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Wal-Mart says "Merry Christmas"


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Wal-Mart: We're not afraid to say Merry Christmas

No. 1 retailer has decided to abandon its generic 'Happy Holidays' greeting in favor of 'Merry Christmas.'

November 9 2006: 9:46 AM EST



NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Wal-Mart has told its employees that it's OK to once again greet shoppers by saying "Merry Christmas" this holiday season instead of the generic "Happy Holidays."


CNN confirmed that Wal-Mart will announce Thursday that it plans to use the phrase "Merry Christmas" in products and around its stores this holiday season.


The announcement comes a year after religious groups such as The American Family Association and The Catholic League boycotted retailers including Wal-Mart last holiday season for excluding the word "Christmas" from products sold in stores.


"We, quite frankly, have learned a lesson from last year," Wal-Mart spokeswoman Linda Blakley told USA Today in a separate report. "We're not afraid to use the term 'Merry Christmas.' We'll use it early, and we'll use it often."


Besides resurrecting its Christmas pitch, the retailer is also determined to be the leader in this year's holiday price wars.


The November-December holiday shopping period is a critical time for merchants since it can account for as much as 50 percent of their profits and sales.


To that end, Wal-Mart was the first out of the gate to chop prices on toys and electronics much ahead of its competitors like Target (Charts), Toys 'R Us, Costco (Charts) and others.


To support its Christmas deals, the report said Wal-Mart will launch TV ads next week that trumpet "Christmas." It's changing the name of its seasonal decorations department to "The Christmas Shop" from "The Holiday Shop."


Moreover, Wal-Mart stores will play Christmas carols throughout the holiday period and about 60 percent more merchandise will be labeled as "Christmas" rather than "holiday" items, the paper said.



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Everyone, Please keep this thread on topic and do not use it as a religious platform. That only leads to the dark side.


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Wow was it really that serious? :P


Yep. By some of the posts, it shows. Personally I could care less. I'm not there to be patted on the head, hehe. I'm there to shop. A generic Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, or Have a Nice Day, isn't important to me out of them. Just give a decent attitude, don't make me mad, and ring up my stuff when I'm ready to go. How about an article that says "Wal-Mart will have all registers running through Christmas to make checking out easier" instead of 4 out of 30 registers open.

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I wonder if this would cause sales to increase, decrase, or make no impact.



I don't think it will have any impact. I'm just glad they are letting people say what they want whether that it's Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or whatever else. Things are blown way out of proportion these days, IMO.

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Guest JeepMom

It's offensive to some people. It's rude to think it's not.


Sharing God is like sharing a sandwich, give them some if they want it, don't shove in down their throats if they don't.


What would you as a Christian think if everyone told you happy Chanukah? Happy Solstice?

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It's offensive to some people. It's rude to think it's not.


Sharing God is like sharing a sandwich, give them some if they want it, don't shove in down their throats if they don't.


What would you as a Christian think if everyone told you happy Chanukah? Happy Solstice?

sharing god is like sharing a sandwich! I love it!!!!

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It's offensive to some people. It's rude to think it's not.


Sharing God is like sharing a sandwich, give them some if they want it, don't shove in down their throats if they don't.


What would you as a Christian think if everyone told you happy Chanukah? Happy Solstice?

I don't get offended easily so if someone said happy chanukah I would just say "Same to you!"

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It's offensive to some people. It's rude to think it's not.


Sharing God is like sharing a sandwich, give them some if they want it, don't shove in down their throats if they don't.


What would you as a Christian think if everyone told you happy Chanukah? Happy Solstice?



I'd say thank you and the same to you. Some people just like to make a big deal out of something small.

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It's offensive to some people. It's rude to think it's not.


Sharing God is like sharing a sandwich, give them some if they want it, don't shove in down their throats if they don't.


What would you as a Christian think if everyone told you happy Chanukah? Happy Solstice?

I would smile and say thank you

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Personally, for me, it wasn't that hearing "Happy Holidays" was offensive, quite the contrary. It was the fact that an employee was supposedly not permitted to wish a customer "Merry Christmas" for fear that it may offend someone. Well in my opinion, not that it matters to any but myself, but if I am buying Christmas cards, Christmas wrapping paper and decorations, it would be pretty safe to say "Merry Christmas" If someone in ear shot does not celebrate Christmas, it shouldn't be a big deal b/c they were not being spoken too.


Hope that wasn't too much rambling and my point comes across in text.

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It's offensive to some people. It's rude to think it's not.


Sharing God is like sharing a sandwich, give them some if they want it, don't shove in down their throats if they don't.


What would you as a Christian think if everyone told you happy Chanukah? Happy Solstice?

I don't get offended. If someone said happy Chanukah, happy solstice, happy romadan, I would simply reply by saying 'Same to you'. How anyone can be offended by someone extending a greeting of any kind is ridiculous? Now adays if someone can at least aknowledge your presence without a dirty look or a bad word we should be happy (sad but true) ..... Too much PC :( and not enough politiness and common sense.:yup:


P.S.- Merry Christmas :D

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Guest JeepMom

Personally, for me, it wasn't that hearing "Happy Holidays" was offensive, quite the contrary. It was the fact that an employee was supposedly not permitted to wish a customer "Merry Christmas" for fear that it may offend someone. Well in my opinion, not that it matters to any but myself, but if I am buying Christmas cards, Christmas wrapping paper and decorations, it would be pretty safe to say "Merry Christmas" If someone in ear shot does not celebrate Christmas, it shouldn't be a big deal b/c they were not being spoken too.


Hope that wasn't too much rambling and my point comes across in text.

You make sense but shouldn't ASSume that. I buy generic holiday cards as our family has Christians, Jews, and others. I buy wrapping paper because Santa comes to my house. I buy holiday decor, just not a manger.


I don't get offended if someone tells me Merry Christmas but don't expect it back. You are likely to get a Happy Holidays back from me. ;)

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If someone were to tell me "Same to you" it'd almost sound a little defensive. I wish more people said something besides Merry Christmas. I havent had the chance to return a Happy Chanukkah yet but I cant wait to do so. Same with Kwanza and whatever Scientologists celebrate...I dunno...Happy Spaceship Day or something.


WalMart isnt standing any ground. They're trying to get customers back in who are "outraged" that Christmas isnt being said at other stores. If I were another store I dont think I'd want people who wouldnt tolerate the inclusion of Happy Holidays into the greeting shopping at my store.


Meh. It's a dumb debate.


The sad part is that it's a debate at all.

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