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XBOX-360 Question

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I'm wondering what the general consensus is.....think this item will be hard to find the closer it get's to Christmas??? My son just announced he'd like this. I can swing it w/ our next- next paycheck. But it's not until around the 10th of December. So, is this going to be hard to come by???? I was looking at that arcade version they have.
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You can save your games with the arcade because it comes with a memory card. You may have to go to 3 stores but you should be able to get one closer to christmas. What about putting one away on layaway (if anywhere still has it)? amazon should have them in stock too. And if you order close to christmas you can just do the amazon prime free trial for 2 day shipping.
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My son really wants one of these also. Can someone PLEASE help me on this ... is it true that the "core system" (such as the arcade) will not play orginal xbox games? It is important that it will because my son wants this for Halo 3 and he owns 1 & 2 already. Thanks fo all of your help!!!
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You need to have the system that includes the hard drive in order to play the original Xbox games or downloadable Xbox Live arcade games - you'd also need it to download any demos of games that are offered on Live.


You CAN use the memory cards to save some data (game saves, etc.) if you're using a system without a HD, but they are very limited in size and would probably prove to be a waste of money in the long run.


Remember, though, that the basic system itself is identical as far as the Arcade/Core/Pro name goes - they've just trimmed the retail price by removing the HD from the cheaper configuration. If you buy a cheaper version for now, you can add the HD to it later - it just plugs into the side of the Xbox.


I have the system with a 20gb HD, and with all of the content available on Live (even at the free "silver" subscription level) I cannot imagine trying to fully enjoy the system without it...

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You need to have the system that includes the hard drive in order to play the original Xbox games or downloadable Xbox Live arcade games - you'd also need it to download any demos of games that are offered on Live.


You CAN use the memory cards to save some data (game saves, etc.) if you're using a system without a HD, but they are very limited in size and would probably prove to be a waste of money in the long run.


Remember, though, that the basic system itself is identical as far as the Arcade/Core/Pro name goes - they've just trimmed the retail price by removing the HD from the cheaper configuration. If you buy a cheaper version for now, you can add the HD to it later - it just plugs into the side of the Xbox.


I have the system with a 20gb HD, and with all of the content available on Live (even at the free "silver" subscription level) I cannot imagine trying to fully enjoy the system without it...

Thanks! Okay .. So I have to get the one with the HD. I am so glad my son said something! I would have for sure went wrong on this. He loves his Xbox halo games and would want them on 360 also .. and YES, he does want to be on LIVE also. I didn't realize there was a free version of that. I will have to figure out how to get his xbox ready for it! Thanks so much.

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Okay- my son always had PS's so we have no former Xbox games- so I wasn't worried about it playing older games. Really he just wants it to be able to play games he buy's. He won't get into downloading them or anything like that. Considering he'll want something new in a year or so- I'm thinking the arcade style might be my best option?????
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If you're not using the Xbox Live service, you'll probably be OK for a while with no HD. FYI, some games require the HD - but they should have it labelled as such on the game packaging. Just keep in mind that he'll need space on the memory card unit for any saved games. Check with a sales person when you buy the system to be sure there is enough space on those for a few game saves so he won't lose progress on anything he's playing.
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Buy.com has refurbished Xbox 360's right now for $309.95. Shipping is free. There are a couple of different ways of getting $10 (total, not 10 + 10) off of that, and if you apply for a Buy.com credit card (and get approved), you can get $30 off.
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Does the "Premium" distinction indicate both the hard drive and high def? Does it indicate any other benefits or none of the above? (So much to learn and so little time.) Thanks.

yes wireless controller. a actual hdmi port.


I wouldn't touch the core or arcade system with a ten foot pole and I've owned 2 premium systems happily.


Oh another note make sure that on xmas when your kid sets it up that he places it on a surface that is preferably hard (where air can go under the system, as in not on a table cloth since the cloth would block air flow) and well ventilated due to the fact that 360's are known for overheating. I never set mine in the upright position until I had a fan stand. A fan stand is definately a good purchase to throw in for piece of mind. If you get the ring of death (three red lights) shut off system asap and leave it alone for a couple of hours (until it cools) before messing with it. PM me for any questions I'll be able to help.

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We are big 360 users. Get one with the Hard Drive, the memory cards are too expensive. Our regular 360 unit lasted 2 years had to send it in to Microsoft(thank god for the 3 yr warranty) and decided to buy an elite model, big mistake! Went through 2 in less than 2 weeks and returned it(first one sounded funny after 2 days, 2nd one dvd drive quit reading) We bought the extended warranty thru Best Buy, so if at anytime w/i 2 years something happens you can just swap it out at the store instead of waiting 3 weeks for the turn around thru the mail/microsoft. Get the xbox 360 premium model, it has a hard drive and is proving more successful! Good luck! I wish this model they just sent to us had the warranty thru best buy that we had to return with the elite....oh well..
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