aidansmommy Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Rogersx4, How weird that we both live in Kernersville and have Aidans! I was at the Kernersville store this morning and they were consolidating some of the clearance toys from near the seasonal into the aisles over by toys that had clearance. I am hoping that means tomorrow is the big markdown. I have been to the Wendover Target and the High Point Target in the last week and their prices were not nearly as good as the Kernersville store. I just don't want to miss it! I am going in the morning when they open just in case. Maybe I will see you there!
theboyzmom Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 that robot bug is one of the things I'm hoping for too...sad thing is though that our Target only has one, otherwise I'd buy it then buy another when it gets reduced...
gr8teacher Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 theboyzmom said: that robot bug is one of the things I'm hoping for too...sad thing is though that our Target only has one, otherwise I'd buy it then buy another when it gets reduced...Yeah that is too bad....the Target I went to had only the one too I hope you get one as well! It does seem like something my boy who's 9 would like :)
megnsamsgrace Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 I was hoping to score some stuff at 90% off but didnt get much... there IS some Christmas stuff left but not much. I couldnt even scan because the scanners were "out of service". There were no juices But I DID score 3 of the Cascades for $1.25 each. They were with Christmas stuff (snowman on them) but rang up $12.49... I asked the cashier ( I did purposely look for one who looked like she wouldnt argue with me) if they were christmas clearnaced for 90% off... she saw the snowman and said yeah they should be... so I got all 3. No air fresheners or candles left. Some toys were 50% off, some 30%. I want to get the Cabbage Patch with the baby sister but they were only 30%. We did have several Barbie laptops in stock. Lots of the Kidz Kool toys... lots of superman stuff.. but most of the toys were 30% off... very little was 50% off.
JayDouble Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Picked up some 75% off toys at Pico Rivara, CA Target. The employess were just marking them down when I got there at 12.
donquijote Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 All three of the Targets in Northern Utah are cleaned out. I went to one of the Targets and asked an associate in toys if they were having the 75% toy clearance today. She said that it wasn't until Thursday or Friday. When I called back to the same store another associate told me that the 75% off was today and that they are cleaned out. Luckily, my wife just happen to be at another Target this morning and scored a few deals amongst the melee. She said that there were women with several carts each full of toys.
kristie4 Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Will someone please tell what to look for in these juices. I was there today and strolled down the juice aisle and didn't see anything for .69c. Just bonus packs. What brand is it?
lecomptek Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 All the Christmas merchandise was gone at my Target today. The toys have not been marked down.
libby82 Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 the juices are the minute maid 10 packs in apple and fruit punch the tag wont say .69 cents they will scan that much if you can find them i went to 2 targets today and had no luck hope this helps
jpbradbury Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 The juice for 69c is the Minute Maid 10 pack, not the 15 pack. I found some toward the back of the shelf.
cari_h Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 The 10 pack of MM juice was reg. price at Target last night.
blssed2bme Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Ok - So I thought about not getting the Barbie laptop but then I went to the Target close to my house and I couldn't resist. So after spending $100 (not including the $50 I spent this morning) I bought: A Bratz mobile phone set, 2 - wrist writer sets for making bracelets, 2 Bratz, another furreal friend, Naruto action figures, doodle bear markers, a rollup piano, a bella studio kit, several 100 pc puzzle sets and of course the laptop along with some other items. I try to spend about $100 for each of my 4 kids for Christmas and so far I'm just about done with their Christmas 2007. I love this website!!
kselzer Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I hit Target after work and left with a cart FULL! It was awesome. I got some moon shoes for $7.48, a Dancing Princess Barbie (Kelly size) for $2.48, two sets of outdoor solar lights for like $6.xx, a TMX Barbie for $4.98, chenille gloves for $2.08, and a scrapbooking embellishment $0.98. I also found the six packs of Mott's applesauce for like $1.50 regular price - that's a crazy price, lower than Walmart and the sale price of other grocery stores. I don't know why I don't look at the food area more, I usually find great prices. I wish they would build a SuperTarget near me. They're putting one in North Columbus area, but that's about 45 minutes from me, oh well.
1angelnhvn Posted January 11, 2007 Author Posted January 11, 2007 I did manage to get several things today! Wished I'd headed out sooner! Got the Fisher Price FP3 player, lots of Bratz Stuff, the Koby learning bear thingy, a my little pony styling parlor thingy, a big princess playhouse castle (this I got for 19.99 after 75% off so hope it's not junk-if so, it's going back), got some little dinosaur toys marked way down, several of the monster doodle bear key chains for trinket bags for my daughters upcoming b-day, bead sets and some other things I can't think of right now! Saw tons of the red and green cascade get tabs...guess they will have those forever.....I did run to my local target after work after hearing about the Butterscotch pony-the one they had was GONE! BOOO! All in all though, think I spent about 120$....all items 75 off so I saved big! I know my dh is going to kill me, but I did get alot for a little so it's ok, right?? HAHAHA! WHAT DEALS!!!!
mln51 Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I had a great night tonight....DH and I were in a hurry but we did get a light blue champion hoodie for me for 4.98, a beautiful wool coat for my brother for 14.98, and the best of the day....a firepit regular 129.99 for 34.98. I am so excited. They had another style too that was 17.98. Everything we bought was 75 off. I did hit the toys in hopes of getting some thing for my nephew but it was really picked over. They also had some mens 3 in 1 jackets for 14.98.
blssed2bme Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I just went back after seeing a post on here about the moon shoes. My boys wanted those so I had to get them. Two pair for $15. Great deal!
mamanuevo Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 mf47960 said: I just went to my Target and they had marked ALL the clearance toys to 75% off! A little of what i got was a Bratz Digital Camera or Camcorder (not sure didnt look to closely!) $19.98 (orignally $80), Bratz little babies $2.24 each, Bratz Diamonds $4.98 each, Dora house $12.48!! That made me so happy!! Bratz Cd player, walkman type $7.48, barbie computer $11.24, superman computer $12.48, my little pony in the walker $6.24 and so other stuff. All together I spent $170, but left with two carts full of stuff!!!Just my luck! I have been to target everyday since the day after christmas, and I take one day off to clean my house and I missed my favorite sale!!!
atisikitabasket Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I picked up a motion glider for baby's room for $49.98 reg $199.99 they too had the fire pits for $17.98 but I didn't need one I did get the ESPN football game for $34.98. I really need the ottoman that goes with the glider the one they had yesterday was gone. Darn it. If anyone sees it let me know it is white with khaki kinda padding. ___How much was the FP# Player's going for?
supershopper1 Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 N.E. Ohio Went tonight still 30-50% off. Scanned the clearance section of toys. Should I be checking other toy isles not marked with red tags??
theboyzmom Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 number one rule for Target shopping...if it's something you are interested in, scan it! I knew from this list that the Candyland DVD game was clearanced, but it wasn't marked and wasn't in with the clearance stuff at our store...but it scanned with a clearance price :)
mjvargas Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Wahhh!!! I take a day off and all stores go to 75%.....anyone here from the DFW area? Please tell me I did not miss out.
bella_4624_19 Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Melbourne, Fl toys are 75%. There isn't too much left but I would still check it out. I got all the spiderman stuff for under $10 and I was able to get the doodle monster for under $3. I got a ton of stuff and was completely happy with everything that I bought.
sfven Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 The three Target stores in the Orlando area I went to were 75% off, but by the afternoon when I got there, they were pretty picked over. I did manage to get a Weebles castle for $8.74 and use a $5 Playskool coupon that came inside a Christmas toy. Yipeee!!!
tavera Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Went to Target today in Georgia - still at 30% off on the toys
KC-Traderbear Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 To everyone who found those Butterscotch Fur Real ponies--- CONGRATS! I picked one up at 1/2 price for my daughter's birthday and it is THE cutest thing. I was happy with the value at 50% off, but to get it for 75% off is a GREAT deal. Nicely Done!! I ran all over the city yesterday trying to hit the markdown teams. Got lucky at 2 Targets with the pricers IN the aisle. One aisle was closed for a little bit while they finished up. All of us anxious mom's taping our watches waiting to get in. Fortunately, it wasn't much of a wait at all. The other gal was by herself and was really nice about stickering stuff that she hadn't gotten to yet. I found a lot of what I bought at 1/2 price, so I will be returning a lot of what I just bought a week or so ago. Here's what I found... Remote Control John Deere Tractor reg. $130 ($32.xx) Spark Art Table reg. $70 ($17.xx) Lots of 12 Dancing Princess Barbie items (castle, dolls, playsets) the castle was reg 65 down to $16.xx) A huge Little People Zoo alphabet playmat thing with 26 little people animals (letters of the alphabet) reg $40 down to $9.64 Barbie horse stying head reg. $36 down to $8.xx Play Doh creativity table reg. $30 down to $7.50 Weebles castle reg. $32 down to $8.xx (also used one of my Thanksgiving toy coupons from the Target toy book in Nov and got another $5 off)-- I completely forgot to use the $5 coupon on the play doh table --RATS) Found Leap Frog Letters in a Line game for $3.74; used the toy coupon for buy that game and get a free Leap Frog game so I got a Leap Frog card game for $5.99 FREE. Got the Little Mommy Toddler doll reg. $50 down to $13.xx); triplets dolls reg. $20 down to $5 and Little Mommy Twin stroller and Play yard too. Found lots more (too much as my husband would say), but these are the highlights. Kids are all set for birthdays and next Christmas for sure. Good luck on toy finds. Remember to scan! I went to one Target in the evening and although the toy clearance aisle was licked clean, I found lots of stuff laying in the regular aisles-- some wasn't stickered at all, some was still just stickered at 30%. It always helps to either be familiar with what was a Christmas toy or read this forum so you know what to watch for! Also, I've found this is the time of year when toys jump from 30% straight to 75% off.
lovlycruzr Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I went yesterday after work to the Miramar, FL store and it was definitely picked through! The signs still said 30%, but most items were marked 75%. You guys have taught me this bday/easter gift stocking up theory. DH asked if Target was my "home" on the way home from work! Yep! I got Cranium Crazy Cap for $3.XX, National Geo T-Rex Battle for $4.XX & Dino Excavator for $3.XX (thank you to whoever said that was like the Operation game). Roll up Piano for $12.XX (originally 50!), Deluxe Power Rangers costume for $6.XX, Dinosaur Friends $1.XX, Kaleidoscopes $.99 that I will use for Easter baskets, Magnet Building Animals $1.XX. I did see one My first Leappad, but my youngest is too old for that. There were still a bunch of the My Little Pony Houses for $14.XX, Superman stuff, Bratz bride/groom. My big deal was the Thomas Holiday Trains. Thank you for teaching me how to deal with the cashiers.... They were still scanning regular price at $11.XX and I innocently asked "Aren't these on clearance since they are holiday?". Mind you, they were in the regular Thomas area. She called for price check, and they said it was regular price. I said that I had seen them on sale with the clearance sticker before and after 3 Target personnel conferenced among themselves, they told the cashier to give them to me at 90% off!!!! I then asked if I could get more and I got the last 3! Whoo-hoo!! I went back to candles and actually found one with a red cap and was so excited, but it scanned regular price. Drat! The cashier wouldn't budge with that one. No juices here - checked behind all the 15 packs.
sadmom5 Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I scored one of the firepiys for 17.94 and it came with a bonus bench!!also picked up a great pair of shoes for only 4.94. alot of shoes were 75% off
theboyzmom Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 going back today....crossing fingers, toes, legs...need more deals!!!!
Gator Pam Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I just found this out today. Useful if you don't have a printer to print off the generator Target coupons... You can print coupons *in* Target -- at the bridal/baby registry computer -- go to -- SuperTarget coupons -- hit PRINT -- so you use Target's paper and ink . Remember, the SuperTarget web coupons are valid at all Targets, as long as the store has the merchandise in stock. Does Target take competitors coupons? I can't remember. If so, Publix has a coupon booklet out, sponsired by Inside is a coupon for $1.00 of any Motts applesauce product. I will definitely try to use it on those $1.50 applesauce cups.
guardado4 Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Yesterday, like most of you, my hubby hit Target and scored on the 75% off toys. He called and said that I hit the one near my office on the way home. I stopped and was dissapointed because the toys there were only 30%, but I hit the jackpot on clothes. Tons of ladies clothes were marked to 75%! Here are some of my bargains: Pink PJ pants $3.24 Mossimo Jeans $5.24 Merona Cardigans $4.98 (I bought as many colors as I could find) Merona Kakhis $4.98 Xhiliration drawstring sweats $4.98 Mossimo tank top $3.48 Pro Spirit workout tank tops $3.48 Pro Spirit Fleece hoodies $4.24 I was so happy! I walked out of there spending about $50 and got tons of clothes. I noticed that many of the items in the PJ area are only 30% right now, so I am going to check back on those in a few days. Happy shopping!!
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