Fresno, which is where I attend the fine sport of Black Friday. Been doing Black Friday for 3-4 years now. Still considered a noob. Love the Atlanta Falcons!! Burner Turner baby!! And Angels and Giants for Baseball. Nice to meet all of you on here. You all seem like a great group.
SuperMommy Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Hey all! I'm Miranda, 25. I've been married for 6 1/2 years and I'm a SAHM to 2 beautiful little girls. (You can check out my albums on my profile page to see my sweeties.) Lexi will soon be turning 6 and Kaylie is 2. I've been on GottaDeal for awhile. I lurked in 2004 and finally joined in 2005. I love BF! My aunt turned me on to BF 6 years ago, god rest her soul. She will be greatly missed this year. I see alot of newbies on here so welcome and remember GottaDeal is here all year long, not just through BF!
momtotimothy Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 I'm Tara. I live in the Triad area of NC with my husband and our son Timothy, who turns 4 in November.
iloveblkfriday Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Steph 19 w/a dd 3 months old and hubby of 2 years my sister (29) was the big black friday fan who drugg me out every mourning to go with her but I started to love it and can't wait for this year!!
Ohiocat2382 Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Hey all! I'm Audrey, I'm 26 and from Columbus, OH. I've been married to my DH Chris for about a year and a half. For the past three years I have dragged my little brother (he's 22) along on BF. He's the only one who will run when I say to without asking any questions and that is very handy when trying to get the door busters. I can't wait for the ads to start coming out. Happy shopping season!
jenesparza Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Hi, I'm Jennifer, married 1 year since the 6th of this month. i'm a stay at home mom for right now, with two kids. Daughter 7 and son 5. I started on this site first by lurking around in the freebies section about a year ago then about 6 months into it i thought i'd join. Been in love with the site ever since, now i'm all over the place from the freebies to the the contest, to the black friday ads. I'm preparing for BF early this year and mapping out my places to go... I usually just go no planning and end up a little frazzled by the end of the day. Hoping this year to get alot accomplished and hey maybe ALL my Christmas shopping done. (yeah right) thats wishful thinking. lol
Grassy Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Hi, My name is Grassy I am married and have 3 boys. I never knew that "the big sales on the day after Thanksgiving" actually had a name until I came to GottaDeal. So now if I say Black Friday, my husband still looks at me like :confused:and I say "you know...the day after Thanksgiving!"
biggerbear16 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Hey my name is david and im 18 i live in Venice, FL and i regularly use ebay and i live for black friday. my mom started to take me probably when I was about 12, and I have loved it ever since. I plan on being at Best Buy in line this Black Friday.
princez916 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Hi everyone! I'm Kris, I'm 36 and have been married to dh Paul for over 18 years. I have three teenagers, Ryan will be 18 tomorrow, Dylan is 15 and Allyson (Allie) is 13. The younger two's bdays are in Jan. and Feb., so BF shopping is for xmas and bdays! I live in a little BFE town called Ashland City, TN, which is about 30 min. from downtown Nashville where I work as a legal assistant. I've been coming to this site for a couple of years now and love it! I'm known as the one who finds all the deals in my family. All it takes is some research and a little luck!
floridasun5 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 (edited) I'm Steffani (Steff) and I lurk around Gottadeal.com all year long but try to become active around this time of year as I love it! :) I live in Central Florida, 37 years old, married for 9 1/2 years now and have a teen daughter who will be 15 next week. I am currently the owner of a small retail store, but we are getting ready to probably shut it down in November due to how bad things have been. I have been BF shopping off and on for many years. I'm not a nut about it and have to go out every year, I just base it off of what I need and what is available. I didnt go last year, but will probably go this year as long as the sales are acceptable. I dont do the camping out anymore as in my area, there are a lot of die-hards that start lining up EARLY and I wont do that, so I pretty much stave off doorbusters and just get the regularly good sale items. Looking forward to more ads soon! Edited October 21, 2008 by floridasun5 Typos
tstimac Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Hi there! I'm Taylor and am a 2 year BF veteran. I started looking for BF deals early this year and stumbled upon this great site! I look forward to chatting with you all over the next few months. So, about me, I live in Oklahoma and have been married to my wonderful husband, Tony, for almost 4 years now (sheesh! I'm getting old!) We have a beautiful 9 month old little girl named Tegan whom I can't wait to shop for this BF! I work at a communications firm as a dispatcher and am also a full time college student (2 semesters away from my BS in Bussiness Admin ) So, this year I'm looking for a laptop...well, I guess really a netbook. I need something small to tote around for homework purposes. I'm hoping to find a really great deal!
jstluvem Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Hi All.. My name is Chris,I have been married to my wonderful husband for 23 years,we have 8 children 6 girls 2 boys ,ages 28-12 and 7 grandchildren with one on the way (6 girls-2 boys) With this size family BF is my salvation I have been doing this for about 10 years,I used to go alone then off to work now i take my sister and 3 oldest Daughters and 1 Daughter-in-law. Thanksgiving night we sit around and plot out our strategies. One of my daughters even gets the crowd singing Christmas Carols (not everyone appreciates that at 3am )lol.They used to make fun of me on the computer checking out all the sale sites until I found GD now they come over or text me for updates....all the great deal posters Thank You and Keep Em' coming
migirlfriday Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Hi! My name is Sheila. I live in the thumb area of Michigan. I usually do my BF shopping in Saginaw. I have a 21 yr old son who does not live with me, but I also have a wonderful man and live with him and his 13 yr old daughter. I will unfortunately not be able to participate in the BF madness this year unless I do it online. I was scheduled for surgery on 10/21 and I would have been ok I think to go shopping, but it has been postponed to sometime in November, so I will almost surely be unable to handle actually going to a store. This is going to hurt!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be on here watching all of you get the good deals! Maybe I will be able to hit a couple of local stores (WalMart - after the rush, TSC, Ace Hardware). We shall see. Wish me luck.
iamamy Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Hi everyone!! I am Amy and I live in the mountains of NC with my two children, daughter 16 and son 12 and my husband. I have been viewing Gotta Deal for years, and LOVE it but this is my first post. Happy Holidays to all.
littlezar Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Hi ~ I'm Sandra ~ Married to my Marine for 18 years, Mom of 4 boys ~ 13, 11, 7 & 2. My sister and 2 friends are also BF addicts but we all live in different states and go on our own.
StillCrying Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Hi Everyone! My name is Melissa, and I live in West Central Florida(Tampa Bay Area). Married for 15 years to my soulmate who is a proud Navy Veteran, with 4 beautiful kids, DS 20, DD 18, DS ^i^, DS 11. I am a SAHM, and an avid internet junkie. I work(volunteer) as a radio DJ for an online radio station late nights. I love BF, more than any other day of the year, and can hardly wait for the day to finally get here.
lzaina Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Hi my name is Lina, and I am a gottadeal addict. I live in Stow, Ohio. I've been married for 11 years and have 4 beautiful children (10, 8, 7, and 4 yrs old) 2 boys and 2 girls.
Kalel Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Hi! My name is Alex, and i´m from Monterey Mexico, which is 2 hours far from Laredo, Tx. This year will be my 6th BF year and my second one with my wife. See you next BF on Laredo!!!
Spotted1 Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Hey.. I'm Cole, I'm 25, from rural eastern Kentucky, and I work at home running an online community for women. I have a wonderful husband, and two beautiful daughters; Evelyn is 4.5, and Catie-Jane is 17 months. I've been a member of gottadeal for a couple of years, though I usually only lurk until Black Friday season rolls around.
mcwalker Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 Welcome newcomers and old hats. I'm Mark, from Queens, New York City. I have been married for just over ten years and we have a 7-year-old daughter. I got into BF (and GottaDeal) for the first time in 2006. I am a city planner, specializing in transporation planning, with a leading international planning/engineering consuting firm headquartered across the street from Madison Square Garden and Penn Station in Manhattan. I grew up in Dallas and until a few years ago my family has had a tradition of getting together for Thanksgiving in a farm house in rural Parker County, Texas (west of Ft. Worth) or my parent's house in Ft. Worth, and we did NOT shop over Thanksgiving weekend. In 2006, the first year that I got into BF we had a family get together in suburban Chicago and last year I went to stores in Long Island, relatively near home. This year will be the first time that I combine a return trip to Texas with BF (in western Ft. Worth and Weatherford).
gisellerol Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 Hello, my name is Giselle and I have been married for 8 years and have 3 great kids ages 10,8,6. I have been doing black friday for the past 7 years and I am so looking forward to it this year I just recently moved to long Island NY and my entire family goes shopping on black friday so instead of being alone I have tons of people to go with this year, so that should be lots of fun
GINAPHEE Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Hello Everyone My name is Gina mother of a beautiful 4 year old little girl and fun anut and godmother to many. I have been doing "Black Friday" for about 8 years now and LOVE IT!! I'm looking forward to the great sales this year. My friends and I are making our plans and have been watching the ads for months now:eyepoppin
chong67 Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Thats the last time I was back here. Welcome, chong67. You last visited: 11-9-2007 at 9:59 PM Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 0 I guess its the season and I am ready.
maggie329 Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Hi my name is Maggie and I live in south Florida also. My question is What if you buy the item before hand and then bring it back for refund because it is on sale on black friday and you are there when the store opens. Has anyone done that before. thank you
dawnelise0004 Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Hi everyone! My name is Deanna. I am 27 and live in Lewisville, NC. I've been married for 5 years to my husband Dave, and we have 3 kids and soon to have a dog as well :) I'm a stay at home mom. I grew up in the Winston-Salem area of NC, and my husband is originally from La Plata, MD. We met in Roanoke, VA and lived there up until April 2007. We moved to Clemmons, NC to a house we really loved, but our home was hit by a tornado in May of this year so we had to move to the house we live in now. Besides shopping and Black Friday, other things I enjoy are genealogy, reading, and World of Warcraft. I am starting school in January to work on my Associates in Business Administration (International Business). I've done Black Friday for 5 years I think and it's gotten a little more obsessive for me each year. I mostly buy for my kids and husband, but occasionally pick stuff up for other family or friends. I think my favorite things about BF are 1) that rush you get during the wait - kinda like Christmas morning as a kid when you are waiting for all the adults to get their coffee fixed and such so you can start tearing into presents 2) having 36 hours of ME time, to be with my friends and aunts to just shop and have adult conversation and 3) BF and Thanksgiving for me are kind of the "start" of the Christmas season for me - it always gets me in the Christmas mood.
jmyersfl Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 My name is Joanmarie and I live in the Tampa Bay area. Married forever to the best guy ever. 3 children ds26, dd14 and ds 10. DS26 and wife gave us our 1st grandchild in August. I work at home part time and have been at SAHM mostly. I worked outside the house while putting hubby thru school. We are truly lucky that 1 of us has always been home with the kids. I have gone out on BF since the 80s (Yikes). Started with my Mom, now deceased, so now I go it alone. Hubby always complained I bought too much and then 1 year I said I wasn't going and he was upset that I would miss the good sales. Go figure! I am online most of the day and Gottadeal.com is always an open page. I use it all year. My in-laws are always amazed when I tell them how much I paid for something-gotta brag about gottadeal.
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