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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2007


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I did pretty well at Target today. I actually found some things for less than marked, which I have never found there before!


68 inch grill cover - 9.08 (30%)

PSP game - 9.98

Incredibles Game Cube game - 7.98

Men's Merona Boxers 3 pack- marked to 3.98 from 9.99 rang up 1.98

They also have St. Patricks Day and Elmo/Sesame street stuff in the dollar spot.

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Our Target has the Global Bazaar as 30% off. Does anyone have any idea how long it usually is until the markdown goes to 50 or 75% off? There are some items I would like to get but hate to get them when I know they will be reduced again.

around here it is usually at 30% for at least 2 weeks, then at 50% for at least 2 weeks. Sometimes it goes a bit longer. Just be sure to figure out which day of the week they do the mark down (I think they did it yesterday here). That will likely be the same day of the week they do it next time. Sometimes they get ahead or behind on the schedule, but it gives you something to go on.

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Found the red wine fridge for $19.xx. It appeared out of no where - maybe a return.

They're finally marking down the Disney Mix Max's at one of my Targets, so check yours if they hadn't been marked down yet. Just went to 15% off. I'm hoping they'll make it to 75%this time!

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Wahhhhhh!!! I thought I had a good day at Target, but then it turned into a bad day!!! :(


I had gotten at one store a little YuGiOh pricing guide and strategy book for my son. He is starting to put his YuGiOh cards on eBay so it was a great find for $1.48.


I also got a PS2 Real World Golf Game for $34.98 for my father in laws birthday...only 30% off, but something I think he will like. (I later found it at another target for $24.98 so I exchanged it and pocketed the $10+! )


So at next Target, I got a PSP game for $9.98, and a Disney Mix Max adapter cord for $7.48, and a few other little things. I also got two bookshelves on sale for $19.99 (I think they were a regular sale item and not clearance).


Buuuutttt... when I was loading the bookshelves in my car, i think i set my bag of stuff (about $25 worth) on the ground and forgot it there! .... waaaaahhhh!!! Merry Christmas to some Target parking lot peruser!


And then, to top it off, my transmission apparently decided that today was the day to go kaputz, so I had to barely make it home in 'limp mode'.... waaaaahhh!

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Yep. Also, if a set is missing an item or two, they will put an "As Is" sticker on it. For example, if a 3-piece set of pajamas is missing one of the pieces, the sticker will say "As Is-Missing 1 of 3".

I have had my eyes on TWO 5 inch digital photo frames that, I swear, have been on the clearance end-cap marked 'as-is' at about 20 or 25% off since before Christmas.... every single week, i trot them up to customer service, hoping to finally get someone who will mark them down. Nope. They just keep on putting it on the shelf, hoping some sucker will pay $125.96 for a 5 inch digital frame. Heck the things will be obsolete, by the time they ever decide to mark it down!

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around here it is usually at 30% for at least 2 weeks, then at 50% for at least 2 weeks. Sometimes it goes a bit longer. Just be sure to figure out which day of the week they do the mark down (I think they did it yesterday here). That will likely be the same day of the week they do it next time. Sometimes they get ahead or behind on the schedule, but it gives you something to go on.

Thanks--I will definitely watch for it. I may have to break down and buy what I want before the next markdown if the stock starts getting low.

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Hi, I just joined after googling target clearance schedule and found there are others obsessed with this :).


I LOVE the World Market stuff they put out each Jan-Feb. One year I happened upon it the morning it went 75% and got steals on stuff I absolutely love.


How can I anticipate when this will happen this year and be there bright and early? It's 30% off right now and I know they try to get it out of there sometime by/in March to put out the spring/summer pool/garden stuff.


Any advice? I have my eye on several things!



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Braun Thermoscan ear thermometer for $9.xx marked down from $39.99. :)

Thanks so much for the head up on this one. I almost forgot to check for it ,but I managed to get mine for $7.48 today. The same model, but in a different package was still $38.xx.

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I found a 9" kawasaki portable dvd player that was on an end cap...scanned it $0.00 so I tried taking it to a guy who looked pretty bored in electronics and asked about it...he said it is either going back as salvage to the manufacturer or I could buy it for $89.99 which was regular price or half off or some such thing...I left it there...was hoping to get it cheaper...maybe I should have just bought it!! It was probably $200 originally!
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Buuuutttt... when I was loading the bookshelves in my car, i think i set my bag of stuff (about $25 worth) on the ground and forgot it there! .... waaaaahhhh!!! Merry Christmas to some Target parking lot peruser!


Well, nothing to do about the transmission - my sympathies - but you should at least call the store on the off chance that some good Samaritan turned it in. I would turn it in to Customer Service if I found it, so it is worth a shot. Or maybe the cart attendant found it. Worth a shot.

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Thanks so much for the head up on this one. I almost forgot to check for it ,but I managed to get mine for $7.48 today. The same model, but in a different package was still $38.xx.

Are these thermometers you are finding marked as sale? The reason I ask is I only saw them marked down at one store so wasn't sure if they are in with the regular ones or if you are finding them in the clearance section and maybe our stores are just sold out?

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Are these thermometers you are finding marked as sale? The reason I ask is I only saw them marked down at one store so wasn't sure if they are in with the regular ones or if you are finding them in the clearance section and maybe our stores are just sold out?

I found mine, hidden behind some others items, on a clearence endcap.

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Hi, I just joined after googling target clearance schedule and found there are others obsessed with this :).

Welcome to the GottaDeal forums, Joy!


I LOVE the World Market stuff they put out each Jan-Feb. One year I happened upon it the morning it went 75% and got steals on stuff I absolutely love.


How can I anticipate when this will happen this year and be there bright and early? It's 30% off right now and I know they try to get it out of there sometime by/in March to put out the spring/summer pool/garden stuff.


Any advice? I have my eye on several things!



around here it is usually at 30% for at least 2 weeks, then at 50% for at least 2 weeks. Sometimes it goes a bit longer. Just be sure to figure out which day of the week they do the mark down (I think they did it yesterday here). That will likely be the same day of the week they do it next time. Sometimes they get ahead or behind on the schedule, but it gives you something to go on.

I believe it was either becca or childofsolitude (but may have been Rockfordmom...) who told us they saw that the Global Bazaar was being reset on February 18th. Since it's already 30% off, I would assume it's following the seasonal mark down schedule, and may go 50% off on Monday, 75% off on Thursday, and 90% off the day it's reset, Sunday the 18th.


This is all speculation on my part though.

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Are these thermometers you are finding marked as sale? The reason I ask is I only saw them marked down at one store so wasn't sure if they are in with the regular ones or if you are finding them in the clearance section and maybe our stores are just sold out?

Mine was in the same section as all thermometers and was actually hanging under the regular priced tag. It was not tagged clearance or anything. There was a total of three different thermometers there (two same model, but different package) so it may be slim pickings.

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Sunshine, I agree with everyone and I would call and see if anyone turned it in(if you havent already). I might even try to call a couple of times. I did this one time at Walmart and on my 3rd phone call they found it! Someone had put it in a strange place so the other workers were not finding it when I called. (of course I am not real sure what compelled me to call again after the first time but I am glad I did) :)
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Thank you everybody! :) You all have cheered me a bit ... They say it comes in threes: this morning the icemaker stopped, lost my target bag/transmission issues, now my new digital camera shutter button is not working. So I already passed 3 and hopefully am not on my way to 6. Oh well,,,there will be those days....


I did call the store and the chick at customer service just kept telling me i had to bring my receipt to the store and then they would check their 'list'... about 15 miles ... and I can't because of my transmission. I kept asking her if she could just pleeeeaaasssseeee check 'the list' for me, and finally, exasperated, she said "oh, fine! hang on." Well, I hung on for over 15 minutes until she finally came back and actually said she forgot me. So then about 6 minutes later she comes back and said it had not been turned in.


But since this is a shopping forum, and we have been warned by Brad, I won't go any more into the customer service issue or lack of...


On a shopping note, I completely forgot to look for the thermometer!!! Since my kids are past the baby stage, I tend to avoid that area like the plague ... it brings back horrible memories of sleepless nights, baby spit up, and dirty diapers... But I really do need a new thermometer and I wish I had scored one or at least looked for it.


I need to start making a Target 'list'.

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Curious about target V-day stuff, saw some cute gifts that could work throughout the year. Do they clearance it on v-day or after? don't want to miss it!

the day after it will go 50%. The schedule is generally:


50% off day 1-3 after holiday.

75% off some on day 3, most on day 4-6, post holiday

90% off on day 6 or 7 after holiday for 2 days.


I love to buy the post holiday stuff for my boy's birthdays. I usually get some good candy and/or toys for party bags. Candy is great from v-day since they both have birthdays within a short time afterwards.

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I believe it was either becca or childofsolitude (but may have been Rockfordmom...) who told us they saw that the Global Bazaar was being reset on February 18th. Since it's already 30% off, I would assume it's following the seasonal mark down schedule, and may go 50% off on Monday, 75% off on Thursday, and 90% off the day it's reset, Sunday the 18th.


This is all speculation on my part though.

Thanks! So it may be reduced all week long? They don't change the price just once a week? I noticed in this thread it says housewares are reduced on Thursdays, so I guess I assumed it would be reduced each Thursday.


Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise, I'll plan to be there at some point this week! Another Target stalker in the making!



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