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As of 12/17/04, how much have you spent on Christmas presents?

As of 12/17/04, how much have you spent on Christmas presents?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. As of 12/17/04, how much have you spent on Christmas presents?

    • $0 - $100
    • $101 - $300
    • $301 - $700
    • $701 - $1,000
    • $1,001 - $1,500
    • $1,500+

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My other poll thread has received a fair amount of voters, so I thought I'd make a similar one about just how much people have spent on their presents so far (considering the majority of voters in my other thread are finished or almost finished).


If you're coming to this poll late, answer it as you would have on 12/17/04.



Guest Luckycharm
I am NOT done, have only gotten stuff on the net when I saw a deal and am planning on a blitz this next week, so far around $100, but will end up being around $600.........sigh.
0 and thats what it's staying at. i'm unemployed ATM and only like one person in this state i'd get a present for anyway but i'm still not. i'm feeling grinchy this year
Guest Luckycharm
Awwwwwwwww poor Bockchow! I hear ya on the feeling grinchy thing, but the kids must have presents or they will rebel against me!
As of right this moment, I have spent exactly $514.96 on 15 people ... No more than $200 for each child and DH. DD will have 24 gifts to open (most expensive was her My Size Barbie @ $29.75), DS will have 14 (most expensive was his massaging executive desk chair @ $77) and DH will have 20 (most expensive so far is his down comforter/duvet cover @ $47). I am VERY proud of myself this year!!!! :yelclap:

Im done! Last minute gifts have been bought. Stayed at 100 to 300 dollar range! :)


Now I just have to wrap them.


Procrastination! You are my drug of choice! :)


well just my family alone is at least 100, but i kept a strict 20 per person budget because of limited funds. same goes for close friends. the only person i semi splurged on was the BF, because he wanted this box set of a korean drama and well, THOSE THINGS AREN'T CHEAP!


(and the english subtitles are horrible... engrish to the max.)

Ok Well now add the laptop my DH just got our oldest you can just put me in the over $1500 range. Probably double that and it's about right. I figured since my DH got the laptop for our oldest then I would go out and get our youngest his own XBox with the Halos to go with it. When I got home and told him he just laughed at me. I think he figured I do something like that! Oh yea also got the little bugger the Sims 2 for the computer he wanted.

Not proud of myself...I would say in all I spent $2500. That is for my 3 kids (average $300 a piece), DH, my parents, his parents, our 10 nieces and nephews, 5 aunts and uncles, my 5 brothers and sisters and their other halves, the mailman, teachers, treat bags for the kids in DD's class...and that includes money missing from our acct that DH is using to buy me something.


I spent way too much. My kids are getting way too much. I did give to alot of charities and was glad that I was able to this year.


I figure, the bottom could fall out tomorrow..at least my kids will have a memory of one spectacular Christmas.


Im not counting our new tv and home theatre system. That is our anniversary gift :)

  kchurch79 said:

motoXmom... will you adopt me???

LOL Sure come on over!! You may have to wrestle my 8 yr old for anything of his! Especially the XBox, Halos and Sims 2 for the computer. Those will be like gold to him!LOL

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