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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2007


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I can't say for sure how this poster did it...but you just search out mystery company sites that are hiring in your area. volition has a great list of legit sites, that was where I started out. I don't do a ton of mystery shopping anymore, tend to focus more on my surveys as well as those are bringing me in about $500 a month as well.

For those of you interested in this topic, let me highly recommend the website mom-mom.com. Just an independent gal up in Northern California who has taken the time to create a HUGE listing of mystery shopping companies that are legitimate. Look under Making Extra Money, then click on Mystery Shopping. The listings are in sections alphabetically.


My advice to anyone interested in the field is to sign up with as many companies as you can stand to (filling out application after application). It took about 6 months before I started getting regular offers by email. The reason for signing up with so many companies is simply to get on the lists of those who might have contracts with companies in your area. This changes all the time. A company may be doing Starbucks this year, then lose the contract to another company next year. The only legitimate group I know of to pay anything to with regard to mystery shopping is the MSPA (mystery shopping providers assn) which certifies shoppers qualifications. Most companies don't require this, but some will give preference to shoppers with a Silver or Gold certification, or will give them first shot at the jobs.


I've made about $500/month for the last 8 years doing this on the side since my kids are small. I could have made more if I wanted to spend the time on it. There are a LOT of jobs out there. It just depends on what you want to accept.


If anyone has questions I can answer, I'll be happy to respond to PMs.


Sorry for the side trip here, but thought I'd answer.

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I Just got back from Target. I found a few good deals. I found the Pirates of the Caribbean bedding on clearance I got the twin comforter for 16.48 and the Pirates of the Caribbean sheets for 13.98.I also found one of those mp3 showercast for 3.74
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Went to my Target yesterday. Heres what I bought on clearance:


Girls skorts- $4 (could have waited for more of a discount, but thats 50% off and good enough for me for next school year- Got aqua blue, hot pink, khaki, and black)

Girls swimsuit cover dress - $3.24 75% off

Girls purses $2.24 75% off (bought a white one for my daughters birthday and a brown and black one for gifts for christmas).


Trident gum .24 down from $1.09 (bought the entire box that was left- around 8 of them) Sugar free too so thats great for the kids


Solo cups and plates- $2.12 each and I used the coupon from Sundays paper- buy 2 Solo products and get $1 off.


Fruit roll ups were on clearance for $1.68 and used coupons from Boodle.com for $1 off each. Bought the last 2 they had (only fruit punch was on clearance)


Macoroni and Beef and spaghetti and meatballs canned dinners- clearanced to .48 each. Bought all they had (5 cans). Great for quick dinners or lunches when Im busy. lol


SpongeBob Pjs for girls- $3.24 75% off


Gigi Pets electronic game for christmas for my daughter- $11. She wanted this last christmas, but I wasn't paying $27!! Now just have to buy a couple other gigi pets seperately (comes with one only)


Im sure theres more, but I can't think of them. LOL. Tons of stuff I bought yesterday and 90% of it was clearanced. Cashier couldn't believe some of my finds.

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This is not related to savings but could be? What does code yellow mean in a target over there radios? I heard itthe other night when i was in there saving over $70 with target coupons and mfg coupons

A code yellow is when a parent is missing their child.




For those who are looking for the other seasons that are on price cut, I won't be able to get a list until Friday.

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send me your email and I will send it to you that way.

Thank you so much for the link. I thought maybe I was trying too hard....I don't know why, but even in the PM the word to replace the *****s never came up - it was only showing ****s... Finally got it though. Thank you so much!

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Anyone know the next time Target is doing a fairly large baby markdown? I really could use a few things (swing, blankets, sleepers, etc). thanks!

I could be wrong, but I think it will be August-ish. Seems like that was what they did last year. Maybe as early as July, but I am 90% sure it comes right after summer toy clearance. Maybe even some partial overlap.

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I had a nice find today... It was the Power Wheels ride on (Diego character)-- $72.99 marked down to $18.24. I think these were marked down a little while ago, but I found it in with the other ride ons back in toys. I have had good luck in the past finding those bigger sized things up high on a shelf with their regular priced friends. A year ago, I found a Step 2 wagon for $12.50 that way as well. They can be sort of oversized for the end shelves, so sometimes workers just stock them in with the other big sized toys. Not much else though. My 16 month old will love the ride on this summer, so I was happy.
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I picked up some silk flowers for 75% off, also the metal buckets/vase things were also 7% off. the flowers were from .74 to 1.49 and the buckets were 2.28. I'm going to put some together for a cheering up present for my sis. Also lots of clothes marked down. grabbed some shorts for 3.24. and archer peanut-butter cups were clearanced at 1.58.
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Found pjs for my boys at 75% off-$3. something. I was so lucky to be there when one of the associates was marking down the toys that are on clearance. So found the ATM machine for $4.98 (75%off). I also found the kites for 75%off like the previous poster. These kites were for $1.48 other, fancier kites were for $2. something. There were quite a bit of toys 75% off.


Also, found some pillow cases wrapped up w/some clear plastic and had a little piece of paper that said something to the effect "need dcpi " or something like that. So when I went to pay I asked the cashier how much it was, it took them FOREVER to give me a price. I wasn't upset about it though, my twin boys were patient and not crying. So when they came back w/the price of $7.99 I told them no thanks, that was too much for me. One of the managers or higher up than the cashier, was going to give me an extra 10% off but that was only $.80. So I said no thanks. A minute later or so she came back and gave me a certificate for $3 off whatever I want for being patient and waiting and the inconvinience. So moral of the story: be nice, pick it up even if it doesn't have a price, be patient, and who knows you might get rewarded in one way or another. :)

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I picked up 4 kytes @ 75% off today!!!! A bunch of toys were at 75% too !!!

I got some neat kites, too. And a couple of cool gliders that look like dragons. I didn't see any other toys 75% off, though, what else did you see? I was hoping for the Test Tube Aliens, at least, or the Batman Legos (only at 50%), but didn't see anything.

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I was so lucky to be there when one of the associates was marking down the toys that are on clearance. So found the ATM machine for $4.98 (75%off).



My son has been wanting one of those ATM forever, do you have a DCPI by any chance?? thanks:) I refused to pay $20 for something that will end up in the toy donation box a month from now LOL

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Found pjs for my boys at 75% off-$3. something. I was so lucky to be there when one of the associates was marking down the toys that are on clearance. So found the ATM machine for $4.98 (75%off).




My son has been wanting one of those ATM forever, do you have a DCPI by any chance?? thanks :) I refused to pay $20 for something that will end up in the toy donation box a month from now LOL

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I seen the ATM machines too. But I just thought that no matter what price, it is a waste of money. My son has been waiting one too, but I'm just not going to tell him about it. I picked up one of the cool gliders that look like dragons and 3 kites. All together, under 10.00!
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I went to Target yesterday and I noticed the boy's 16 inch SpiderMan bikes (needs assembled) for 29.xx. They had quite a few left too. I also noticed all the SpiderMan 3 car accessories were marked down by 50%. Two pack of My Little Ponies were 3.98 too. Only a few of those left.
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I saw the Spider Man kid soft chairs @ 15% off today. Also keeping an eye on the Eddie Bauer picnic stuff still at 30% here.


2 Cranium Pop 5 games for $1.XX each used $5/1 on each

Dragon kite for $2.XX

3 curtain rods for $3.XX

Kid travel games like hungry hippo, battleship, connect four, candy land etc. marked $3.48 and used the $2/1 game board coupons from the paper a few weeks back so I bought 5 of them at $1.48 each.

Party tub marked down to $1.48 (to use for BBQs)

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I just got back and found a few deals. Got the paper towel deal and I love that one! Our crayola explosion thingys had went 50% off but had one left. It was missing the markers and the pack was ripped open but found the markers and everything was there so got it! Got more soda but they didn't have much I liked so got my brother some! They had some Buzz Lightyear dolls (about 6 inches tall) clearanced 90% off so got them for 64c each! Then my favorite deal was a 25lb roaster pan on sale that was originally (I think) 24 something on clearance for 3.14! (not sure if this was the same pan that was discussed a long time ago that I could never find or not?) Go tthe two pack of Johnsons buddies shampoo for kids for 99c with my 1.00 off coupon! I was so happy as I hadn't found any good deals yet! The bounty had me getting more paper towels than I need for a long time but hey, they were cheap! :eyepoppin:cheesy:
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Now if that was the clue last week, I wouldn't have been trying FAT MATTRESS...:lmao:

That's not as bad as me.....I didn't even look at the next few posts, so I totally missed the FAT and the WALLET....nicci emailed it to me - boy did I feel dumb when I looked back and saw those posts. Oh Well.



I am heading to Target today with my envelope full of coupons. Wish me luck! I will let you know if I get to use expired ones. I am new at these coupons and I have never even stacked coupons before.

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Found pjs for my boys at 75% off-$3. something. I was so lucky to be there when one of the associates was marking down the toys that are on clearance. So found the ATM machine for $4.98 (75%off).




My son has been wanting one of those ATM forever, do you have a DCPI by any chance?? thanks :) I refused to pay $20 for something that will end up in the toy donation box a month from now LOL


Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this. Looking at my receipt the numbers to the left of the ATM machine say 087020231, Ihope that is the DCPI. Also, just an FYI if you don't mind (and believe me I wish I had figured this out sooner), if you would like to quote someone's post, you look at their post and on the bottom right is a button that says "QUOTE". You click on that and the quote will appear towards the top and then you can write whatever you want after that. You can also delete whatever you don't need from that person's quote (post), it's ok too.

Nelly :)

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I had a nice find today... It was the Power Wheels ride on (Diego character)-- $72.99 marked down to $18.24. I think these were marked down a little while ago, but I found it in with the other ride ons back in toys. I have had good luck in the past finding those bigger sized things up high on a shelf with their regular priced friends. A year ago, I found a Step 2 wagon for $12.50 that way as well. They can be sort of oversized for the end shelves, so sometimes workers just stock them in with the other big sized toys. Not much else though. My 16 month old will love the ride on this summer, so I was happy.

do you have a picture of this- i'm looking online using hte dcpi someone else posted, and it brought up something taht looks like a tricycle, but doesn't say anything about power wheels. is this the right hting?

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Didn't find much today. Got 2 of the kites for 1.xx, got 2 Sunsilk shampoos for 1.04 (clearance price 2.54 and 1.50 mfr coupon), color wonder 4.98, glass bake set for 5.98(I think it was 75%..maybe 50?). Didn't see many toys marked down. There were a few Spiderman toys, Batman legos, buzzlightyear toy, and the kites.
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